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WalkerJ 1
Reply Wed 26 Oct, 2005 01:08 pm
fisherman wrote:
Otherwise do reframe[sic] from this incessant false accussations.

Hey, I'm not the one making the accusations. My question to you was about your opinion of the accusations and the consequent bans--a question, which, by the way, you haven't answered yet.
Reply Wed 26 Oct, 2005 02:00 pm
Jayfus - (my little pet name for you) I don't mind calling you that because you ridiculued me so much when I was first posting as Recovering one, and even saying that I should have recovered and you mocked my board name - it was so mean. That was extremely hurtful to me - someone who had been so abused in TF and was sincerely trying to recover from it and had only just found a website where I could talk to other exers. It was as if you put salt in my wounds.

Now you scream that you don't want false accusations against you (even though they were mere facts stated) and then went on a 2 paragraph tirade of false accusations against Sword of the Lord, which are unfounded and simply not true. All your posts reek of some sort of leadership mentality, as if you've been stuck in a time warp. Get over yourrself.
Reply Fri 28 Oct, 2005 08:43 am
Count to Ten Achieck, from your writing style even now you show that you are have not recovered. But if so, post your recovery healing method. SEE General Board for that thread.

The other board starting with an N, specialized in wrath and vengenance, I disagreed with that as a recovery method as I believe in hurts and keeps wounds open rather than healing them. But according to my word, I can;t elaborate on this until Saturday.. SEE General Board and that all important thread.

As for Sword of the Wordly Lord, I disagree with their persecution methods which is why they and their gang got me banned from N** Thank the Lord, onward C***** S*****, as I hate wasting time. Do you like wasting time ? Are you healed, your posts seem to indicate otherwise... for it seems it still may be true that you could be called the UNrecovered One.

Try J**** as a healing solution, once or twice or three times a day, and you'll be amazed by the results. More later on the genral Board as I look forward to reading about your personal healing methods if you say you have recovered.


Reply Fri 28 Oct, 2005 08:51 am
David Jayfus - You are crazy!

Sword of the Lord had nothing to do with getting you banned from NDN - they weren't even around. You are delusional. You need serious help - are you off your meds, or what?

That reminds me of the funniest thing you did. Way back when the Blue room at LoLo's board was publishing individual poster's IP numbers next to their post, you with your math genius brain thought you had figured out who everyone was as sometimes people would use different names - as you do. I don't remember all the details now, it's been so long, but it was hilarious how you had supposedly figured out that I was actually in a 3-some with Ray and lived on the east coast - ahahhahahahhaahahahahaha - I'm still laughing over that one. And you woulnd't back down, you were sooo convinced. See, no one takes you seriously, least of all me, because I know you so well. And BTW, Ed gets in touch with exmembers, no one needs your help.
Reply Fri 28 Oct, 2005 09:04 am
And I was right, every posting in Lolo's room had an IP number attached as that was its area of origin. I could see this I saw that there were forgeries being made. counterfeiting both my name as well as Family secretaries names ,as well as other people's names....because there was no password entry.

I hate forgeries and lying and trickery. I could prove that a counterefiting forged name posting came from an area, not a specific house but an area...Let's say where who was that guy that started NDN and got so wierd they kicked him out. Well posts were originating from his area, but I never thought he would be the one that had started such postings..... but he did admit years later to this type of method in trying to get more hits..more stats, more power for NDN

And so because I was narrowing down my search, the fearful got my banned.... and Lolo always goes for group pressure.

But I was vindicated as IP numbers is now posters are now banned. I hit the nail on the head... Thanks for vindicating me Achieck, even in your wrath you help prove my point. Ask anybody that knows computers.

Thanks again for the conmfirmation !!!

I hate forgers and LIARS, don;t you, aren;t you glad, people can;t disguise themselves as you, and write as if they were you.
Jack 2
Reply Fri 28 Oct, 2005 10:25 am
But I was vindicated as IP numbers is now posters are now banned.

