Purge the fools, please!

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Reply Wed 24 Feb, 2010 08:28 pm
Krumple;132098 wrote:
I bet you could prove my theory correct. All you have to do is implement a fools button that would calculate how many times your posts had been "fooled" (meaning someone thought it was completely worthless post) and after so many the account get's permanently banned.

My theory is, after a few months (if that) there will be only one person left and those who have never posted.

For it to be fair, it would probably have to calculate the percentage of posts as well (because someone posting thousands of times is going to get more such things than someone posting little, if their posts are otherwise equal), and it would probably also be good to consider how many different people rated the posts badly, and what the ratings are for those who are so rating them. That is, it would matter if only one person kept saying that all of your posts are foolish as opposed to several people saying such about some of your posts, and it would make a difference whether or not fools are the only ones thinking your posts are foolish.

Edited to add:

There would probably also need to be some sort of cost of rating things as foolish, as otherwise some people would likely go crazy rating everything that way, because they did not like the persons involved, and not due to actually regarding all of their posts as foolish. By "cost", I do not mean money, but, perhaps, a damage to their own rating as well. So that, for example, if one rates another post foolish, it counts somewhat against themselves as well. Still, different personality types would respond differently to this, and there would also be the possibility of people opening multiple accounts in order to try to circumvent the system. Without an effective method of dealing with that, the whole project would be doomed to failure.
Reply Wed 24 Feb, 2010 08:33 pm
Congratulations, HexHammer, you have finally fulfilled your promise, and made it onto my Ignore List. You're the first. I knew you could do it! It's lonely in there, I'm afraid, but no doubt you will make excellent company for yourself.
Reply Wed 24 Feb, 2010 08:53 pm
Pyrrho;132138 wrote:
For it to be fair, it would probably have to calculate the percentage of posts as well (because someone posting thousands of times is going to get more such things than someone posting little, if their posts are otherwise equal), and it would probably also be good to consider how many different people rated the posts badly, and what the ratings are for those who are so rating them. That is, it would matter if only one person kept saying that all of your posts are foolish as opposed to several people saying such about some of your posts, and it would make a difference whether or not fools are the only ones thinking your posts are foolish.

Edited to add:

There would probably also need to be some sort of cost of rating things as foolish, as otherwise some people would likely go crazy rating everything that way, because they did not like the persons involved, and not due to actually regarding all of their posts as foolish. By "cost", I do not mean money, but, perhaps, a damage to their own rating as well. So that, for example, if one rates another post foolish, it counts somewhat against themselves as well. Still, different personality types would respond differently to this, and there would also be the possibility of people opening multiple accounts in order to try to circumvent the system. Without an effective method of dealing with that, the whole project would be doomed to failure.

You are right. I wasn't really making a suggestion though, just trying to be my usual foolish self. Making a hypothetical argument that wastes everyone's time. I think you are right, the fool button would be too easy to abuse and circumvent. Maybe the only reasonable solution is to let the posts speak for themselves and the responses to be natural, ignore or entertain.
Reply Wed 24 Feb, 2010 09:11 pm
melonkali;132028 wrote:
I'd be interested in the specifics of what things make a post seem annoying or irrelevant to others, and why. I don't mind reasonable self-monitoring in order to avoid offending or annoying other members (meaning ALL other members, of course) -- I just need to know, specifically, what to look for.

Do excatly the oppsit of me.


- be arrogant
- be judgemental
- be mr-know-it-all and full of youself
- don't burst any bubbles, people dislike waking up to reality.
- brag

On this site, most people like to endulge themselfs with empty metaphors and rethoric, dispence these things and people will accept you.
Reply Wed 24 Feb, 2010 10:47 pm
HexHammer;132169 wrote:
Do excatly the oppsit of me.


- be arrogant
- be judgemental
- be mr-know-it-all and full of youself
- don't burst any bubbles, people dislike waking up to reality.
- brag

On this site, most people like to endulge themselfs with empty metaphors and rethoric, dispence these things and people will accept you.

A kind of Aristotelian/General George S. Patton? Most military historians hold Patton in high esteem. Since I'm not a "hard" philosopher, I probably won't be enjoying many discussions and debates with you. But, if we ever do land in the same thread, don't hesitate to vanquish my delusions -- if you can. (Apologies for the American references; I have no knowledge of Danish history -- unless you're Prince Hamlet or a Viking.)

Reply Wed 24 Feb, 2010 11:17 pm
melonkali;132200 wrote:
A kind of Aristotelian/General George S. Patton? Most military historians hold Patton in high esteem. Since I'm not a "hard" philosopher, I probably won't be enjoying many discussions and debates with you. But, if we ever do land in the same thread, don't hesitate to vanquish my delusions -- if you can. (Apologies for the American references; I have no knowledge of Danish history -- unless you're Prince Hamlet or a Viking.)

