The bottom line on this thread aims straight to Being against non Being.
1 - Whatever I will do tomorrow it will certainly have a cause.
2 - the chain of causes amounts to the present today and to the past before it.
3 - All ensemble of causes lead to one event describable in an ensemble of consequences...
4 - knowing what I will do is a different matter, as I am part of the problem, once I cannot know the ensemble of all, causes in myself, in others, or in the world in general...(part of Being)
If we take the word "Physicallity" to describe what Being is (not to describe the nature of matter) and assume at this light that no future event will be without physical cause, same is to say that it
cannot emerge from nothingness, then this future event is already "potentiated" even if I/we cannot know its value...
In such case "Indeterminism" on a micro scale requires parallel Universes to be true, or some other quite similar explanation in an ensemble of possibilities that will amount to
one multi-event. Same is to say
ONE SET of opposite events that will be/are True !!!
NOTHING CAN EMERGE FROM NOTHING !!! = Necessary True value for what there is and will be.
---------- Post added 04-14-2010 at 09:02 AM ----------
So if it is True that tomorrow I can either use a yellow or blue shirt,
physically it is true that I
must use both in a parallel ensemble of reality's...such amounts to non classical Determinism.
On the contrary, if only one of this choices is referred by
I can, as true value, then classical determinism is True.
Modal fallacy is a fallacy !
(What it can happen remains in Being and
not out of it !!!)