Purge the fools, please!

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Reply Tue 23 Feb, 2010 02:55 pm
@sometime sun,
sometime sun;131516 wrote:
Are you trying to embarrass me or teach me?Smile
HexHammer; 'it's a real shame that they cant be kept to their own fora, where they belong'
Says to me, 'shut up or get out'. Dunce in the corner. It may not be but sounds alot like segregation, it sounds almost bigoted and 'i am the superior race', 'i am the model and the righteous' 'you are the weak the unworthy' and what i found most troubling was that you agreed with this statement without showing up the inaccuracy, without disagreeing with this what sounds to me like hatred, yes i heard hatred in these words and you agreed with it. I can deal with someones hate, i cant deal with it being agreed with.
Overall this has troubled me becuase it is saying that i am not as good as you, you are better than me, and this elevation is what constitutes a 'good' 'pure' citizen.
You may be better than me at alot of things this does not make you a better person or a better philosopher, these are my troubles which i did not like to spread, but since you asked.
And if you didn't agree then you were still willing to look the other way.

Oh, I agree that we shouldn't silence someone simply on the grounds that we are superior or any of that hatred nonsense. The thing is, I'm not sure that's what the OP was talking about. And even if it was, just so we're clear, it is not what I or most others have been speaking about in here.

I'm not trying to embaress or teach you. I was confused. I didn't know who you thought was saying what you seemed to be defending against. Sometimes people post in incorrect threads. I've done it before.
sometime sun
Reply Tue 23 Feb, 2010 03:15 pm
Zetherin;131517 wrote:
Oh, I agree that we shouldn't silence someone simply on the grounds that we are superior or any of that hatred nonsense. The thing is, I'm not sure that's what the OP was talking about. And even if it was, just so we're clear, it is not what I or most others have been speaking about in here.

I'm not trying to embaress or teach you. I was confused. I didn't know who you thought was saying what you seemed to be defending against. Sometimes people post in incorrect threads. I've done it before.

No worries, i do not like conflict either even when one is necessary.
Some people believe in nonsense.
Further the sad and troubling thing was that although respect is an amorphous thing i felt as if i had lost it for some, some had been taken from me without my permission.
Just look at the title of this, 'Purge the fools, please' scary right? being nice in the face of anihilation, and you cant say purge here was used in its best light as there was no talk of teaching, there was only talk of segregation. The differences not the similarities.
Dont worry that is all i am going to say on this thread.
I'm out.
Reply Tue 23 Feb, 2010 03:21 pm
Krumple;131435 wrote:
There are some whom I don't think are here for any philosophical discussion, or a discussion at all, but I wouldn't want them banned or silenced because I might not agree with their posts.

I totally agree. We already have an ignore option. To exclude posters and posts from the forum altogether is the virtual burning of books.
Thanks, Krumple. I know we have sometimes debated, but I can only salute you on this.
Reply Tue 23 Feb, 2010 03:22 pm
The Doctor and Economy scenariso and such would fall directly into those opinions that
If someone posts something that truely enlightens us or makes us question ourselves we find their opinion to be of worth because it is likely to either become our opinion, reinforce the opinion we already have by forcing us to rethink our opinion, or become incorporated into our opinion as part of a synthesis of currently held opinion and new information.
The opinion of a trained professional by appeal to authority and trust in the educational system will tend to make us do the above.

Also these scenarios also do not apply very well to this forum. There is a strange sense of equality here insomuch as we are all skeptical about the other's credentials because A) I have never met people here and have no proof of any credentials they may have, and B) An appeal to authority in a venue where the topic has no real chance of directly affecting my wellbeing as would talking to a doctor about colon cancer or an economist about my falling real estate prices.
Reply Tue 23 Feb, 2010 03:25 pm
HexHammer;131465 wrote:
Please don't derail the topic with your rethorical mastrubation. It's excatly people like you that I abhore.

I love you, Hex! You are a comic genius. You keep it real, man.

---------- Post added 02-23-2010 at 04:28 PM ----------

Krumple;131481 wrote:
Yeah see here it is. Just because you don't like me or my posts you want to silence me because you are "better" than me right? What you have to say is more important? How is talking about a topic a derail?

Indeed. I'm suspicious of any pseudo-neutral standpoint that determines what is drivel and what sublime. Some would toss out metaphysics. Others would toss out humor. Still others would censor parody, experimental foolosophical-poetry. One man's trash is another man's treasure. Let those who can take the heat enjoy a seat near the stove.
Reply Tue 23 Feb, 2010 03:59 pm
Zetherin;131512 wrote:
Perhaps you can explain to me what you disagree with?

