Family Care Illegalities

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Reply Wed 19 Oct, 2005 11:15 am
Family Care Illegalities
To state it simply, it is against the law to spend more than a certain percentage of charity money on administration. And yet Family Care under the guile of Montgomery, has been doing this for years and years, and no one checks it out.

Money given to FC must abide by the law, but what FC does is take their five or six per cent cut of the total money they receive from naive benefactors, who have been seduced into thinking their donaties go to the poor. FC then sends out missionary money, which is categorized under giving, not to independant non aligned missionaries, but to their group members homes. Hence they are giving to themselves rather than to the poor. They can prove the money goes to the field but what it is going for is for field leadership homes. They pay the rents of Family homes for leadership with the money given to them by unsuspecting donors. This is illegal as the missionaries are not indepenadant but aligned to FC, or should I say FC is one and the same as Family International. Its all a scam. feeding the poor is good, but precious little gets to the poor.

A home merely has to give out a little, and that home takes PR pics to show its giving and yet can receive ten fold from such small efforts with their rents and utilities getting paid for by the donaters in rich countries.

FI can have the receipts paying for rents utilities etc. to show the money went to the supposed missionary field, but upon further research a real investigator would find that way over fifty percent of money received by FC foes to FI, and that's illegal by law. FC is linked intimately with FI, therefore money going to FI would be part of administration costs, as they are hardly going to feed the poor from a Family Home that does very little in feeding the poor. They are feeding themselves off accounting falsifications.

And yet because they are based not on the Lord, take away their financing in this way, and they will totally collapse. If they were actually giving to the poor and feeding the poor, taking away their finances would be a sin, but because the opposite is happenning they should be stopped.
And doners should be directed to giving to the poor from more reputable Christian groups.

In My Opinion from looking at their books.

PS Similiarly if you check out their donate a car scam, these cars are not going to independand missionaries but to themselves. Why don;t they just be honest, well they couldn't reap the same benefits they are doing right now, so stick with fraud and dishonesty. But this is mainly a sin of their leadership, whereas many of their workers are working for the Lord and the poor. Help the workers and the poor, but stop the fraud of leadership and the rich.
Reply Wed 19 Oct, 2005 12:18 pm
One reason is that there are many very rich and powerful people who would not want their involvement with CoG/Family to be exposed. So TF appear to get away with so much!
Reply Wed 19 Oct, 2005 12:48 pm
its just a shame....i wonder what percentage of members truly truly believe that they are part of something that is really really dedicated to preaching the word>?
fisherman 1
Reply Wed 19 Oct, 2005 12:53 pm
Everman, that's possible.

But the tax department is pretty far up, and its hard to FF them or bribe them, as white isn;t new to them and they have sufficient funds so a bribe has to be pretty large. And so I differ with you on this, I don;t think TF or FC has many high contacts, and could be brought down easily with a little intelligence to the right people. Its such an easy con to see through, even a second class reporter could figure this one out, as their financial records are OPEN. They can be found on their site. The administration costs go for their mansion, wedding resort for FC... and then the proceeds go for rent to other mansion FC centers in different countries.

Straight forward and simple deductions.... its in black and white and just as tax evasion is a crime so is adminitsration costs above...let's say 10 per cent.... and there's is surely over 50 per cent.

Besides its the Lord's timing to bring down TF by bringing down their finances and roots. The deception is up. They have no one in high places to protect, besides no one is higher than the Lord, and the Lord hates it when groups and organizations and people STEAL from the poor. taking donations that are meant for the poor and using it for F housing is illegal and criminal and immoral.

Reply Wed 19 Oct, 2005 03:11 pm
Also, they do have those Swiss bank accounts.
Reply Wed 19 Oct, 2005 04:32 pm
Ahh tis so true evanman.... But those Swiss bank accounts are Maria and Peter's personal flee funds for when they flee TF and retire. My wife saw it in a dream, and I believe it. They are too tired to keep running and so will eventually surely just pack it in, find a permanent haven, and suck out their Swiss bank accounts. They believe all this hard earned money of litnessers, and the balloon people is theirs for the taking and they will take it.

So IMO forget those Swiss bank accounts, and WS funds, they are untouchable by law. For it is legal to stash away funds from missionaries who erroreously send in so-called tithe money. It is untouchable and legal for Maria and Peter to steal it and call it there own.

But the FC money is there for donaters to complain and file suit against, and they would be mad as hell if they knew over 50 percent of their money went to FC mansions in california and mansions of F leaders around the world. For if just one donater complained it would have to be investigated, and BOOM, books openned, bookes revealed, and TF con of FC financing crumbles into oblivion, because they are not giving 90 per cent of their funding to the poor to which it was suppose to go.

