@Night Ripper,
Night Ripper wrote:I notice you put "choose" in scare quotes. Is that because you couldn't do so otherwise without feeling completely ridiculous? A stone doesn't choose anything.
I am going to respond to your other post in a minute, I just wanted to give it the attention it deserves.
Yes, we do not use the term
choose when we speak about objects, because we understand why it happens, i.e. we know if we place a stone on the top of a hill it will roll down one side, and not the other, because of it's mass and where exactly it is placed and such. It's a physical motion. But when humans perform a motion, it is called a "choice", because we do not understand the exact physical properties of it, so there is room for "free will". If you (for the sake of the argument) think of people as robots, that merely react to physical stimuli they are confronted with, their motion is the same as the motion of a stone rolling down one side of a hill if placed on the top, just much more complicated. Therefore the term choose in quotes.
The point was that if making a "choice", or physical motion, proves free will, then stones have free will. Argumentum ad absurdum.