How would things operate in a continuum panorama with infinity´s flying around huh ??? You would n´t kill only Determinism and Causation, you would kill Logic itself...
...but lets imagine that you are right...give me "your" model...how is it that our world seams so consistent, so regular ??? and it does n´t really matter that it is more so on a macro scale, it still needs explanation...statistical probability ??? Probable on what account if nothing is ever to be reached ? if there is nothing fundamental to reach for ?
Is n ´t it far fetched to go on regularity´s alone ??? Regularity´s of what if nothing is there ? where is the event on a continuous panorama?
Would n´t be probable that this regularity´s failed drastically at some point ?
Its taking a long time so far...anyway enlighten me in lamer´s terms if you please sir !