Infinite Bliss

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Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2009 06:42 am
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall wrote:

You are much closer to the TRUTH that you are aware of. God has no name, god is the "essence that pervades all existence".

In quantum mechanics there is no separation , ever particle in the universe known, somehow what another particle is doing even if separated by a billion light years. This is a scientific fact and you should check it out.

The best description for the intelligent energy that pervades all existence is THE EVER EXISTING ONE WHO IS NAMELESS

Because of this interconnectiveness combined with the fact that that which pervades all existence can hear you and is never separate from you. You are God but at the same time you are you

You are made of this indestructable essence that is why you never die, only pass to a higher form or dimension, realm of new reality

God is simply a title we give for this entity that is beyond understanding

could you provide the link to the evidence that a particle knows what another particle is doing billions of years away?

certainly the universe is interconnected, just like there is no free will in a bubble

but are you thinking that there is intelligence within some kind of immeasurable essense?

if so, how would you know it exists?

I think we tend to project our minds onto the cosmos;

Anthropic principle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2009 08:53 am
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall wrote:

You are much closer to the TRUTH that you are aware of. God has no name, god is the "essence that pervades all existence".

In quantum mechanics there is no separation , ever particle in the universe known, somehow what another particle is doing even if separated by a billion light years. This is a scientific fact and you should check it out.

The best description for the intelligent energy that pervades all existence is THE EVER EXISTING ONE WHO IS NAMELESS

Because of this interconnectiveness combined with the fact that that which pervades all existence can hear you and is never separate from you. You are God but at the same time you are you

You are made of this indestructable essence that is why you never die, only pass to a higher form or dimension, realm of new reality

God is simply a title we give for this entity that is beyond understanding
The problem for me is your god appears to have thoughts..does he have the ability to see his errors or the pain he inflicts for his purpose?
Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2009 09:39 am
xris wrote:
The problem for me is your god appears to have thoughts..does he have the ability to see his errors or the pain he inflicts for his purpose?

Amen to that

If there is a god, he is a cruel and sadistic intelligence who enjoys voyeurism and destruction and fails to tell people how to avoid what they don't like and how to get what they do like
Alan McDougall
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 02:25 am
Oh!! man frustration, I don't own god or any god of my perception or of your perception.

The great Physicist's Fred Hoyle and Albert Eisteil believed there must be an intelligence of infinite dimensions.

This is what I believe, that the universe, life and everything else is DRIVEN by some great primordial mind of infinite intellect.

You guys EXIST dont you, so why not give god space to exist??

The fundamental constants indicate that, if even one of them differed in the minutest way, we would have not come into existence.

I will come back with particle interaction , called non locality and entanglement ASAP
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 04:50 am
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall wrote:
Oh!! man frustration, I don't own god or any god of my perception or of your perception.

The great Physicist's Fred Hoyle and Albert Eisteil believed there must be an intelligence of infinite dimensions.

This is what I believe, that the universe, life and everything else is DRIVEN by some great primordial mind of infinite intellect.

You guys EXIST dont you, so why not give god space to exist??

The fundamental constants indicate that, if even one of them differed in the minutest way, we would have not come into existence.

I will come back with particle interaction , called non locality and entanglement ASAP
You are making an assumption a giant enormous assumption and expecting me to make the same leap of faith..You are making statements of your belief not facts..Logic is my only concern and if the facts dont fit my logic i reject the theory..I can muse about the posibilities of a creator but as soon as you say he is aware of his creation he is aware of the pain the sufffering we have to endure. So he is not benevolent, not the caring god we are assumed to he.? So he has thoughts, what does he think of us his creation ,whats his dont add up.. it dont make sense..
Alan McDougall
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 06:57 am


You are making an assumption a giant enormous assumption and expecting me to make the same leap of faith..You are making statements of your belief not facts..Logic is my only concern and if the facts dont fit my logic i reject the theory..I can muse about the posibilities of a creator but as soon as you say he is aware of his creation he is aware of the pain the sufffering we have to endure. So he is not benevolent, not the caring god we are assumed to he.? So he has thoughts, what does he think of us his creation ,whats his dont add up.. it dont make sense..

xris Respectfully everything I stated in the last post is truthfully stated

XRIS how can you think you can ever ever in an eternity understand the infinite mind of god by puny tiny weenie minute infinitesimal human logic

That is like a cockroach trying to fathom the space shuttle.

Oh!! the space shuttle is the most complex machine ever designed by man , but the humble cockroach is unimaginable more complex, but maybe that is food for another thread

I stated exactly what the great physicists said,?

I stated that this is what I believe, I did not say what I believe is fact did I ?

I said you guys exist, is that not a fact? And I only asked you to consider the possibility that like you god could also exist.