Investigate FC not WS, and one donater who demands an investigation an inquiry can do this, its the law of the land. Simple and straight forward, charity cons are taken very seriously in the US.
Reply Wed 19 Oct, 2005 05:16 pm
Hmmm...I might make a donation to FC just so I can blow the whistle to bust their skanky humanitarian scam. Having done some work with NGOs, I have a serious personal issue with scammers who muddy the water for legitimate, faith-based social service organizations.
fisherman 1
Reply Wed 19 Oct, 2005 08:33 pm
exactly Black elk, what's a ten spot if you can go after FC for their fraud in stealing from the poor. It would be ten dollars well spent, so how much more if major donaters knew the Family Care perfidity. For then again, these donations and how much these donaters gave is probably public knowledge and could be found out, so that anyone with the time, could suggest to these donaters to check and make sure from officials that the money they gave got to the poor and not into the rent and utilities of FI homes doubling as FC homes overseas. For that is where their money went, and that makes it fraud because administration costs over, lets say 10 per cent is indictable and against the Charities law of the US.

And as mentioned any second class wanting to be first class newspaper reporter could find these things out and make a name for themselves, so why not ask them to do so.... especially those in San Diego where the FC mansion is located.

(Where they also get cars donated to FC, when a real care and food donation company might need trucks, but few cars and no boats and no RV's etc. Its all a con as FC is a front for FI and they cycle funds destined for the poor between themselves and this is a crime before the courts as well as before the Lord. So maybe in this case, the Lord would allow worldly courts to take from them what they have stolen from the poor. Nothing ventured nothing gained,.....)
Reply Sat 22 Oct, 2005 12:56 pm
Actually Achieck says they were kicked out of the States because of investigations, from the news-satation there in San Diego. I spent a lot of time composing letters with exact legal reasons from their accounting why they were illegal, and did send them to two stations, so maybe this is what they used or started them into further investigation.

I spent about four days under a different name on NDN showing their inconsistencies, and then when nobody wopuld go to the news people, I wrote up a rather long three page letter detailing with hyperlinks why their books didn;t balance.

Maybe that was time well spent because I was getting fed up with them stealing from the poor.

Mind you FC is apparrently outside the US now, but surely they can;t raise or rip off as much money from the poor where they are NOW.
Reply Sat 22 Oct, 2005 01:49 pm
so t hat was you, figures. I remember that NDN discussion. You were still a johnny come lately. You should give the credit to these guys here who went directly to the media after their friends death. All our letters had fallen on deaf ears. It was the SGs contact with the media that got things moving. Sadly, Ricky's death opened the door.

I hate to keep kicking you off your high horse, but it really is tiresome seeing you try to constantly elongate your stature when it's just not so.
Reply Sat 22 Oct, 2005 02:23 pm
Confirmation, Thanks A for confirming that I did try to bring down FC because of their stealing from the poor. Do you wish, I hadn't tried and just sat around and did nothing. Do you wish I would have just complained and not written those letters to the media, and given permission for others to pass on that letter I took sooo much time composing because everyone on NDN said they were too busy or it was too complicated or it was too much trouble.

Maybe that's why NDN again censored and deleted all my ways and means and letters on how to bring down FC. I thought NDN would have been happy to help in the demise of Family Care. Why would they censor and delete my postings when on this project we should have been hand in hand and working together. Why are they soo wrathful and just want to delete and censor and excommunicate. Sounds like another group I know, called TF. Here this is a Research Board where constructive criticism and action seems to be the values held, irregardless of who posts. IE It seems to be objective here rather than subjective.

So it is true that it might not have been my letters that got thru, but everybit helps, and the possibility is still there, cause I composed'em and sent'em and suggested others print em out and use 'em. What did you do Achieck to help bring down and stop the stealing of food from the poor by FC ?
fisherman 1
Reply Mon 24 Oct, 2005 07:32 pm
Do check out this thread Moderaters, as some of you have said I have brought nothing of value to this discussion board.

And yet it seems like my actions in the past of writing letters and being specific about FC problems have helped in bringing them down or at least out of the U.S., do you accuse me of this when in fact I thought you would have been thankful for another fighter for truth against the Family....
Reply Mon 24 Oct, 2005 09:17 pm
Look, Jayfus, you are the only one giving yourself so much credit. All that was already happening, without you. You came on the scene as if you were going to save the day. So you gave out some numbers, big deal. The ball was already rolling way before you punched some numbers. Maybe if you weren't so f___ing arrogant about it, it wouldn't be so hard to listen to you. What really irritates me about the whole thing is that you presented yourself to be some girl from some other country - lying about who you really are. I was responding to someone I thought needed validation. You jerk. That irritates me to no end. We've been abused enough in TF with leaders and supposed spiritual elders jerking us around and destroying our trust of humankind, we don't need you to continue on here in that same vein. Will you ever get a clue? You remind me of TF, always blaming others. IF this is your one claim to fame, that you gave out some numbers, it's really pitiful.

