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Marat phil
Reply Thu 29 Apr, 2010 03:30 am
Eudaimon;157823 wrote:
Lonely in the sense that they don't have sex? Ah, what a grief!Smile

Lonely in the sense that they don't have CHILDRENS.
Reply Thu 29 Apr, 2010 03:49 am
Eudaimon;157823 wrote:
First of all, I don't think that marriage is an outcome of love. Why is marriage necessary? What is marriage at all? I really don't understand what connexion it has with the pure love I am speaking about.
I asked a very simple question, if you are unable to answer it as all other questions I asked you it is because you are glaringly ignorent, and only have a very limited knowledge and understanding of the subject.

You have excelent rethorics, but that doesn't fool me, as it already have fooled another.
Reply Thu 29 Apr, 2010 06:58 am
Marat;157855 wrote:
Lonely in the sense that they don't have CHILDRENS.

So, whom they need women or children? I mean that children may be adopted, therefore where is here loneliness?
Besides that children are not the thing that makes life happy and one can pretty happily live without them.

HexHammer;157860 wrote:
I asked a very simple question, if you are unable to answer it as all other questions I asked you it is because you are glaringly ignorent, and only have a very limited knowledge and understanding of the subject.

You have excelent rethorics, but that doesn't fool me, as it already have fooled another.

Hex, I see there is misunderstanding of me on thy behalf. I am not going to exercise in rhetorics and don't have time for that. What I am saying is an attempt to convey what I ACTUALLY feel, so be quiet on this account.
I think I gave thee clear answer on thy "simple question". I really think that the reason people enter in conflict (divorcement in particular) with each other is that they don't have true love to one another. If thou art unsatisfied with that, please ask what directly is unclear in my respond.
Reply Thu 29 Apr, 2010 07:10 am
Eudaimon;157911 wrote:
Hex, I see there is misunderstanding of me on thy behalf. I am not going to exercise in rhetorics and don't have time for that. What I am saying is an attempt to convey what I ACTUALLY feel, so be quiet on this account.
I think I gave thee clear answer on thy "simple question". I really think that the reason people enter in conflict (divorcement in particular) with each other is that they don't have true love to one another. If thou art unsatisfied with that, please ask what directly is unclear in my respond.
There are nothing unclear in your respond, as you seemingly don't understand the concept of ignorence. I begin to think you just have a very distorted view on the whole matter.

This post doesn't change anything that I have stated earlier on your views.
Marat phil
Reply Thu 29 Apr, 2010 07:17 am
Eudaimon;157911 wrote:
So, whom they need women or children? I mean that children may be adopted, therefore where is here loneliness?
Besides that children are not the thing that makes life happy and one can pretty happily live without them.

Midlife crisis it is revaluation of vital values. If in 45 years you won't have your children you will compare itself to happy friends and outer peoples. And you will understand that remained the loser.
Reply Thu 29 Apr, 2010 10:56 pm
@Marat phil,
HexHammer;157916 wrote:
There are nothing unclear in your respond, as you seemingly don't understand the concept of ignorence. I begin to think you just have a very distorted view on the whole matter.

Yes, perhaps I do not understand the concept of ignorance. Try to explain what thou meanst thereby.
Reply Thu 29 Apr, 2010 11:19 pm
I have to say I have had a very successful professional career but as I get older my children appear to be the bigger and more enduring accomplishment in my life. I think this is not an uncommon experience for men as they age (relationships and family assume greater importance and significance).

As for pornography (no one ever caught a sexually transmitted disease or got pregnant) over the internet. So for the curious or the inclined it seems safer than the alternatives (excluding exploitation of minors or the unaware or unwilling of course).
Reply Fri 30 Apr, 2010 01:15 am
Eudaimon;158230 wrote:
Yes, perhaps I do not understand the concept of ignorance. Try to explain what thou meanst thereby.
Let's just say you imo know only 1/4 of all there is to know about love, then you go off assuming you know EVERYTHING about love, by that it would only be a matter of time before you would get sufficient knowledge about love to actually make some good result in providing advice ..etc.

..unfortunaly there's this thing as misconception, distorted thinking ..etc, which will prevent one from ever understanding more of given subject, that's why only so few becomes geniouses, because the majority are too stupid ..riddled with fauly thinking.
Reply Fri 30 Apr, 2010 07:25 am
@Marat phil,
HexHammer;158286 wrote:
Let's just say you imo know only 1/4 of all there is to know about love, then you go off assuming you know EVERYTHING about love, by that it would only be a matter of time before you would get sufficient knowledge about love to actually make some good result in providing advice ..etc.