Pure brilliance from a science graduate. This guy is over the top!
Reply Fri 28 Oct, 2005 01:40 pm
No Jack, they were below board, and couldn't even understand the simpliest of computer science.

It is not my expertise, but Lolo's group and NDN are hardly the sharpest tools in the woodshed, and didn;t understand that every message came with an IP number and it was displayed before every message so anyone could see that some messages were forgeries, because the IP numberws differed and this was only possible if they traveled to another area and quickly used a different computer. Possible but unlikely.

Yet Barney admitted years later that he was forging letters from FM so as it looked like NDN was in communication with the F, Hence it appeared that NDN was the place to be for exers, and they could get back at TF for abuses. But such were foregeries, and FM's hardly ever came there...or maybe never.

SEE [Moderator: Link removed.] for some good mystery mathematical solving as it involves us, not just mere numbers
fisherman 1
Reply Sat 29 Oct, 2005 02:07 am
I have to again say to the accussers, the above post was from me.. David Jay Jordan FISHERMAN, as no decpetion was involved. I merely didn;t SIGN IN...and yet you accuse and accuse and accuse. Will you never learn that wrath and blaming others is not the solution to your pain and abuse. Love and simple truths and humility is the only way to heal your wounds and the wounds of exers, but you adamantly refuse to allow such discussions. You accuse and accuse because it protects you from personal heart searches that could HEAL.

Im at [email protected] if you have any heart and mind changes, or want sincere help and ideas on how to help FM's or exers with simple truths that HEAL
Reply Sat 29 Oct, 2005 04:26 am
Acheick wrote:
Jayfus - (my little pet name for you) I don't mind calling you that because you ridiculued me so much when I was first posting as Recovering one, and even saying that I should have recovered and you mocked my board name - it was so mean. That was extremely hurtful to me - someone who had been so abused in TF and was sincerely trying to recover from it and had only just found a website where I could talk to other exers. It was as if you put salt in my wounds.

Is this the same Jay who has been preaching recently on this board about exmember healing of wounds and wanting to be a help? Not a very good track record.
Reply Sat 29 Oct, 2005 04:31 am
Anonymous wrote:
Count to Ten Achieck, from your writing style even now you show that you are have not recovered. ...Do you like wasting time ? Are you healed, your posts seem to indicate otherwise... for it seems it still may be true that you could be called the UNrecovered One.

Acheik, Please please, I know you won't let yourself get hurt over this, it's just plain nasty, I don't see how Jay could be of help to anyone at all, not when he throws barbs out like this one. It's sort of hypocritical, claiming to be about healing, then saying such nasty things about others, claiming to have the love of God and yet speaking with such venom.
You are lovely darling and have made it through so much, and have been there for me many times. I would say your friendship has done so much to help me heal. Kisses to you!
fisherman 1
Reply Sat 29 Oct, 2005 08:22 am
No offense Porcelain Doll, but Achieck should have been healed by now and have recovered by now if your DENIAL approach to healing had worked. And yet she is still unhealed.

This was blatantly obvious, in 2000 five years ago, on NDN and so I didn;t falsely label her...UnRECOVERED. She wasn;t recovering and was thinking hatred, and wrath and persecution was the key. It isn;t as her words now show. Achieck is still unrecovered, and comforting her is sweet, but the first step to recovery is that you have to honestly access what happenned and why, you can;t be in DENIAL. So Porcelain Doll encouraging chieck is great, but don;t encourage her to continue on in her healing process when it isn;t working. If she was healed now, she wouldn;t need your words, but she hasn't healed.

And don;t blame me for causing her a relapse, I wasn;t here for five years and your DENIAL Healing metods are preached day and night on Exer boards. So why not encourage her to try love as a healing balm rather than vengenance and wrath. Why not encourage her to find out what really happenned and the causes, so that she can get deep healing rather than superficial exer cover-ups. Oh yea, you have said why you won;t allow anything except DENIAL philosophy.
Reply Sat 29 Oct, 2005 10:34 am
Porceleindoll wrote:

Acheik, Please please, I know you won't let yourself get hurt over this, it's just plain nasty, I don't see how Jay could be of help to anyone at all, not when he throws barbs out like this one. It's sort of hypocritical, claiming to be about healing, then saying such nasty things about others, claiming to have the love of God and yet speaking with such venom.
You are lovely darling and have made it through so much, and have been there for me many times. I would say your friendship has done so much to help me heal. Kisses to you!