The tone of the message. While is true that there are a diverse range of views and abilities on a forum such as this, it think any attempt to eject 'fools pesting the fora' as it was so idiosyncratically expressed, aside from the rules that already exist, are unnecessary. It is also implicitly elitist - the poster and a few select other are capable of a proper argument, while the rest as 'pesting fools'. Anyway that is all I wanted to say on it. I will go off and pest elsewhere.:bigsmile:
Reply Tue 23 Feb, 2010 04:12 pm
@sometime sun,
sometime sun;131484 wrote:
So to be your sort of philosopher your sort of person is to already know everything you do? or at least to know enough so as not to offend your stomach.
If you think you can go through life only encountering the people you choose to meet, and only learn from those who you think have something valid to contribute then i am sad to say you will become a rather boring person.
If you only want to talk or hear about what you want to talk or hear about you will never learn anything.
If you only see what you want to see, you may as well be blind.

'where they belong' not good enough to be in your presence.

Who do you think you are? asked so as to recieve an answer, not to make a statement.
Are you saying that those who dont share your lofty heights are worth no position at all?

And let me save you an insult, I know am abhorant, but at least i dont think you are.

Why give your thanks if it is only for those whom you think are worthy of them?

So much for this place being a place for growth or for learning if thats the way you want to go.

What I am, is a person of rationallity. What I propose is to seperate the irrational from the rational, simplicity.

I seek to learn, and no man can learn everything by himself, but I learn faster if there no fools with their irrational thinking, to derail a sound topic.
Reply Tue 23 Feb, 2010 04:13 pm
Zetherin;131514 wrote:
If I walked into a doctor's office and actually believed my opinion about colon cancer, with no medical experience whatsoever, was to be held to a higher esteem than a medical doctor who has had extensive experience with colon cancer patients, I would be an idiot. My opinion is most certainly not equal to his/her, and for good reason! You sincerely disagree with this? You always think your opinions are better simply because they are yours?

Yeah but the doctor wouldn't say, "Hey patient, um, you shouldn't talk because you are an idiot on the topic of medicine alright?" The doctor would actually listen to what they had to say and perhaps even give them something else to chew on mentally. Or the doctor wouldn't snicker and say well you are just too stupid to understand this subject so don't worry yourself on the subject.

Zetherin;131514 wrote:

I have opinions about our economy, but I most certainly acknowledge that they aren't as educated or well thought out as some economics majors I'm friends with.

There are economists in reports that have degrees, that know that what they are saying is actually nonsense when they want to be deceitful. Does that make them the authority just because they have a degree?

Zetherin;131514 wrote:

I hope we can learn to be humble here...

Weird how you keep tossing these bits of neutrality but you are not neutral on this topic.
Reply Tue 23 Feb, 2010 04:14 pm
Reconstructo;131527 wrote:
I love you, Hex! You are a comic genius. You keep it real, man.

---------- Post added 02-23-2010 at 04:28 PM ----------

Indeed. I'm suspicious of any pseudo-neutral standpoint that determines what is drivel and what sublime. Some would toss out metaphysics. Others would toss out humor. Still others would censor parody, experimental foolosophical-poetry. One man's trash is another man's treasure. Let those who can take the heat enjoy a seat near the stove.

Can nothing that is posted on a philosophy forum be drivel? What makes philosophy different from other forums? Is it that there are no standards in philosophy? But there are in other disciplines?
Reply Tue 23 Feb, 2010 04:17 pm
HexHammer;131548 wrote:

I seek to learn, and no man can learn everything by himself, but I learn faster if there no fools with their irrational thinking, to derail a sound topic.

Many's the time when studying philosophy that a thinker seemed like nonsense only to finally become one of my favorites. In many ways, conflict is good. Some of the fools out there might suggest that we all play the fool at times.
Reply Tue 23 Feb, 2010 04:18 pm
HexHammer;131548 wrote:
I seek to learn, and no man can learn everything by himself, but I learn faster if there no fools with their irrational thinking, to derail a sound topic.

You think no one else is here to learn something? If you get rid of all the "fools", who's going to be around to learn anything?
Reply Tue 23 Feb, 2010 04:23 pm
kennethamy;131552 wrote:
Can nothing that is posted on a philosophy forum be drivel? What makes philosophy different from other forums? Is it that there are no standards in philosophy? But there are in other disciplines?

These are good questions. And I support your right to ask them.

I think philosophy is essentially different than other subjects. Philosophy has consistently redefined itself. Philosophy treats of fundamental distinctions, including that which constitutes philosophy.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you seem to reject Nietzsche and Heidegger, for instance. You probably don't like Hegel. To others these are some of the most important philosophers.