To break down your delusions, I will speak with poetic words
..no philocally books I have opend of ..moral ..ethics or Kirkegaard ..whom I would luv to rub in the dirt!
I'm a selftaught savage, one who love brings the hurt :poke-eye:
..their dreams and illusions I'll ravage, and with girls I'll always flirt! Very Happy

(sorry for the halfassed rhyme)
Pepijn Sweep
Reply Thu 25 Feb, 2010 12:55 am
Reconstructo;132009 wrote:
By the way, Pepijn, I'm sorry I had you on ignore once. Other factors caused me to hyper-interpret your criticism of the red-white-&-blue. I wish you well and hope we can get along.:surrender:

We also have a red-white-blue banner, like Luxembourg and Russia. If we were all so paranoid about criticism we would have any communication. As you must realise, the forum is dominated by a christian, Anglo-Saxion tradition. Blocking other opinions will turn us into a shrinking Byzantine Empire. I am glad you took me of your ignore list and hope to meet you in the Forum.

---------- Post added 02-25-2010 at 12:11 AM ----------

HexHammer;131332 wrote:
It sickens me with all those halfwitted fools pesting the fora. Babbeling about this is a truth, that is a lie. He is good, that one is evil. Too many good topics are worn down with unproductive philosophers who comes with their outdated ways, it's a real shame that they can't be kept to their own fora, where they belong.

I wish the mods and admins would construct some new rules about this.


sickens me

I don't like this at all. It's negative and doesn't do right to the efforts people take to get their ideas across.

I thought Danmark was one of the countries which supports Freedom of Speech? Your post wants to deny this to people who are "less" in your opinion; thus speaks the Fool himself!:nonooo:
Reply Thu 25 Feb, 2010 01:43 am
@Pepijn Sweep,
Pepijn Sweep;132225 wrote:
I thought Danmark was one of the countries which supports Freedom of Speech? Your post wants to deny this to people who are "less" in your opinion; thus speaks the Fool himself!:nonooo:
Now you are denying my freedom of speech, great double standard! Great selfcontradiction. So who's the greater fool of us?

..those who are so busy whining about equal rights and freedom, are often the greatest dictators themselfs!
Pepijn Sweep
Reply Thu 25 Feb, 2010 02:15 am
HexHammer;132235 wrote:
Now you are denying my freedom of speech, great double standard! Great selfcontradiction. So who's the greater fool of us?

..those who are so busy whining about equal rights and freedom, are often the greatest dictators themselfs!

I am not denying your freedom of speech; I am even interested enough to look up your initial post. It was so negative formulated that it took me great effort to stay in a positive mood to react in a polite way.

So who's the bigger Fool? Discarting opinions based on your own opinion? Continue on the same thread and you'll learn not a thing about Truth.

Reply Thu 25 Feb, 2010 03:22 am
Reply Thu 25 Feb, 2010 06:32 am
One of things that would certainly improve the threads is to avoid personalities and the kind of bickering into which this thread has sunk.

I want to add that there are two ways Members can help elevate the quality of posts, to wit:

The first, obviously, is to report posts that are plainly, clearly, and distinctly unacceptable and in violation of current rules.

Second, the more important is to use the "Thank you" function to add to the reputation of Members who post in a thoughtful, philosophical manner adding substance to the dialogue in a thread (whether they agree with your own positions or not).

The former action is negative but necessary, the latter positive and freely given.

Reply Thu 25 Feb, 2010 08:26 am
Hello Hex, I am going to go around the bend here a bit in my response to the below comment you rendered. Hope you don't mind. I think it is important to do that in this instance.

HexHammer;132135 wrote:
1) He respected me for that obnoxious person I am, since I actually could do something intelligent.

When I first read the above I was taken aback and really considered what this offered as to find reason for it. I am still grappling with it and have come to understand that is what "trolling" is. The only person who would respect an obnoxious person is another obnoxious person. They get off on being intelligently indignant, abhorrent, antipathetic, contemptible, despicable, detestable, disgusting, foul, loathsome, nasty, nefarious, odious, repugnant, vile, or wretched. Is this accurate? Please tell me this is not you? I know it's not but all that which I just brought forth is what obnoxious is. Surely you are not all that.

The more thought I applied to it, the more it made sense to me and why some people are the way they are when it comes to recognition and the fact that they never got a "pat on the back" and would do what they do to get that recognition. What immeasurable damage that does if one ever gets a pat on the back for being obnoxious? Damn!

Hell, man find another job; you're intelligent, you can do that. If being obnoxious gives you some measure of intellectual satisfaction then all I can say is to try and "get out of it". You may meet someone someday who does not take being so insulted so rationally.

Perhaps you meant to use another word and if you did that will make me feel better for there were times in my life in which the "urge to kill" arose in my thinking when confronted with an obnoxious person. Perhaps it is a survival technique of which you eluded to. If that is the case enjoy life while you can (if anyone can call that a life), for you will run the risk of someone ending you to save a whole lot of people grief they sure as hell don't deserve.

Let me tell you a story. One day in the sales room where all sales people gathered to do their paper work another sales person, popular for being arguably "the best" who was pretty, smart and competitive and was tolerated for her obnoxious behavior because of that. Tolerating her was really sticky where the others were concerned. Now if you are at all familiar with sales the powers that be don't really care what kind a personality a person has as long as the sales keep rolling in. They look the other way. Sad!