..unfortunaly there's this thing as misconception, distorted thinking ..etc, which will prevent one from ever understanding more of given subject, that's why only so few becomes geniouses, because the majority are too stupid ..riddled with fauly thinking.

Well, if that's all what thou hast to say... I do not know what it means to know 1/4 or 1/17 of feeling, because feeling is not a phenomenon we can gain knowledge of. It's not like we sit around it and start anatomising that and one can say he knows what this organ is for. In our situation we can't even agree what we are talking about. I know what I'm speaking of and I describe that. If that's not what thou callst "love", then?.. Excuse my faulty thinking, o sage.

Marat;157921 wrote:
Midlife crisis it is revaluation of vital values. If in 45 years you won't have your children you will compare itself to happy friends and outer peoples. And you will understand that remained the loser.

What if in the midlife crisis, at the age of say 45, I suddenly realise that at the time when everybody was enjoying pornography, sex etc., I was fooling around with made up taboos and now I am impotent and feel like looser?
Reply Fri 30 Apr, 2010 08:03 am
Eudaimon;158392 wrote:
Well, if that's all what thou hast to say... I do not know what it means to know 1/4 or 1/17 of feeling, because feeling is not a phenomenon we can gain knowledge of. It's not like we sit around it and start anatomising that and one can say he knows what this organ is for. In our situation we can't even agree what we are talking about. I know what I'm speaking of and I describe that. If that's not what thou callst "love", then?.. Excuse my faulty thinking, o sage.
Reply Mon 3 May, 2010 09:37 pm
Khethil;111001 wrote:
Actually, he asked what might be the arguments for porn, not prostitution.

And in answer to that, I'm not sure a strong case could be made for it. Pornography takes visual and audio stimuli, which our species has a drive for, and seeks to capitalize on it monetarily. It taps into something very personal - right at the biological level - to snag some cash.

We've discussed the ethics of it, it's effects and the implications for both those 'performing' and those consuming, but I'm not sure I've ever seen this question asked like this. I'm curious to see any arguments for, as was asked.


It's amazing actually, how such a simple activity can make a culture obsessive over it. I mean literally, a women can just touch herself and there is the whole video , yet we find it so arousing for her to do so and ignoring that she's being used, even we are being used, degraded, etc. Throughout the post I haven't seen any one speak of the morals of this activity. pornography, but we are focused on freedom and rights. And it seems this is what society cares more about than what is moral. How can a society even progress, even more exist without some restrictions. But no we speak of what barriers can we break in order to defy what others believed and did in the past. What I mean is that there has to be some ground, some foundation for society to move forward or, because of rights, we will fall. You see our focus us more on what limits can the individual break but what about the whole population though. The decision of king is not based on the individual but on the whole country, well ay least a good king.
Reply Mon 3 May, 2010 10:10 pm
JPhil;159779 wrote:
It's amazing actually, how such a simple activity can make a culture obsessive over it. I mean literally, a women can just touch herself and there is the whole video , yet we find it so arousing for her to do so and ignoring that she's being used, even we are being used, degraded, etc. Throughout the post I haven't seen any one speak of the morals of this activity. pornography, but we are focused on freedom and rights. And it seems this is what society cares more about than what is moral. How can a society even progress, even more exist without some restrictions. But no we speak of what barriers can we break in order to defy what others believed and did in the past. What I mean is that there has to be some ground, some foundation for society to move forward or, because of rights, we will fall. You see our focus us more on what limits can the individual break but what about the whole population though. The decision of king is not based on the individual but on the whole country, well ay least a good king.
Uhmmm, I'm sure you know of the concept of nudism, is that a selfdegrading lifestyle? Should that be outlawed?
Some find porn a degrading buisness, but least in Denmark there's fortunaly more porn actresses that are pro porn, than anti porn speakers.

Why are we not allowed to exibit our body in excatly the way we want?
Reply Sun 9 May, 2010 06:08 am
HexHammer;159786 wrote:
Uhmmm, I'm sure you know of the concept of nudism, is that a selfdegrading lifestyle? Should that be outlawed?
Some find porn a degrading buisness, but least in Denmark there's fortunaly more porn actresses that are pro porn, than anti porn speakers.

