Greatest indictment against Ex Family members

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Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2005 08:47 am
Greatest indictment against Ex Family members
Its easy to point to the sins of the majority of Family members and their lack of courage in speaking out against Family sins etc. etc., but it also has to be said that the greatest indictment against the majority of Exer's is their two faced hypocracy.

Second generation kids in the Family have plenty of excuses why they can leave the Family and become anti-god. But Exers who joined the Family under the guise of wanting to serve the Lord and then after being offended by real circumstances or their plight in not reaching the perks of leadership, and THEN retrurning back into the world and NOT serving the Lord, is truly two faced and an indictment against them.

Thier superficiality and lack of loyality to the Lord truly shows their true nature, when they first joined. They didn't join for the Lord, but were in most cases just groupies that wanted to ride the wave of group effort, gropup faith, and group victories, because they personnally didn;t have individual FAITH or wanted to put in the effort that would have made the group a success driven by individual effort and conscience.

And now when you see them in the so-called system they are either vitrolic against the Lord and any cults to excuse their own shallowness and betrayal to their original joining principles or they are hiding with little or no faith in oblivion.

Is this the Family's fault, NO. Is it the Lord's fault, NO. Is it mainly their fault, YES. And they in most cases will fight like Hell, when faced with this truth about the shallowness and hypocracy of their hearts.

Check the links of exer boards, where are the Christian websites and missionaries of exFamily members. who went on with the Lord. I mean we were told in the beginning that COG/FOL was just a training ground for missionaries who were suppose to just get training and then be independant. So can any of us have any excuse that we were tricked into being missionaries and we never had the training to succeed. I mean look at all the experiences, most of us had. For even if we were taught how not to do things because of the horrendous mistakes made by Mo and Maria, this is still no excuse for not following the Lord. This bad training in The Family would have still have taught us what NOT to do, so we could reverse it and do it RIGHT.

So if we want the Family to face their sins, then we EX members have to also face our perfidity in turn tailing and running from our service for the Lord and others. Sure this doesn't apply to ALL, as each of us are individuals, and have individually chosen life after The Family and COG, but from all the writings and experiences I have encountered after leaving and all the exer websites I have seen. Exers have become very self righteous as a body, as a majority, and they ban and censor anyone that differs with them, and surely will not allow any condemnation of the majority of them to be posted. This exactly why the Family has failed. People wouldn;t speak up, and Mo ousted them when they did.

So I would suggest that the EXER community has some sins to face, in that the majority of us must not have joined The COG or The Family for the right motivation. Our hearts weren't right or deep or strong, and we eventually failed the test when we were not supported by a group. Our true hearts come out when alone and having to make real live decisions, and in the majority of our cases it appears the majority of us, turn tail and ran from the Lord and are actually anti-Christian now and more worldly than the worldly NOW.

Just my observations, but you can disagree if you like.

(I wonder if the PRESS and MEDIA would listen more to EXERS if they would have gone on with Christian missionary work, rather than becoming so anti- and negative about almost everything but their new groups like patriotism and nationalism and militarism. Their new anti-Christian groups. I wonder, maybe that's why the Media doesn't trust us much or give much credence to our complaints about The Family. We just don't appear to be trustworthy or stable, but very hypocritical and negative. )
Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2005 08:57 am

I am one of those who joined because i thought I was following Jesus. I left and continue as a follower of Jesus:

check out our website

It contains my wife and I's story about our time in CoG.

I know a number of exer's that are continuing as "christians".
Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2005 09:55 am
It is a common misconception amongst a number of people that ex-cult members in general are all christians.

I remember at one meeting held by a group that wanted to set up an ex-member's group a Catholic Nun who insisted that every meeting be started with prayers!

"Three hail Mary's, and two how's ya fathers!"

fisherman 1
Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2005 10:48 am
Good for you Everman, Great site. Funny thing it isn't listed on NDN listings, then again would a real Christian want to be listed or connected to them....

Mine has been removed from there and yet still we are approaching a million hits, thank the Lord.

