Forum is an arena where ideas are exchanged. There is little we know about those doing the offering and that tends to make discourse a bit tedious. Tone is everything and it can be also known as heart in the words ones uses and if we can offer a word that will help bring closure to those errant ideas that have elusive answers we serve a valuable purpose here. It's not all about academic brilliance and scholarship for many of those who profess to be such have little knowledge of what goes on outside those cloistered halls. Most of what is in books is hearsay anyway subject to an editors redaction.
I detest condescension on any level; I like understanding better. I effort to understand, If I don't I remain silent and observe. Philosophy is not some badge offering the innocent stay out; we can learn from those too! If we only hear those who mimic us, what good does that offer to those so perplexed whom some think are fools. God I hate that word. Every one can be some one else's fool. I am sure Hex was a little angry for some reason and I too have been guilty of such conduct on occasion.
This forum has made me a better me as I don't respond to anyone who provokes my ire for then I am the fool. There is much we can learn when it comes to communicating with each other and we are doing that.
We are here to understand each other and I will be the first to say there is much being said that I don't understand. I learned much in the first 50 years of my life, and some from books and now I am trying to put all the pieces together not only for me but more importantly for others, if I can. If I can't, I truly regret not having the words to say some need to hear. I didn't come here to just express thoughts others wanted to hear. Yet many people do come here for that very purpose. Many are sincere and need answers so they can tie up loose ends in their life. It's not all about getting a good grade on a test.
Please excuse my long windedness. Ha? I do that. My thoughts.