Why are we not allowed to exibit our body in excatly the way we want?

Well it depends on how you are expressing and what it is. It's not that I want to fully limit peoples expression but I want to have discretion. Nudism, of which I'm surprised that there's a word for this, is not bad in it self but it depends on who's observing it. Really, why is being naked in front of your child not acceptable or rude. I mean what in the truth, does it matter that we limit anything, right? But you think of is what if everyone agreed not to have that limit, or to throw out those rules. What if the whole world agreed to do away with certain limits, then what will the world be. You see I'm not thinking of only my own likes but of the worse case scenario, the world.
Reply Sun 9 May, 2010 08:02 am
JPhil;162119 wrote:
I mean what in the truth, does it matter that we limit anything, right? But you think of is what if everyone agreed not to have that limit, or to throw out those rules. What if the whole world agreed to do away with certain limits, then what will the world be. You see I'm not thinking of only my own likes but of the worse case scenario, the world.
Maybe it's just the fear of uncertainty? Most of the world ban drunk driving, but in Spain I know they allow drunk driving just as long as it's very low speed and in the emergency lane. In Denmark we fear guns and weapons, but doesn't really care for swearing and cursing, where it's excat opposit in USA.

Imo the world will still presist, we will still be decent and honorable, just as long as we can formulate rules that can control the usage of certain things that pose a potential risk factor.
harlequin phil
Reply Wed 19 May, 2010 04:59 pm
awoelt;110552 wrote:
I am against porn. I know the argument against it. But i do not really understand the argument for it. Could anybody help me?:poke-eye:

4 the record i mean i think it is illogical to veiw porn. like red tube and playboy. that kind of ting

the argument for it? it's a pleasant way to spend some time. what is the argument for watching television, or playing tennis, or posting on internet forums?
Reply Fri 27 Aug, 2010 03:26 am
polpol wrote:

When we look at the history of pornography, we see clearly that it's getting heavier, more and more unacceptable, more disgusting and immoral. Since pornography sells what goes beyond mainstream morals and practices, the more society is permissive and morally liberated, the more porno must come up with more "singularities" to sell, since the consumer becomes more demanding. Has anyone seen any pictures from the earliest era of pornography?

Yeah, now I understand this fully. Today pornography stresses the most pathological aspects of sex. I used to call this egoism, but it appears to be even worse. Well, to hire prostitute for the sake of quenching lust is surely immoral, disgusting etc., but pornography goes even beyond this limits. Pornography does not represent even that animal behaviour, I've criticised here, it shows people whose life consists of looking for new ways to have sex, with others, with objects, animals etc. This is sort of mental illness, pathology which is being imposed onto growing generation.
Reply Thu 8 Nov, 2018 12:55 pm
Porn roughly equates with food*

November 9, 2018

*The difference is there are God's most sacred beings involved in porn; this fact accounts for most of the evil in it. Porn imagery is not evil, but that which it portrays involves evil in that all porn industry people are erring together. Seeing the good or inner beauty of the people involved protects one from the evil of the whole enterprise.

This piece:

~ is for porn fans or for people who may care for them.

~ is only for open-minded real people or the rare real philosophers.

~ is not meant for weaklings who presume to be philosophers -- i.e. babblers; quibblers; ego-defenders; glib one-line false wits who wish to exalt themselves above the stars of God by cleverly belittling others; impressive-barrage-of-meaningless-text launchers; and fabulously wise glib and specious implicit experts completely sold on themselves who enjoy superbly summarizing Life with a few words of intellectual gobbledy speak that turkeys might understand, then congratulating themselves heartily.

~ is not for pornstars, though I have loved a great many of them deeply.


To be for or against porn is pointless, like being for or against eating food. Porn's existence in the world is a manifestation of lovelessness (the incapacity to love others for their inner beauty), a tragic thing that is no one's fault but just a result of the enormous load of bad karma the human race has from sin. Even physically sick people have strong sexual desire. Porn provides 'fantasy sex partners' for:

ALL porn fans forming a general class called 'porn fans' who are presumed to have a level of sexual desire ranging from normal to extreme. They may also be people, like those into the arts (I'm referrng to myself here), who have an unusually high need for fantasy regarding people who have great inner or outer beauty they don't normally see every day in live people around them, and some pornstars have that great beauty they are looking for, and further, though the physical beauty is important regarding fantasy, it is the INNER or idealized beauty they're really looking for, and they are actually capable of 'falling in love' with the pornstars in the imagery. I talk about this love aspect later.