AND, you should be so appreciative that the young SGs here aren't slitting your throat for promoting a group and it's follower that nearly ruined their lives. They are being more civil to you than any of us deserve and certainly you with your arrogant, better than thou attitude. They have more mercy than you. You should be thankful instead of accusatory - but why should I be surprised. You are Jay, and that's what you do. You must be narcistic, you always get everyone to talk about you and get into some wrestling match with just about everyone and then revel in it. Again, - I have zero respect for you.
Reply Mon 24 Oct, 2005 10:53 pm
No achiek I represented myself very civilly on NDN as I always have, and just used a different name because you would have instantly have deleted all my numbers an dhyperlinks and all the facts I figured out in proving the FC illegalities. Why do you continually suggest I shouldn;t have helped. I offerred my exact accounting reasoning because I am good at Math and knew Family methods of hiding their finances. Why accuse me of helping and trying to say I impersonated a girl. Whew that may be your most desperate ploy ever. Why accuse when we should have been on the sdame page. Why the wrath ? For I offered to help those fighting FC, so how can you accuse me of being grandstanding and aloof, when I was all for co-operation. I am offerred my letter to ANY fully composed, for any to send to the media...and yet seeing no interest in doing such by NDN, I just posted the letters myself.


My comments to yours in ...(...)

Look, Jayfus, (my name is Jay . A.) you are the only one giving yourself so much credit. (No I am just sating I gave NDN the chance to help bring down FC and they declined and I sent the letters anyway, to the media, which was intended to make them start an investigation. This they did Thank the Lord,) All that was already happening, without you. (And yet wiothout results and so I did my part and asked for help if any were serious, and even though nobody knew I was Jay, I still got no response or particpation, so went ahead on my own. Individuals do not need group support to do what needs to be done. Right ) (So thanmks Achiek for confirming that it was I that composed that thread on NDN and wrote the accounting letters. Much appreciated for your confirmation)

You came on the scene as if you were going to save the day. )NO, nothing had succeeded and although people were talking, no one had any ideas of how to bring them down. Don;t you remember. ) So you gave out some numbers, big deal. (Numbers that show exact legal quilt are important, and are much better than subjective slurs. Objective numbers got the media to report tham and FC had to move because they violated legal number laws about how much money they were giving themselves for administration costs. So thanks again for understanding that I gave the numbers.) The ball was already rolling way before you punched some numbers. Maybe if you weren't so f___ing arrogant about it, it wouldn't be so hard to listen to you. (I wasn;t arrogant at all on that thread under my new identity, but no one there had the concentration power to go through a few numbers nor the ability to add up a few numbers, as they were angry but unfocused and subjective rather than objective.)

What really irritates me about the whole thing is that you presented yourself to be some girl from some other country - lying about who you really are. (NO I only wrote as a sister when in my very first month of posting years before this FC, I posted for my wife concerning her rape of Sam Perfilio.... as it was a first hand account of her rape. And yet even then I and she was attacked with racial slurs against my wife who was the victum. I posted as a sister, because in 2000, I was posting for my wife, as her English wasn;t that good, but her heart was and IS)

I was responding to someone I thought needed validation. You jerk. That irritates me to no end. (NO groupies want valididation, the numbers spoke for themselves, the truth stands irregardless of who says it, even if they aren;t part of the grou groupies.) We've been abused enough in TF with leaders and supposed spiritual elders jerking us around and destroying our trust of humankind, (Exactly then why do you still value group pressure and group validation and group pressure and censorship when it differs from your own. Learn to be an individual and think for yourself..and allow differences in opinion and experiences. Think don;t just react)

we don't need you to continue on here in that same vein. (Sorry if need be I shall keep fighting the family with what the Lord gives me if they indeed need to be brought down by their continued violations. But it has to be in the Lord's time... do notice I started a BB Against the Family, in conjunction with Julius... [Moderator: Link removed.] )(Do you also think I shouldn;t have done this and just stood around talking and complaining. No I like action and results... not just talking and getting no where. I hate wasting time) Will you ever get a clue? You remind me of TF, always blaming others. )I thought that was your M.O. I like action and being independant and making others free and independant. ) IF this is your one claim to fame, that you gave out some numbers, it's really pitiful. (NO my claim to life is life itself and then the Lord will figure out how well I lived it for Him and others. Is this also your ideal ?)