The fundamental constants or cosmic laws if you like are factual and these Law's are what holds the universe together and sustains it

Have you ever loved a pet, have you seen a new born baby cry, have you looked up at the unimaginable beauty of the universe. To me this does not equate to your malevolent god


Here is the link promised , but quantum physics is unimaginably complex but maybe you are an unimaginable complex guy and can comprehend

Guys in the quantum world of the infinitesimal tiny you must abandon all logic's. So xris logic just will not help you down at this level Even the physics of light defies any logic.

The physics of quantum mechanics and super-strings string theory is mind boggling difficult and enormously complex, we do not really know how reality behaves at this ultimate microscopic world but we use it never the less and nearly all our electronic communication depends upon it.,

It is impossible to know for instance how one particle will always react to another particle, but we know how a trillion trillion trillion trillion etc our electronic devices and we use this by statistical probability

The great American physicist Richard Feynman said no one really understand quantum particle physics but it is great fun trying


(My comments above Alan)

Internet article

Physicists spooked by faster-than-light information transfer

Quantum weirdness even stranger than previously thought.
Geoff Brumfiel

Two photons can be connected in a way that seems to defy the very nature of space and time, yet still obeys the laws of quantum mechanics.

Physicists at the University of Geneva achieved the weird result by creating a pair of 'entangled' photons, separating them, then sending them down a fibre optic cable to the Swiss villages of Satigny and Jussy, some 18 kilometres apart.

Physicists Seek Answers to Quantum Correlations

Physicists Seek Answers to Quantum Correlations

August 14th, 2008 by Lisa Zyga in Physics / Physics

Physicists sent two photons down optical fibers toward different destinations, and found that the photons could instantly sense each other's behavior.

After performing multiple tests on two entangled photons, physicists have yet again found that the photons seem to be communicating faster than the speed of light - at least 100,000 times faster. The researchers hope that their results might encourage theorists to come up with new explanations for the strange quantum mechanical effect.

quantum physics
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The physicists, led by Nicolas Gisin from the </SPAN>University of Geneva, arranged their experiment by sending two photons down fiber optic cables to detectors in two Swiss villages located 18 km apart.

Both photons started in Geneva, with one heading toward Satigny and the other toward Jussy. The study, which is published in Nature, builds on previous tests published a few months ago in Physical Review Letters.

When the researchers measured several properties of each photon at its destination, they found that the particles could instantly sense the other's behavior without any known communication.

The physicists ruled out several possible classical explanations for the instantaneous communication.

For one thing, they showed that the photons did not share information before leaving Geneva, and so they didn't travel knowing about each other's properties.

According to Einstein's theory of relativity, observers moving at high speeds can get different measurements of the same event because they have different reference frames.

But, by performing tests over a complete rotation of the Earth, the researchers ruled out this possibility.

Even though it doesn't make sense to them, they hope that others might one day find a better understanding.

In a Nature News story, theorist Terence Rudolph at Imperial College London suggested that humans think that the three dimensions of space and one dimension of time that we're used to should be the same everywhere, on all scales.

But, he says, some things in quantum mechanics might transcend our view of space-time, and we just don't get to see the whole picture.

"We think space and time are important because that's the kind of monkeys we are," he said.

More information: Salart, D., Baas, A., Branciard, C., Gisin, N. & Zbinden, H. Nature, 454, 861-864 (2008).
via: Nature News
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 07:12 am
@Alan McDougall,
Look Alan i have admitted that i can consider a creator , i can understand the overwhelming confidence that there must be more than we can imagine..Its not beyond reason to assume or muse on the possibilities but you have taken a step further than what you recommend, you have described him or her..The description must fit the logic of the creators existance if it cant its conjecture.
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 09:14 am
Man is God only to the extent of his own awareness of God within man. God is not separate from man and man is not separate from God.

Originally Posted by xris
The problem for me is your god appears to have thoughts..does he have the ability to see his errors or the pain he inflicts for his purpose?

Man has thoughts. Does man have the ability to see his errors or the pain he inflicts on his fellow man? Does man realize his purpose? God is a deity created by man and used as a scapegoat for that which man creates. God is. Man is. I AM. You ARE. We IS. :shifty: and we create. We are the ones responsible and infinite knowledge of God and truth stand right before us but it means removing the blindfolds created by other men.
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 09:22 am
Justin wrote:
Man is God only to the extent of his own awareness of God within man. God is not separate from man and man is not separate from God.

Man has thoughts. Does man have the ability to see his errors or the pain he inflicts on his fellow man? Does man realize his purpose? God is a deity created by man and used as a scapegoat for that which man creates. God is. Man is. I AM. You ARE. We IS. :shifty: and we create. We are the ones responsible and infinite knowledge of God and truth stand right before us but it means removing the blindfolds created by other men.
Well the sooner we realise he is our invention and we are responsible the better it will be ..
Alan McDougall
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 11:15 am

[quote] [/SIZE]
Look Alan i have admitted that i can consider a creator , i can understand the overwhelming confidence that there must be more than we can imagine..Its not beyond reason to assume or muse on the possibilities but you have taken a step further than what you recommend, you have described him or her..The description must fit the logic of the creators existance if it cant its conjecture

[QUOTE]Well the sooner we realise he is our invention and we are responsible the better it will be [/QUOTE]..