I'm not in favor of anyone becoming a pornstar, just as I'm not in favor of anyone standing in the middle of the road at risk of being run over. Nevertheless, we are all compelled to do what we do, and that is true of pornstars. They may get something they want out of being a pornstar, but they will pay a serious karmic price for it. Being a pornstar or anything else is a compulsion, not a choice. Precious being pornstars sell their sacred being for money in the soulless business of pornography, and they and all the porn fans are unconsciously used to maintain a gigantic soulless 'love/desire machine' in the world. No point in complaining; porn just is, and it will continue to exist indefinitely until the human race reaches a spiritually evolutionary stage.

This general class of all 'porn fans' may be loners or single people, or they may have bf/gf or marriage partners. The enjoyment of porn goes on regardless of whether a person is single or in a relationship, because such enjoyment is compelled by desire, which is a natural part of us which one cannot just choose to turn off or on like a light switch -- e.g. like if we think 'porn is bad...', I'll just 'switch off my desire' and the 'bad porn' won't be a problem.

In summary, the general 'class' of porn fans is comprised of those who:

1) ARE NOT READY to have a love relationship with their (determined) 'preferred' sexual partners; or

2) ARE READY or DO HAVE (as above).

The general class of 'porn fans' I divide for the sake of study or interest in the following classes:

a) People with 'perverse sexuality', something that isn't their fault, but again bad karma has something to do with it. For these folks, pornstar imagery as fantasy substituting for real live partners is good therapy for them, as their sexual tastes can be highly disapproved of and feared by the public, and things can get dangerous for them (and their real live partners if they do get "hands on" in any way that "presses the fear button of the public"). The more intelligent ones realize that porn fantasy is much safer for them. The ones who are compelled to get "hands on" in "societally disapproved" stuff may pay a heavy price regarding their compulsion as there is an insane level of fear surrounding anything perverse, and that fear is understandable, but virtual insanity is just as sad as real insanity. The 'perverse class' could be divided into 'bad' and 'good' as per 1) and 2) below....

b) People with 'normal' sexuality (heterosexual) who have compulsive uncontrollable evil urges (again the cause is bad karma for which they are not to blame, and which makes them more victims than perpetrators). In this group are:

1) the 'bad' ones who are compelled to rape, molest and otherwise abuse their Nature-determined 'preferred' sex partners. These people can also benefit from 'channeling their unbalanced urges into the fantasy of porn', with which they can touch themselves solo along with the fantasy pornstar imagery and thus satisfy their desire without getting "hands on" with real live partners, of which some are nonconsensual victims, and some are supposedly 'consensual'. The 'consensual' victims can be women or men; either sex can rape or otherwise abuse the opposite sex. Wives can be raped, and do charge their husbands with rape; within the presumed 'consensuality' of a legal marriage, nonconsensual things happen. The deadly sin in rape is 'loveless lust', 'loveless' being the key word that confirms the sin, as lovelessness is the worst (but compelled) sin there is. Lust in itself is a natural thing, and it's not a sin if combined with the real Higher Love for a partner's inner beauty, and not just their pulchritude.

2) the 'good' ones who have a deep passion for the opposite sex and have perhaps an inordinate amount of sexual desire, yet are 'good' people who cannot sink into using the opposite sex to satisfy their desires. In other words, these people feel a lot of lust that is best dealt with through solo sex, and not with others, and using porn is ideal for them as they don't want to abuse people "hands on". The deadly sin of loveless lust a.k.a. "using other sacred beings lovelessly" is not a real problem for them because they are not capable of committing that sin.

I'm 67 years young, and male, and I fall into the class of b) 2), 'hetero' and 'good' person. I was a porn fan for 50 years until about a year ago I began to envision an enormous black abyss that had some deep voice like Satan either welcoming me to hell or perhaps just grumbling because he had misplaced his shoes. Anyway, it was a sign that I had to quit.

I found my true love at age 57 and attained to Self-realization at 59. My porn habit equated with my eating habit, but I no longer need porn. I have to agree with awoelt that viewing porn would be 'illogical' for me, simply because it's something I don't do anymore. Even though I've been married to my third wife and true love for ten years, my porn habit of 50 years had a momentum like a huge wheel that was going to stop when it was ready. Even married (getting married doesn't change one's character or cause one to stop eating peanut butter) I was still driven by desire to (view porn / eat) do those things involving strong desire. I'm not impotent, but as an older man my desire has tapered off, which is natural. It's a sad thing when older men think their lives are over 'when their doink is done'. I'm a philosopher who has always been spiritually minded; I started on the path of Self-realization at age 19.