We were busy compiling our paperwork and one of the new office clerks came in for some reason or the other and she was barefooted for comfort reasons, I imagine. She was pretty too and what can be described as vivacious, naive and full of life and this "good" sales person, out of the clear blue, commented in a rather obnoxiously loud way for her to go put her shoes on, she had "ugly" feet!

Everyone in the salesroom looked up and the room became quite still. The young girl was offended and it was all she could do to hold back the tears. I got up and went over to her and put my arm around her and told her to go over and slap the living sh*t out of her and I would be right behind her if she decided to retaliate. Of course she didn't and went back into the other room. I glared at the other girl and she glared back. You could her a pin drop. Then she just laughed as if nothing had happened and went on about her work as did I. Nothing was said after that and from then on her obnoxious behavior did quell a bit. She had never been called on it before. She was used to having her ass kissed and thought she could get away with anything. No one every really understood how she such a good salesperson for she never let anyone ride with her to observe her and all she did to "get the sale". I didn't speculate on that for I didn't know nor did is what to know.

Ha, she did have a boyfriend though who was another one of the sales people. I say "ha" because he was the epitome of what a sycophant is. When she barked he heeled. It was embarrassing to observe and the sad part is he didn't care.

I found out later that she was addicted to amphetamines and crystal meth was her drug of choice. If that has anything to do with her being obnoxious, I don't know?
Never touched the stuff.

I am lucky there in my observation skills as I have witnessed others who were hooked on some drug or the other and that alone told me to "keep away". Some need them, I don't. Nicotine is mine (as was alcohol for years but never did I over do it) and I wish I didn't have that one but there are times when I wonder if there is something beneficial about nicotine as well as other drugs; if we only knew what those were and in what measures......................?

What we imbibe does affect the personality and anything used unadulterated can be dangerous no matter what it is. That, it can be concluded, has something to do with all the mysterious personality disorders that are cropping up or at least the consequential aftermath of unadulterated substance use which I think is becoming epidemic.

It might be a good idea to do a survey here to see what the drugs of choice members of the forum use? Hell, look at all the damage "sugar" does. Hmmm? I don't use that one either; ha, I have enough of it stored up in me to not need any more and I am burning it up as we speak. Yea!!!!! We have a lot to learn about all the "uppers" we consume and why we need "so much" energy and what conflagration means; a more sophisticated term for "burn out".

I know the latter part of this post could be construed as off topic but I think it is a part of the over picture of who we are and instrumental in how we act. There are so many substances being imbibed, it really difficult to know what clean and sober really means. And being obnoxious could be the result of that........too.

Reply Thu 25 Feb, 2010 09:43 am
@Pepijn Sweep,
Pepijn Sweep;132240 wrote:
I am not denying your freedom of speech; I am even interested enough to look up your initial post. It was so negative formulated that it took me great effort to stay in a positive mood to react in a polite way.

So who's the bigger Fool? Discarting opinions based on your own opinion? Continue on the same thread and you'll learn not a thing about Truth.

Dude, you don't have a darn clue about what your saying, you say alot of fancy bs that sounds good, but don't have a deeper understanding what means.

You come here lecturing me about freedom of speech, when freedom of speech is to tolerate what you dislike, to allow ANYTHING to be spoken, I do not presume have anything to do with freedom of speech, only you do in a very halfwitted way, spare me!
Reply Thu 25 Feb, 2010 09:50 am
If this thread is going to continue in this manner, I don't see the point in leaving it open. The discussion here is not constructive in any way. The thread has reduced to insult after insult, as jgweed noted.

OP, would you like me to put an end to this?
Reply Thu 25 Feb, 2010 10:08 am
@ William
You post such a long post on pure speculation, only shows what a great idiot you are. When trying to think out of the frame of your books, it's just a disaster.

I was obnoxious because I bugged the CEO:

- hey where's the eye washing fluid for the chemical room?
- why do you have a huge stack of brochures standing at a fire exit?
- why do you have that totally incompetent sou chief that 2 departments are complaining about?
- the entire staff of chiefs would complain about me, just because I refused them 1-6 h after deadline. (those pooooor bastards, resulting in a task taking from 8-22h down to 2-3h)
- if you keep violating the 11h rules for trainees, I'll pull the union!
..etc ..etc.

You William are the ONLY troll here, pulling retarded statemens straight out of your ass.

---------- Post added 02-25-2010 at 05:09 PM ----------

Zetherin;132313 wrote:

OP, would you like me to put an end to this?

Yes please, it seems to be nessesary.
Reply Thu 25 Feb, 2010 10:10 am
I think I have my answer.
Robert phil
Reply Thu 25 Feb, 2010 12:09 pm
There are going to be no rules to "purge fools" (as if there are any objective criteria that precludes you from being labeled a "fool" as well). That is, itself, a foolish request and this is supposed to be a forum for adults and adults shouldn't need this kind of hand holding.

If you don't like someone ignore them, don't ask someone else to get rid of them for you. That is what children do and this is a forum for adults.

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