AND, you should be so appreciative that the young SGs here aren't slitting your throat for promoting a group (UHHH such vile and such a violent comment Achieck, have you any idea what kind of hatred you are talking about, to say such a thing. Do you really think such throat slitting motives are in SG hearts.... if so have you tried to heal their hearts with real love or have you fired it even more, For I have tried to heal them with real love, and yet you suggest that just because I am a Christian they would want to slit my throat...) and it's follower that nearly ruined their lives. (Yes MO doesn;t represent jesus, and The Family abusers were NOT Christian and SG have to understand the difference so they don;t blame other Christians and don;t blame Jesus himself. It won;t help them to accuse the innocent nor to accuse JESUS.

They are being more civil to you than any of us deserve and certainly you with your arrogant, better than thou attitude. (Less vile than thou Yes, as i believe that healing comes from hinestly figuring out the atrocuities of the Family aso we all can go beyond..) They have more mercy than you. (Right I have no mercy on abusers, but I pick them outindividually as abusers and then go after him relentlessly. No one can help Sam perfilio when i get ahaold of him, the Lord promised me this right) You should be thankful instead of accusatory - but why should I be surprised. You are Jay, and that's what you do. (yes I am a Christian missionary and always was one even when in TF. They deemed me and us untelented nobodies buit we have gone on and they will be no more. Did you jouin TF because you wanted to serve the Lord A...or did you have another motive) You must be narcistic, you always get everyone to talk about you and get into some wrestling match with just about everyone and then revel in it. (Yes my job is to make people make decisions and hopefully they choose truth and searching over knee jerk vile and wrath.) Again, - I have zero respect for you. (And likewise, but I always think while there is life there is hope and so you can make a comeback. here's hoping..) Sincerely david
WalkerJ 1
Reply Tue 25 Oct, 2005 06:22 am
So, David Jay,

You've been banned from at least 2 ex-member websites. This could indicate a pattern. In any case, I'd be interested to know (in 100 words or less, preferrably) why you think that is?

Do you think it is all the fault of conspiring webmasters? Do you think you are to blame in part? What do you think you could have done to prevent yourself from getting banned?

Looking forward to your (short) reply.

Reply Tue 25 Oct, 2005 06:27 am
David Jay,
The incessant drone of your rehashing the same old, self-aggrandizing rhetoric is tiresome, irritating and far from helpful. Sit back, relax and have a nice, big cup of shut the f*** up. Most of us have two ears and two eyes to observe, only one mouth. Go figure.
Peter Frouman
Reply Tue 25 Oct, 2005 07:21 am
Guest wrote:
David Jay,
Sit back, relax and have a nice, big cup of shut the f*** up.
fisherman 1
Reply Tue 25 Oct, 2005 12:04 pm
Sounds good to me, but I prefer beer or wine, a little music and then some dancing, and if there be some women among us, given enough drinks, I like to end the evening off with some good old fashioned romancin.

Cheers brethern and sistern of the cistern, bring on the drinks.
Reply Tue 25 Oct, 2005 01:27 pm
WalkerJ - it's more than 2 sites where he was banned. Any site that was in existence has banned him. I believe that would include Sword of the Lord, LoLo's Blue room, etc., etc. And this would be after he was given many, many chances.

And yes, he's already stated that it's a conspiracy of exmember leadership Rolling Eyes
fisherman 1
Reply Wed 26 Oct, 2005 08:38 am
Most definitely I opposed sword of the Lord, for if you go to their site, they have no qualms about saying they will fight anyone and any person they deem to be against them and their non-ideals. Their aim is to persecute and destory with their worldly Sword. They persecute family members in the Family and even exers who have left and have started personal missionary or charity work. They travel world-wide in search of victums...and unfortunately the world will listen to them in some cases. They stopped faithy after Faithy left the Family and was starting up and succeeeding tremendously in feeding and clothing the poor of Siberia.... and Sword followed her there and went to the worldly Ruissian othox bishop and got her work stopped under false trumpted up charges. Her main indictment being that Mo was her dad, and that she was in the Family, and she was passing out Christian lit...not Family lit..Christian missionary lit. And the Sword stopped her Christian work and her feeding and clothing of the poor.

If this is the charge against me, Yes I definitely oppose the vile and wrath and unChristian hatred of the sword of the Lord. But that is not the aim of this board, and that is not the purpose of this RESEACH Board, if you want to start a thread on the virtues of persecuting Christian groups and individuals Achieck have some guts and start one, in the Genral Area, and let's have a free debate if the Moderaters allow your persecution methods and ideals.

Otherwise do reframe from this incessant false accussations.

Didn;t the Lord say the scribes and pharisees would travel the world looking for disciples worse than themselves and *** where were those verses. You joined the Family for jesus and memorized all those verses for the sake of winning the poor, so surely you remember Acshiek..

I shall respond if your thread is allowed by moderaters

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