I would have to agree that the carrot is inevitable to chase. Whether it is the pursuit of non pursuit, much like anti conformity conformists (punk rock, for ex), people are trying to scratch that spiritual itch.
I think those that aren't exactly strong minded, not to be rude, are the ones that fall prey easiest to religion. The more feeble minded, the easier it is to convince them and have them express physically (attending church, prayer, hooping, hollering, dancing, singing) their spiritual desires. These types aren't one to question authority, and if that authority be malice, then you may have a Charles Manson situation or a Jim Jones affair.
However, those people do purport a type of bliss that comes with such easy goals as physical, shallow rituals. Ignorance is bliss, and I do not mean to belittle the fundamentally religious too much.
Because, we on this forum like to think of ourselves, and others who are "philosophically minded" as having a deeper, richer understanding of life and its mental mechanics. However, like anything we like, it has addictive qualities, #1, and it takes more and more to make us satisfied, we build a tolerance, #2. The more knowledge we attain, the more we realize the effort for complete understanding is futile, it can never happen, there are many more questions to be answered for every answer we get.
This same carrot twist I think can be applied to anything. I compared die hard religious fanatics to amateur philosophers - but money is also another thing which you can never have enough of.