Tue 9 Feb, 2010 08:58 pm
Best Travel Companies.... again
I wanted to post on this thread but found it to be locked.
Anyway, someone was asking about companies and who to go with and recruiters being the reason a person might pick a company. Well, that is good but just remember this is a job for them and the best thing they can do is make you feel good about them. You are more likely to want to work with their company. Nothing wrong with that except you need to remember it is their job to make you feel good and stay with them.
Also, recruiter's do post under false names on these forums. Another thing, you will see people really push their company because many times they get a referral bonus if you go with their company... Fair no..
Lastly, many recuriter's get paid depending on how many nurse's they have and how many they can get to fill out the paperwork.
I have decided it is not a good idea to say one recruiter is better than another. I have traveled for many yrs and worked withmany different companies/recuiters and thought I could recommend one but not any more.
The recruiter's jump ship and the next thing you know they are at a different company. Crystal is now with AdvantageRn... I won't work for my opinion, a recruiter doesn't make a company good or decent to work for.
Kent at Millenia used to be someone I referred often, no more... hospitals are more important to these companies than the nurse's are. I expect a recruiter to be supportive of me and not talk to my friends about me behind my back and did he support me with a hospital problem ... no.
My Opinions for what that is worth!!!!!
In my opinion,
Companies matter because they dictate what a company can pay a traveler for and what they can't pay them for. For instance, some companies say no travel expenses, other pay very high.
Recruiters on the other hand, are important as you have to feel a connecton with them and a trust that they will have your back and make sure you are treated well and properly. I had a recruiter that if I had a problem, I never got a call back. In other words.... it was running time when there was a problem. They need to be honest with you or they will lose their clients anyway. I was going to an assignment and my recruiter told me what to bring and what not to bring. Said the entire apt would be perfectly furnished. I got there and it was barely furnished. If she had told me (honestly) how it would be, I could have brought everything I needed, but as it turned out, it was 8 weeks getting a dresser to me, the TV stayed broke 1/2 the time, there was no laundry (washer and dryer) and finding a place to wash cloths was a nightmare, there was no air conditioner and it was so hot that you couldn't stay in the apt on the weekends (when you weren't working)......other travelers that I talked with had the best of all the apt and facilities and getting paid 10 times higher than I was getting paid.
So agencies and recruiters do matter to me.