Zetherin;121029 wrote:I think he thought that you were referring to your speed when you said, "I am The Great Fast". And he was noting that speed has nothing to do with the game, since it's turn-based. (which isn't necessarily true since you can do a timed connect 4, I guess!)
Well with only one move to do per turn, it must be a really tight timer to make a difference, but then it becomes real time strategy =)
Besides the whole point of turn based games is having a lot of time to think, right?
fast;121035 wrote:
Oh. I see. I'm still not gonna lose. Well, at least that's what I kept telling a fourteen year old girl (a friend's daughter) the other day when I lost. 
Thats so... pathetic =)
Never say you are not gonna lose unless you really arent, it makes you seem a total loser, since you lost both the game AND the prevision. Off course, maybe you ARE a total loser, on witch case it is fine =)
Zetherin;121062 wrote:I'm actually a Connect 4
That's me on the right, and I beat that poor girl every single time - with a smile on my face.
I hate these ads of smilling kids (obviously told to smile) pretending to play a game. It makes me want to beat the living daylights out of the publicitarian behind it. Good ads have always been a rare thing to me, and bad ads twist my brain.
fast;121083 wrote:I read in a book one time that we should never forfeit a game. If you find yourself in a losing hopeless situation, you should stick it out and play to the end, for no matter how small the chance, there is always the possibility (remote as it may be) that your opponent might fall dead of a heart attack rendering you a victory by default.
Besides, we should never flick over the king to signify surrender, for a king knocked over represents death, and we should never allow a king to suffer the indignity of death. That is why we only capture the king in checkmate. In the end, he is still alive.
I think it depends of whenever you will have a second chance or not, and whenever you are playing against a human or an AI/Stage. I think you shouldnt forfeit against a human, but against an AI/stage, if you have nothing to lose... go ahead =)
I say that because against an AI or an stage you can usually restart straigh away, whenever against another human it would be a rude thing... everyone enjoys winning =)
I dont believe that "dont kill the king" thing, if that was true I would be a terrorist by now. I got a little plataformer with randomly generated stages called "spelunky" where whenever I start in a too pitiful situation, I just suicide bomb myself and start again. Its a game where your situation usually keeps getting worse and worse =)
xris;121095 wrote:You sound like my destructive son. He with his brother, when young, set light to the plastic train set I bought them and watched it burn till it could go no further. What they did with action man and barbie , I cant repeat.
Ah, well, a bit of sadism never killed anyone =)
Kielicious;121137 wrote:LoL connect 4!
You guys are awesome and so is that game. I also enjoy me a game of Risk every now and then.
I like risk too, but find it too randow. The best of strategies can be easily undone by the frequent severe strikes of bad luck we get during the game. But winhout the luck element, the game would be dull. It would have to be more complex to reduce the luck element.