Xris, you use starving children to deny any thought of god. If I were starving I would too. I would be willing to assume you have never seen a starving child in your life. I am taking about an emaciated child. I know you have seen them on the ole telly, but in real life, up close and personal. If you ever did, you would do all you could to get that child out of that environment or die trying. Well, my dear xris, that is god working in you. Or you could just walk away and blame it on god! Which would you do?
God doesn't work in everyone xris, he can't; "many" won't let him. They are too damn busy blaming him their lot in life. They can't understand it, so he is the one they blame; some invisible entity no one can prove and you like it like that. It is quite obvious you are not an exception to that in all you offer in threads such as this. As a matter of a fact it has become a broken record.
You can't blame a god for that xris! You can blame those who have no conception of god on that. The ones who claim to care for you the most are the one's who do that xris, not god! I promise you, if god where not a loving god, at least in as much as we can possibly define the word, he would have destroyed our ass long ago it there is any truth to history at all. As for that matter much of what we know as history could use a good histerectomy.
You hold close those who are the most like you. Just like you are doing now in this thread. Art, a very young man, espouse those thoughts that are similar to your own and when I, addressing why he thought as he did to offer explanation, you wouldn't hear of it and started calling me names. Ha! You are the very manifestation of the axiom "MISERY LOVES COMPANY". It is quite obvious just how miserable you are by the language you use in your "blame game". What a pity party!
Now I know you will not take kindly the words I am saying; understood. Xris it is not just YOU, I am addressing. It is anyone who thinks like you but wants to understand. But of course there are still those like you who will not hear who will call me names still. Those who call themselves so "gay" do a lot of that sh*t. I am not saying you are of that ilk, just an example. But of course you could be. You say little about yourself as do most on this forum. Like Dave, who strongly defends nambla and their right to "FREE SPEECH". My aching ass! Ha, I am sure there are those who can relate to just what that means and that is no laughing matter. Not at all. I use it as an expletive and care not to know what it means. But for some it could be defined as "fun sex". Damn!
There are loving males in this world and they are called fathers. So many of those are missing in the world xris. I guess you could blame that on god too if you wanted. A loving and caring man is the truest sense of god and why we call god HIM, and it has nothing to do with sex. Love and devotion....yes; sex........no!
The loving man is not he who is causing all the violence either; he is the one who is dying in that violence, risking his life to defend what he feels is right. I am speaking of war on a grandeur scale. On a smaller one, he will bust your ass in the teeth if call him gay, when there was a time he would have loved such a compliment! Talk about hijacking a very good word. Of course those so gay men (?) who sit on the thrones of our courts create laws to prevent such action and many are for good reasons, but there are other agendas in play here that are not so obvious. They like little boys too and love and devotion have nothing to do with that. Yet we call them judges. What a crock!
Now if I am correct, here again will come the name calling: Self righteous, bigot, hate monger, homophobe or the most popular religious fanatic and such crap.
Of course if I am wrong in my assumptions, then please put them to rest and offer in what respect you think me wrong. I welcome it and if you are right, I will most assuredly apologize. I think my assumptions are correct, but after all they are only that.....................assumptions. I don't know you................personally.
Having said that let me offer what queer means and why gay has taken it's place. Now it can be concluded because there in no such loving and devoted man such as a father in a young son's life, that son would get a little confused as then the mother would have to assume both roles. To make it more confusing if a father is there but in name only or a glorified sperm donor where the child would be regarded as an consequence of SEX. Now, do you think sex is beautiful.................................?
Queer is that which is ODD, not gay! Such as what can be said about that environment as not EVE-N such as could be represented in a balance that should exist between a man and a woman who bring that child (consequence) into the world. Of course now we have eliminated that consequence too as we have reason to destroy our unborn. NO PROBLEMS. Yeah, right. With them gone, we can continue on having such fun sex.
You become incensed at the thought of a starving child; you, xris, are that starving child and it is not food you are starving for my friend. It is love you are missing as it is with most that can only come from man from god to woman, then it will be known in that child they bring.
That's why I don't call you names. And that my dear xris is what understanding is all about. It is not my desire to understand me, it is you that draws my attention. If I can help you, then that is my reward, alone.
There are many starving children out there xris, but we change the name of child and call them adult and it is they who are being so violent and who are causing so much death. A bunch of children sitting on thrones who have never been loved.
Now let me communicate with you like you communicate with me and see how you like it. Maybe then you will think differently. Here goes....and please forgive me.................
Xris get off your god damned pity bandwagon and stop thinking of yourself so god damned much, sport. Help others you imbecile. You are just a selfish self aggrandizing snob who finds faults in others and god himself for all your troubles without regard of the damage you are doing to others. You don't talk about yourself!
Nooooooooooooooooooo, hell no. That would be to painful, huh! It is much easier to blame others.....................etc, etc, etc. So you just keep promoting how fun sex is so we can create more child consequences or become so selfish we just kill them so we can continue to have such fun sex. Yeah, keep telling yourself that my man which you think you are one; yes you are one physically, no doubt, a sorry excuse of one, I might add and that is what God............................isn't. So you just go on feeling sorry for yourself without even trying to understand what god is all about and I am sure you will never know what god means. That dear xris is what hell is all about and you are not even DEAD YET.
Doesn't feel so good does it. That kind of language STOPS all communication and reasoning ability. Please forgive me for using such language with both barrels. Don't take it personal. It was just an example of what you are doing to others. Sorry!