I'm not against this forum making possible exclusive social groups for those with a more narrow idea of philosophy. Why not? But outside of that, such censorship would greatly disappoint me. If you declaw philosophy, then real philosophy goes elsewhere. One is left with the husk.
Reply Tue 23 Feb, 2010 04:38 pm
Krumple wrote:
Yeah but the doctor wouldn't say, "Hey patient, um, you shouldn't talk because you are an idiot on the topic of medicine alright?" The doctor would actually listen to what they had to say and perhaps even give them something else to chew on mentally. Or the doctor wouldn't snicker and say well you are just too stupid to understand this subject so don't worry yourself on the subject.

If an uneducated person claimed that their opinion held the same weight as the doctor's, you can be sure the doctor would put that person in their place. And for good reason. That person would be making a fool of themselves.

There are economists in reports that have degrees, that know that what they are saying is actually nonsense when they want to be deceitful. Does that make them the authority just because they have a degree?

Wait, the first sentence has nothing to do with the other. Yes, people of all backgrounds can be deceitful - what's the point of telling me that? And, no, someone is not an authority simply because they have a degree. They have to demonstrate their knowledge about said subject to be considered an authority. Don't you already know this stuff?

Weird how you keep tossing these bits of neutrality but you are not neutral on this topic.

You'll need to explain this. I have no clue what you're talking about.

Boy are you trying hard to make me out to be a fool here! Are you trying to purge me? Well, I'm highly offended, and I will hold my ground! :shifty:
Reply Tue 23 Feb, 2010 04:45 pm
Reconstructo;131553 wrote:
Many's the time when studying philosophy that a thinker seemed like nonsense only to finally become one of my favorites.

Hmmm. ........................You may have a "heart too soon made glad".
Reply Tue 23 Feb, 2010 04:50 pm
Heaven forbid, Kennethamy, that this could ever be said about you :bigsmile:
Reply Tue 23 Feb, 2010 05:02 pm
kennethamy;131563 wrote:
Hmmm. ........................You may have a "heart too soon made glad".

Reply Tue 23 Feb, 2010 05:16 pm
Krumple;131554 wrote:
You think no one else is here to learn something? If you get rid of all the "fools", who's going to be around to learn anything?
Try say something intelligent please.

Reconstructo;131553 wrote:
Many's the time when studying philosophy that a thinker seemed like nonsense only to finally become one of my favorites. In many ways, conflict is good. Some of the fools out there might suggest that we all play the fool at times.
Those are easy words, free of trouble, free of consequenses.

I come from a life where people lose millions of money because of poor ideas, where people die because of idiocy. Here in this forum, there are no dire consequenses of idiocy, of being a fool ..being unthoughtful. That may be the reason why so many of you don't really realize what I'm talking about.
Reply Tue 23 Feb, 2010 05:25 pm
jeeprs;131565 wrote:
Heaven forbid, Kennethamy, that this could ever be said about you :bigsmile:

There have been those who have implied I was a fool, and said worse things. Of course, everything depends on what their evidence was, and whether it was true. Not on what was said.
sometime sun
Reply Tue 23 Feb, 2010 05:35 pm
@sometime sun,
sometime sun;131521 wrote:

Dont worry that is all i am going to say on this thread.
I'm out.

Now that was a foolish thing to say, which no one pointed out to me I might add, which was my point in the first place.

Is it more foolish to say nothing or to say something foolish?

And just because you are foolish does it then make you a fool?

---------- Post added 02-23-2010 at 11:42 PM ----------

Can a fool know he is one?
To know is to not be foolish?
Reply Tue 23 Feb, 2010 06:19 pm
Forum is an arena where ideas are exchanged. There is little we know about those doing the offering and that tends to make discourse a bit tedious. Tone is everything and it can be also known as heart in the words ones uses and if we can offer a word that will help bring closure to those errant ideas that have elusive answers we serve a valuable purpose here. It's not all about academic brilliance and scholarship for many of those who profess to be such have little knowledge of what goes on outside those cloistered halls. Most of what is in books is hearsay anyway subject to an editors redaction.

I detest condescension on any level; I like understanding better. I effort to understand, If I don't I remain silent and observe. Philosophy is not some badge offering the innocent stay out; we can learn from those too! If we only hear those who mimic us, what good does that offer to those so perplexed whom some think are fools. God I hate that word. Every one can be some one else's fool. I am sure Hex was a little angry for some reason and I too have been guilty of such conduct on occasion.

This forum has made me a better me as I don't respond to anyone who provokes my ire for then I am the fool. There is much we can learn when it comes to communicating with each other and we are doing that.

We are here to understand each other and I will be the first to say there is much being said that I don't understand. I learned much in the first 50 years of my life, and some from books and now I am trying to put all the pieces together not only for me but more importantly for others, if I can. If I can't, I truly regret not having the words to say some need to hear. I didn't come here to just express thoughts others wanted to hear. Yet many people do come here for that very purpose. Many are sincere and need answers so they can tie up loose ends in their life. It's not all about getting a good grade on a test.

Please excuse my long windedness. Ha? I do that. My thoughts.


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