Mon 9 Aug, 2010 06:31 am - [quote="morekeys"]You are exactly right..... been there done that.
And another thing to think about... it is a business for a traveler as well. Don't get caught up in the loyalty... (view)
Mon 10 May, 2010 05:29 am - HCA
HCA, Hospital Corporation of America is who owns AAS... they are the travel division for HCA.... not American Mobile.. (view)
Thu 18 Feb, 2010 08:24 am - Yes, these were either apt complex's or condo's... Once I had become established with them it wasn't a problem to stay longer.. (view)
Tue 9 Feb, 2010 09:31 pm - Providence and Leslie... yes, traveled with them for several contracts and when the problems I had came up they were quickly resolved... I am talking to them now about another assignment... (view)
Tue 9 Feb, 2010 09:13 pm - HCA's are the pits for the most part.. I work in the OR and we never have help turning over rooms, supplies are very limited, they will not guarantee 40 hrs in a week. I work 8's only..... (view)
Tue 9 Feb, 2010 09:07 pm - RV ...
Nurseexec, would you mind sharing who you use to pull your RV... this is something I have considered but don't want to pull or drive one.. thanks (view)
Tue 9 Feb, 2010 08:58 pm - Best Travel Companies.... again
I wanted to post on this thread but found it to be locked.
Anyway, someone was asking about companies and who to go with and recruiters being the reason a... (view)
Tue 9 Feb, 2010 08:37 pm - Contract
There is a very large group of companies that are commonly referred to as the "evil empire" due to the fact that they are very large, low ball nurse's and couldn't... (view)
Tue 9 Feb, 2010 08:22 pm - Contract
Remember, if it's not written it's not happening. It matters not what you talk about with the nurse manager, if YOU don't make sure it's in the contract you... (view)