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Haiti was wrecked before the earthquake. It is the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere and it is too bad that it took a serious tragedy for the world to pay attention and do something about a nation ruined by the colonizations of the Europeans.
I heard someone close to me say that it was the earths way of telling us to stop breeding, and i quote 'and the earth will always find a way to cull its population' we do it to animals why should this be any different than another animal cull by something infinately more powerful than ourselves? Whether it has a consciousness is another matter for another time, however the time is right now there really is not any to waste, i am not sure what disturbed me more about this, that it is true and the earth grows weary of our weight or that it is still true but we are a herd of beasts that which needs population control, we are at the mercy of one being that does not approve of us or we are at the mercy of a world that does not care enough to protect us. There are still people dying, more than is avoidable, shame on me.
I feel for these people especially that they have such a poor government so as to still be suffering for some considerable time to come.
Just wait, another disater is coming for us. Watch this space. We cant jump off world. We are not ready, i dont think we ever will be.
You can never prepare for a rainy day.
Will you be ready to survive or will you be just another beast the world has grown tired of and can give up with such abandon?
Can it/disaster/death be avoided? can we avoid our world? even if by calling it a cull we avoid ourselves?
The flood is coming people and we dont stay afloat with out a boat.
Governments wont save you, you will just as always have to do it for yourself.
We are not doing enough.
I am only just about enough for myself and it is not even pouring on me, yet.
Sorry for the lack of hope, but this may just be a hopeless cause?
I wonder why other places colonized by Europeans managed so well, though. The United States, for one. India, for another. Those Europeans! It is always their fault! And remember too, George W. Bush is a Texan-European. That's the clincher.
Considering that Haiti was ravaged as a sugar colony and depleted of nearly all of their natural resources, it is a bit different than they others you list. How can you even begin to compare the U.S. and India to Haiti. First off, Haiti is on an island and is much smaller. Its history is also much different. For one, tourism never set into Haiti like many other Caribbean nations boosting their economies. Go figure, geography and history explain the difference.
But I don't know why I am even bothering to respond. All I will get is another smart-assed simpleminded comment that does nothing to add to the conversation. Yet another notorious stain on the forum by the always predictable kennethamy!
Americans also occupied Haiti. And not all European countries colonized.
most importantly was the us occupation, ending in the dictatorship
Haiti's capital fled to the us-banks, repaying loans. The loans were necessary to pay the French. Compensating the loss of the colony.
Peace cannot last forever, there will always be something to disrupt it, perhaps temporarily, perhaps permanently, but this doesnt means its useless to try to mantain peace. For example, this disaster in Haiti would be much smaller if they had a decent infrastructure and their building were earth-quake proof. But even the presidential palace and other important buildings collapsed.
This whole thing is just like the face of humanity, Haitians didnt had food before... now that they dont have food because of an earthquake, people send food... I suspect its more an international competition to see who is nicer in face of an event that called everyone's attention than anything else. That goes for countries and great companies, at least, ongs and the general public are just going with the tide, I suppose.
Not that I endorse sending food in troubleless times, Im always for teaching to fish rather than giving fish. Im not against seending aid in a specially troublesome situation either. It just seems to me the world is being hypocrite by not caring much before and caring a lot now, and that is a bothersome reminder of how humanity is.
They care sure but it is selfish, is there any such thing as a selfless act that is not born of some form of selfishness?
I went to sleep last night because I was very sleepy. Was that selfish of me? I don't think so. Everyone else was already asleep.
Never said selfish was un-natural, never said it was not needed either.
But it is not selfish for me to go to sleep when I am tired, is it? But you doubted whether any action was not selfish. Didn't you? So, going to sleep when tired is an action, but it is clearly not a selfish action.
Selfish then becomes not an action are you asking?
Selfish then becomes an inaction i am saying is possible.
There are many kinds of inaction, more than we can believe we rely upon.
Always thinking what keeps us alive is action.
So i would say sleep is an inactioning.
An action for inactions sake. An inaction for actions sake.
No debate necessary.
Whether it is voluntary does not matter because involuntary means more than voluntary, it beats it. And without it we would be beaten.
Self has nothing to do with action?
1. Going to sleep is an action.
2. But going to sleep when tired is not a selfish action.
Therefore, 3, There are actions that are not selfish. QED
"Logic is logic. That's all I can say". Oliver Wendall Holmes.