Tue 4 Oct, 2005 03:49 am - I was Samech Figtree, anyone remember me, say hello
I gotta say, to evanman, that I just don't get it. How is it that you can read the preceding words, and then interject your blather, and... (view)
Sun 25 Sep, 2005 06:53 pm - dubious Members/Profiles
FYI, I noticed a curious pattern, when I sorted by join date, in descending order. All of the following names have links that go to on-line prescription sites, and I... (view)
Tue 20 Sep, 2005 01:49 pm - To Joram & Meshelemiah
Hello Joram and Meshelemiah,
I want to apologize for not writing you sooner, a couple of reasons why:
I didn't really remember you and I was a... (view)
Sun 18 Sep, 2005 06:27 pm - Big Josh
I was wondering why I don't see any mention of Big Josh. He was Faithy's husband and a very dynamic leader in the early days. He was very charasmatic and ,I think, he was a... (view)
Wed 14 Sep, 2005 04:58 pm - Hosea Berg's wife
I just noticed that a pic that I saw and sent some one to see also has Ester (.Lurana Nolind , http://www.xfamily.org/index.php/Lurana_Nolind_Berg), Hosea Berg's wife... (view)
Wed 14 Sep, 2005 04:50 pm - Looking for David Z, Michelamia
Are you looking for the Davis Z that joined very young and was at TSC. Actually let me ask in this way: Follow this link:... (view)
Tue 13 Sep, 2005 11:35 am - From what I have seen, this is by far the most comprehensive source on this subject, and these editors are taking a very balance, thorough, and sane approached to gathering and oganizing, and... (view)
Sun 11 Sep, 2005 11:38 am - newspaper article on COG - Mt. Zion colony (Texas)-07-25-71
Wow, The tall guy with glasses in the upper left is me. I barely remember those days, But I do remeber that we did that for hours, and... (view)