NO NO NO NO NO NO NO XRIS :nonooo: :nonooo::nonooo::nonooo::nonooo::nonooo::nonooo:

You got it the wrong way around, "man did not create god in his image", and "god did not create man in his image"we are just a tiny thought in gods infinite mind, and if he dismisses us as a nuisance we will vanish from existence


There are realities and facts that simply will not fit into your logic, Take something much much easier to fathom than quantum physics.

Einstein's theory of relativity (no longer a theory but a scientifically proven fact)

Say you are in a space ship speeding at almost light speed and you are in a head on collision with another spaceship also speeding at almost light speed (186 000 miles per second)

Light always travels at exactly 180 000 miles per second.

Each space ship puts on its headlight at the same time, now "LOGIC" will tell you the two light beams must meet at twice the speed of light eg 320 000 miles per second

But these light beams behave in a very naughty way, an illogical way dear XRIS they meet at 185 00 miles per second and not the logical expected 320 000 miles per second

Logic breaks down completely in the quantum world and one can only use probability down at that level. There is simply no exactness at quantum level

God is the author of these amazing infinitely unimaginable mind boggling realities and only he/it/she/them /all can understand them

To me god is the Great Mathematician if you like, or that intelligence that pervades everything all of existence.

You are really just a thought in the mind of god and illusion of swirling chaotic empty fundamental particle, here today, gone tomorrow, sorry for that

If you could compress all the space out of every human that has ever lived, you could put the whole lot in a match box and throw it into the Grand Canyon, where it would be forgotten forever.

You see we little entities are not as important as we like to think, if god blinked his hypothetical eye the whole lot of us would vanish forever.

"Making not even a tiny ripple in space time reality"

We are little insignificant entities and to think we can describe god is the most outrageous idea ever

You know XRIS if god would dismiss you from his memory or mind you would cease to exist, but god would continue forever.

God is not good, bad, benevolent or malevolent God simple "IS" everything

By the way I am not trying to convert you or anyone on the forum,

Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 01:03 pm
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall wrote:


NO NO NO NO NO NO NO XRIS :nonooo: :nonooo::nonooo::nonooo::nonooo::nonooo::nonooo:

You got it the wrong way around, "man did not create god in his image", and "god did not create man in his image"we are just a tiny thought in gods infinite mind, and if he dismisses us as a nuisance we will vanish from existence


There are realities and facts that simply will not fit into your logic, Take something much much easier to fathom than quantum physics.

Einstein's theory of relativity (no longer a theory but a scientifically proven fact)

Say you are in a space ship speeding at almost light speed and you are in a head on collision with another spaceship also speeding at almost light speed (186 000 miles per second)

Light always travels at exactly 180 000 miles per second.

Each space ship puts on its headlight at the same time, now "LOGIC" will tell you the two light beams must meet at twice the speed of light eg 320 000 miles per second

But these light beams behave in a very naughty way, an illogical way dear XRIS they meet at 185 00 miles per second and not the logical expected 320 000 miles per second

Logic breaks down completely in the quantum world and one can only use probability down at that level. There is simply no exactness at quantum level

God is the author of these amazing infinitely unimaginable mind boggling realities and only he/it/she/them /all can understand them

To me god is the Great Mathematician if you like, or that intelligence that pervades everything all of existence.

You are really just a thought in the mind of god and illusion of swirling chaotic empty fundamental particle, here today, gone tomorrow, sorry for that

If you could compress all the space out of every human that has ever lived, you could put the whole lot in a match box and throw it into the Grand Canyon, where it would be forgotten forever.

You see we little entities are not as important as we like to think, if god blinked his hypothetical eye the whole lot of us would vanish forever.

"Making not even a tiny ripple in space time reality"

We are little insignificant entities and to think we can describe god is the most outrageous idea ever

You know XRIS if god would dismiss you from his memory or mind you would cease to exist, but god would continue forever.

God is not good, bad, benevolent or malevolent God simple "IS" everything

By the way I am not trying to convert you or anyone on the forum,

So now you are altering your gods he thinking god is he omnipresent ? is he here now listening to our conversation?
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 01:06 pm
Abolitionist wrote:
let's start a debate about vaccines vs. immunizations or about the prospect of boosting the bodys own immunse system rather than interjecting foreign objects to create specific antibodies
Please don't. PLEASE.

Oh, I can't help myself but ask what the difference is between getting live flu versus getting a killed flu preparation from a vaccine? The difference is that you get the same immune response without being at risk of dying. :nonooo:
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 05:22 pm
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall wrote:
Light always travels at exactly 180 000 miles per second.

