@Night Ripper,
Night Ripper;147885 wrote:That is learned by experiment. So, it seems you were wrong when you claimed you didn't have to experiment.
Anyways, nothing physical is ever explained, only described. So, appealing to explanation won't help you. Consider the following two sentences.
Explanation: Water freezes at its freezing point because its molecules lose enough energy to stick together and form crystal lattices.
Description: Water freezes at its freezing point after and only after its molecules lose enough energy to stick together and form crystal lattices.
In the explanation, we have mysterious causation. In the description, we have correlation. Explanations work for people (intentional objects). I went to the store because I wanted milk. They don't work for physical objects.
But, in the former sentence we are told why water freezes, and that it is not just a coincidence. It the latter, for all we know, it is a coincidence. But we have been through all this before. The former sentence
implies that if the molecules did not lose enough energy to stick together and form crystal lattices the water would not freeze. But the latter sentence
does not imply that. And therefore, the two sentence do not mean the same thing, since one might be true and the other might be false.
But we have been through this before. The causal sentence supports a counterfactual, but the non-causal sentence does not.
If we see a dog smashed up after being hit by a car, and observe its liver, that is not called an "experiment".