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Actually, he asked what might be the arguments for porn, not prostitution.
And in answer to that, I'm not sure a strong case could be made for it. Pornography takes visual and audio stimuli, which our species has a drive for, and seeks to capitalize on it monetarily. It taps into something very personal - right at the biological level - to snag some cash.
We've discussed the ethics of it, it's effects and the implications for both those 'performing' and those consuming, but I'm not sure I've ever seen this question asked like this. I'm curious to see any arguments for, as was asked.
To play devil's advocate, that pornography promotes happiness should be enough to say that it is morally justified. People desire happiness for its own sake, and indeed it is the only thing desirable for it's own sake. Things like virtue and money can come to be desired for their own sake, but when this happens they should be considered as being part of the concept of happiness, in the sense that the mere possession of money or virtue makes one happier, and their loss causes misery independent of the loss of anything else that they may bring instrumentally. Thus, as happiness is desirable, and the only thing that is desirable, this is what our actions should aim at, or so Mill's 'proof' goes. As pornography promotes happiness, not only should we sanction it, but we should encourage it.
Finally, the Kantian case also seems pretty weak to me; could we really be duty bound not to watch or make porn? The argument is probably the strongest I think, but still pretty weak. The second formulation of the categorical imperative goes, "Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, always at the same time as an end and never merely as a means to an end." There is a pretty obvious and traditional argument that porn objectifies women, and the person watching porn is using these people as a means of self gratification. However, I would say that those who watch porn are using a product, not people; it would be absurd to say that when we go to the cinema we are using the actors as a means to our own enjoyment. The focus then shifts on to those in the porn industry, where, no doubt, exploitation does go on in some circumstances, which of course is immoral (at least for the Kantian), but most of the porn industry is not built upon exploitation (except perhaps in somekind of Marxist sense, so perhaps the central tennet of Kantian-Marxism (or Marxist-Kantianism, take your pick) should be that porn is immoral, for the rest of us, it can remain an open question), rather it is based upon voluntary exchange (I mean employment for an agreed wage; not of bodily fluids). Thus, a Kantian should say that porn is perfectly permissible.
Well what you need to do is ask yourself why exactly you find pornography so wrong? Most porn stars say they enjoy their work and get paid, and secondly, the people watching it enjoy it. You say you know the argument against it, but do you really? The argument is usually of the likes of people being influenced by pornography and not having safe sex, but is that really the case? Kids see people being killed in cowboy films way before they see porn, but they do not go out and kill people. And lets face it, what would be worse to see in real life? Someone being killed or someone having sex?
Pornography hurts no one, and easily cancels out any possible negatives with it's positives and so in social a economic is perfectly right, and to my mind much more morally acceptable than any cowboy film which depicts murder with such a light sense of entertainment.
What? Pornography promotes happiness? Well surely this understanding of happiness is very different from that of mine. Happiness is Peace, Love, Freedom, Understanding. Does pornography give these things? Or rather it makes one horny imbecile who masturbates before screen? Is this what thou meanst by happiness?
So to earn money on ones life's tragedy is quite a permissible thing, is it not? The hypocrisy of Western morality is manifested here in its fullness.
One evil does not justifie another one.
So pornography hurts no one... Well, let us imagine pornography actress has a child. Let us imagine that child seeing his mama is being fucked in all her holes in the movie. Is that normal? What dost thou think will be with that boy? Imagine this is thy mother...
The point is that when one watches pornography he just ignores all that. And this is perhaps the most fearful thing all that. "I don't care who you are, I don't care what was and will be with you and you children, these are your problems. The only thing I am interested in is my pleasure and as I pay you, you must give me what I want".
Well shouldn't the "imbecile" have the freedom to sit in front of the screen and masturbate? Funny how you insight freedom yet immediately contradict yourself. I guess you really don't offer freedom but instead just say you do. It also goes against your "understanding" as well since you should have realized you were being contradicting.
Sometimes the women actually want to do it, and the money is a bonus. I am not saying all cases but there are hundreds of thousands of women who sell their images to make money, weather naked or not, they do it. You can not claim all of them are victims. That would be like calling everyone who has a job, a victim.
Yeah and it is subjective weather you call the first evil actually a true evil or just one's opinion. Therefore you can't claim that it is an evil being justified by another.
That is only one case and you can not claim that all sons would feel negative or have psychological issues if their mother was a porn star. You can't make that claim, instead you are only basing it off your own opinion.
I think the real damage comes from trying to continuously make sex taboo. There was a case just recently where a young girl made a joke about wanting one of her classmates in a sexual way and she got branded for it. She was routinely harassed by other classmates because of the joke she eventually killed herself because she couldn't take the ridicule. She never even kissed a boy let alone had sex and look at what societies taboo led her to do.
I am against porn. I know the argument against it. But i do not really understand the argument for it. Could anybody help me?:poke-eye:
4 the record i mean i think it is illogical to veiw porn. like red tube and playboy. that kind of ting
To put it another way, I'll use the alcohol laws of the US. Currently you have to be 21 to purchase alcohol. If they removed the law, kids would run out and buy it just because they can and weren't allowed to before. This would create a temporary rise in stupidity for a while. Until the novelty of it wore off.
Agreed !
But by this, are you saying that change should not be attempted because of the risk - even as you state - the risk may only be temporary ? Better to stay fixed in position ?
ArthBH wrote:
Pornography hurts no one, and easily cancels out any possible negatives with it's positives and so in social a economic is perfectly right, and to my mind much more morally acceptable than any cowboy film which depicts murder with such a light sense of entertainment.
So pornography hurts no one... Well, let us imagine pornography actress has a child. Let us imagine that child seeing his mama is being fucked in all her holes in the movie. Is that normal?
Not exactly, I am saying sometimes the problem causes other problems when you try to solve them. Making sex taboo is creating problems that people refuse to acknowledge. But to solve this problem it would temporarily create a new problem. You can fix it, but it is a not something you can do quickly, nor should you do it quickly.
Well, let us imagine an actress has a child. Let us imagine that child seeing his mama being brutally murdered in a film. Is that normal?
No it is not normal, but people should not be dragged down by the fact they may have children. I find you quite sexist personally, you clearly think woman should live there lives around having children. Shame on you.
But to reabilitate it absolutely is impossible for modern society because sex is a form of egoism, which doesn't know anyone save for itself, it is very closely connected with violence.
If those taboos were abolished we should have a chaos with everyday rape, killing u.s.w.
This is a huge stretch and placing it in such a way is dishonest. Perhaps this is your own reflection but it is not a fact.
Now you are just plain wrong here. I can't believe you are trying to pass this off to be some fact. Rapists care nothing for taboos or laws, if they did they would be rapists. Lifting a taboo would not cause rapists. It is absurd that you have that line of reasoning. If it is true then I am a rapist. I am not even sure why I should be responding to your nonsense.
I think you all are looking at the problem from the ego point. You are not quite interested in what other person may feel. You find porn as a way to become more informated about sex etc., which is the same as to kill an animal for the sake of tasting meat.