Porcelein - don't worry - Jay already hurt me quite deeply at that time, but that was before I knew anything about him. But now I know and I know he has some serious personality disorders and really should be ignored or banned. However, for the sake of others who are reading and don't know him, I feel I must respond to his ridiculous postings so others won't be hurt as I was. Thanks - you are a jewel too!
Reply Sat 29 Oct, 2005 10:50 am
fisherman wrote:
No offense Porcelain Doll, but Achieck should have been healed by now and have recovered by now if your DENIAL approach to healing had worked. And yet she is still unhealed.

Jayfus FisherNOT - you remind me of the verse out of the bible where the disciple James is talking about people who ignore the needs of people but say, "Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding you give them not those things which are needful to the body; what does it profit?" You tell people they should be healed, but offer no help whatsoever - just a self-righteous looking down on people.

Have you heard of people who suffered in the holocaust? A lot of them would relieve what they went through some 20 years after the incidents. Some things just can't be forgotten or shoved in the background, if that's what you mean by healing. And what do you mean by healing? You've never made yourself clear - unless it comes to me and you get to accuse me of not being healed - for heaven's sakes.

I don't think you're healed then, because you wrote here on this forum a lenthy and scathing testimony about your wife's rape. You were definitely sounding quite angry and persecutory yourself. Once again, you make no sense. This is like arguing with a toddler.
fisherman 1
Reply Mon 31 Oct, 2005 10:56 am
None of us are completely healed nor completely perfect, we all have a long weay to go, but some of us have learned that progress comes from searching for truths and having heart searches, and facing our own shortcomings yet trying to avoid the same horrific mistakes TF has made, by not doing them in our lives.

You Achieck just want to accuse and acusse and acuuse as if wrath and persecution will heal you. It won't personal responsibility and good choices will.

SEE the new thread on general that shows exers a possible solution to becoming individuals rather than groupies. For groupies are within and outside the F and they are extremists and extremely lazy, and take no responsibilities for their lives at all. We should be different and should have learned differently.

But even there surely you will also accuse and complain about me writing about idnividualism, and against group faith.
Jack 2
Reply Mon 31 Oct, 2005 11:19 am
None of us are completely healed nor completely perfect

And the "us" represents: your wife, your multiple personalities, your dick and who else now?
fisherman 1
Reply Mon 31 Oct, 2005 11:28 am
Again Jack you are out of control and yet again the leaders here will surely allow you to contuinue OUT OF CONTROL...
Reply Mon 31 Oct, 2005 10:02 pm
The leaders here pretty much let you run amok, so why not Jack? He's a heck of a lot funnier. Razz
Reply Mon 31 Oct, 2005 10:43 pm
Anonymous wrote:
The leaders here pretty much let you run amok, so why not Jack? He's a heck of a lot funnier. Razz

Absolutely! Yes, Jack, please stay out of control so I can spit my coffee into my cup from laughing so hard. Thanks "leaders" - oh great ones of the exer world.... :wink:
fisherman 1
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 04:46 am
Thanks out of control, mocking foolish Exers, for you prove my point better than any of my words.

Much appreciated..

Any person with half a brain can easily see how much you haven't healed.
WalkerJ 1
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 06:53 am
fisherman wrote:
Thanks out of control, mocking foolish Exers, for you prove my point better than any of my words.

Much appreciated..

Any person with half a brain can easily see how much you haven't healed.

Quite right. Quite right. A person with half a brain would see it as foolishness. A person with a whole brain would understand that humor, and the ability to laugh at a serious situation is an integral part of maturity.

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