186,400 (approximately) miles per second and it only seems to travel but really doesn't because it's an illusion caused by wave motion. Waves of light simply reproduce themselves as reflections from one wave field to the other infinitely creating the illusion of what we call a traveling light.

Light can compress and decompress but does not travel it merely reflects just as you and I are a reflection of motions of thought waves expressed in light which we call matter.

So if there's a God, that God be the still Light that does not travel but reflects itself as a mirror reflects. As we reflect into each other. One God, One light, One thing. A mere kaleidescope of reality.

Take a look at this.

xris wrote:
So now you are altering your gods he thinking god is he omnipresent ? is he here now listening to our conversation?

Yes he is. Omnipresence comes from Light. Light is... not incandescent.
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 10:38 pm
Aedes wrote:
Please don't. PLEASE.

Oh, I can't help myself but ask what the difference is between getting live flu versus getting a killed flu preparation from a vaccine? The difference is that you get the same immune response without being at risk of dying. :nonooo:

yeah, if you can provide a killed flu that brings about an immunity that is good

but it would be better if our immunse system was more efficient and powerful

it takes a long time to isolate a 'bug' and then prepare a flu vaccine and they are always adapting

it would be great if our immunse system just killed everything bad quickly and without causing the flu symptoms
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 10:46 pm
But it can't.

Look, vaccines are not a panacea -- they're a public health measure. Before the measles vaccine came out in ~ 1960, 2 or 3 million American children contracted it every year and thousands died. Worldwide millions upon millions died of it every year -- now we're down to around 800,000 a year (which is a failure of vaccine deployment, not of the vaccine itself).

Pick the 10 major vaccine-preventable killers in the world, make effective vaccines, and you get yourself a great public health tool. The good that can be done by immunizing against Haemophilus influenzae type B, Pneumococcus, Influenza, Measles, Rotavirus, Hepatitis B, Polio, and Diphtheria is phenomenally effective as a public health measure.

But the effectiveness of our immune systems and our safety from microbial pathogens requires other things, like breastfeeding, good nutrition, sanitation, hygiene, and avoidance of risk factors like smoking. No need to go engineering the immune system when we can do so much good just with basic things.
Alan McDougall
Reply Tue 3 Feb, 2009 01:26 am


travels at exactly 180 000 miles per second.186,400 (approximately) miles per second and it only seems to travel but really doesn't because it's an illusion caused by wave motion. Waves of light simply reproduce themselves as reflections from one wave field to the other infinitely creating the illusion of what we call a traveling light.

I should have stated that light speed IN A VACUUM is 186 000 as near to that as damit.

Of course light travels slower in other mediums, suck as water. They have got light to slow down to 36 miles per-hour buy the use of fiber optics.

The is a great Sci -Fi story about this slow light. I think the sort Oh
Reply Tue 3 Feb, 2009 07:50 am
Light does not travel it reflects itself creating the illusion of travel. Light is everywhere.
Reply Tue 3 Feb, 2009 04:26 pm
Aedes wrote:
But it can't.

Look, vaccines are not a panacea -- they're a public health measure. Before the measles vaccine came out in ~ 1960, 2 or 3 million American children contracted it every year and thousands died. Worldwide millions upon millions died of it every year -- now we're down to around 800,000 a year (which is a failure of vaccine deployment, not of the vaccine itself).

Pick the 10 major vaccine-preventable killers in the world, make effective vaccines, and you get yourself a great public health tool. The good that can be done by immunizing against Haemophilus influenzae type B, Pneumococcus, Influenza, Measles, Rotavirus, Hepatitis B, Polio, and Diphtheria is phenomenally effective as a public health measure.

But the effectiveness of our immune systems and our safety from microbial pathogens requires other things, like breastfeeding, good nutrition, sanitation, hygiene, and avoidance of risk factors like smoking. No need to go engineering the immune system when we can do so much good just with basic things.

i agree that vaccines are great tools in the present

however I am concerned that they are laced with additional junk which causes harm - historically this has been the case

did you hear of SV40 in Merck vaccines?

anyways, our immunse system is not perfect by natural design - a strong case of salmonella can overpower it and cancer is far too common

and working towards improving it doesn't preclude the measures that are here/now

I think we're on the same page about doing what we can now - I'm just not very trusting of the pharmaceutical companies
Reply Tue 3 Feb, 2009 04:28 pm
Justin wrote:
Light does not travel it reflects itself creating the illusion of travel. Light is everywhere.

that's really interesting Justin, could you elaborate some more on that?
Reply Tue 3 Feb, 2009 06:23 pm
Abolitionist wrote:
that's really interesting Justin, could you elaborate some more on that?

Sure, here's a thread were several of us were discussing it:

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