What saved me from damning myself was that I ALWAYS actually deeply loved the pornstars I chose for their inner beauty first and the outer beauty second. If any porn fan can do the same -- some won't be able to because they look at pornstars' pictures and see 'slabs of meat', and with this view actually loving them for their inner beauty can't be possible, therefore those porn fans may damn themselves and have bad karma.

Love sanctifies a lot of things -- things that are worth loving, anyway. Loving yourself and the inner beauty of others is what Life is about. That's where safety lies. Love is Life.

If our race could love enough, porn would completely disappear when -- because of the prevalance of Love in a 'utopia', many more people would be entirely satisfied with the spiritual and emotional depths of a love relationship, and not just, on the negative side, consumers of other people or their images for the sake of satisfying their lust exclusive of loving others for their great inner beauty. However, on the positive side, despite the apparent 'evil', there is 'some good within that evil', and that's the higher Love for the beautiful people in porn who are not evil, but just 'evil'. Love (and Truth) can redeem us.


~ is a sharer through the written word. Sharer means 'teacher', a misnomer I reject as meaningless.

~ is a secular adherent of the Wisdom of Christ, Lao Tzu, Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Confucius, Spinoza, The Dhammapada, and the Chandogya Upanishad, and an inclusive eclectic pantheistic metempsychosic lapsarian Number philosopher ('Philo Sophia') that chooses mental freedom as distinct from the mental slavery of the professed philosophers.

~ mourns the death of the philosophy that thrived 2500 years ago and which included gnosis, metempsychosic revelation, physiognomy and qualitative number.

~ does not read others' writing in depth ... writes original metaphysics based on esoterica and the occult.

~ obtained Qualitative Number from false prophets at 19; a scandal emerged 40 years later evincing the bad karma of false prophecy from their incomplete teaching; as I was always more an observer than a member, the ruinous bad karma didn't affect me so much.

~ after realizing a dangerous knowledge years ago, (which along with Number forms true prophecy), noticed it 'hidden in plain sight' in the teachings of Hinduism (and other religions, but most apparent in Hinduism), and enjoys the challenge of sharing whatever Truth I deem to be discreetly shareable online, and concealing the rest.

~ was compelled by experiences with the dead to become an authority on evil and the spiritually dead, who are blameless victims of bad karma compelled to do evil.

~ since his teens has been guided by a soul that knew he had to be prevented from a fate worse than death; writes solely out of Love and Compassion, avoiding the sin of mercenariness.

~ has had 3 wives; did office work for 30 years; was a white hat hacker; was a blues guitarist-singer-bandleader; now sings operatic arias; vegetarian; no substances ever; former porn fan for 50 years (saw a black abyss waiting); exercise and breathing nut; frequently uses himself to illustrate a point, aware that the false prophets reveal little of themselves for fear of losing business. Confucius said, 'The proud man is not dignified, and the dignified man is not proud'.

~ is a comedian. Out of compassion for the humorless who need to be left in peace, I try not to use humor. I promise to do my best here, anyway. The humorous and the dead serious are a disaster together, but I have learned from the example of Pythagoras - who was definitely a comedian -- to seriously limit humor 'in the classroom' because of its disruptive effect upon solemn reflection upon the deadly serious topics of Life and philosophy, which are basically one subject.

~ has a concept of Truth and Love which equates with the Taiji, Truth representing Yang or the masculine 1 quality's inspiring vibrational power, and Love being feminine Yin's 2 quality, a unifying, restful but lifting force that with the Truth creates Life or beings symbolized by: the 3 quality, the third realm, or the Taiji in this concept; the child; or Wisdom (3 or Spiritual Life as a merging of 1 = positive Spirit and 2 = negative mind).


This is my 'thought song'. I'm singing it out of Self-Love for my self and my Self, not for your self and Self; however, if you like it, then it is for your two selves. When you're done listening, then it may be time for your 'thought song'. Let's hear your song. Nobody should judge a song; a song is for listening to and reflecting upon. A song is for the singer unless we like it, then 'it's ours' too. Self-Love is not selfish -- it's the love of God in one's Self.

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