For Yes, some of us have gone on with the Lord..... but the vast MAJORITY haven;t, which is a great indictment against the Family and against us EXERs. For I for one don;t like being associated or labeled as an Exer because of the worldly ungodly wrathful personna they have taken on because of the way their leadership has been so censoring and so persecuting and worldly without any real FAITH or Christianity

Thor... can I ask why you joined the Family if you didn't love the Lord and didn't want to serve the Lord. Did you confuse man worship with a worship of the Lord, until you found out they had clay feet or the other alternative I suggested. if you don;t want to answer I can understand why.

So is there anyone that can deny the observation, that the majority (which means in mathematical terms...over 50 per cent...ha probably more like 90 percent) of exers are now none practicing Christians.

If true, that can tell us exactly why atrocities in the family accurred. WHY, because the majority in the Family did not trust the Lord, and would not report evil leadership and stand up to Mo and Maria, because they were groupies there for the perks themselves. The majority didn't have FAITH, and weren;t there for the Lord but for themslves. Mystery solved IMO.

IE in other words, the problem with the family was due to us as well, not just MO. We were not good seed, the majority of us were not of the Lord. if we were we would have carried on, one way or another.
Thorwald 1
Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2005 10:57 am
fisherman wrote:
Thor... can I ask why you joined the Family if you didn't love the Lord and didn't want to serve the Lord. Did you confuse man worship with a worship of the Lord, until you found out they had clay feet or the other alternative I suggested. if you don;t want to answer I can understand why.

I didn't join TFI, I was born into it. I am an xSGA. I never had the chance to choose anything and I left the group as soon as I was old enough (i.e. 18 ).

Also, I would really prefer it if you would temper all of your "Jesus talk". It is annoying. You can make your points without resorting to preaching and badgering.
Jack 2
Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2005 02:06 pm
evanman wrote:
It is a common misconception amongst a number of people that ex-cult members in general are all christians

Who are these people? More than 95% of all ex-SGAers I've met and spoken to are atheists, agnostics, buddists and what have you.

Maybe some ex-FGAers remained Christians but to be perfectly fair you have to consider the fact that they had to have been spiritually weak people to join a cult in the first place.
Day 1
Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2005 05:51 pm
Perhaps you fancy yourself some sort of omniscient entity. Just because people go in a direction other than what fits into your narrow spectrum of "serving the Lord," what gives you any right to condemn? Have you got some monopoly on the truth? I'm not convinced.
Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2005 07:38 pm
now I know this is Jay
who else had his website removed from NDN? It was him and there is a very good reason why his website was removed. Jay has been around the exmember boards for quite a few years and has always, always been nothing but a major irritant to all - doesn't matter if you are christian, atheist, liberal or conservative, he will mess with your mind and cause you nothing but grief. He will get people fighting with each other. Trust me, I've watched it over and over again until he was banned from every single site. Now he's found a site that doesn't know him.

For a guy who has a million hits on his website, one must wonder how he has all this time to spend tapping out post after lengthy post. I fear this is his new playground.

People - please don't fall into his game. Evil or Very Mad
Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2005 11:41 am
Jack wrote:
evanman wrote:
It is a common misconception amongst a number of people that ex-cult members in general are all christians

Who are these people? More than 95% of all ex-SGAers I've met and spoken to are atheists, agnostics, buddists and what have you.

Maybe some ex-FGAers remained Christians but to be perfectly fair you have to consider the fact that they had to have been spiritually weak people to join a cult in the first place.

I don't think you read what I was saying--I was pointing out that many people have a misconception about ex-members of cults, in general, being interested in following Jesus Christ. I know from personal experience that this is far from the truth.
Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2005 12:37 pm
Can I respond in ....(...)

Who are these people? More than 95% of all ex-SGAers I've met and spoken to are atheists, agnostics, buddists and what have you. (Exactly as there is no such thing as second generation Christians, as everyone has to choose to become a C******. Sorry Thor, a spiritual question as applying to a spiritual query might involve a spiritual answer, even if it might be deemed preaching, talking, or discussing..all determined by ones perspective)

Maybe some ex-FGAers remained Christians but to be perfectly fair you have to consider the fact that they had to have been spiritually weak people to join a cult in the first place. (No, some could have been tricked, and in my opinion in th early days, COG was probably the most Christian group or church or whatever you deem a group name to be. But that's everyone's choice again and the SGA didn;t have this choice in whether to join or not, and like PK kids have as a majority rejected Christ for the most part, because of the poor example they have seen)

Fisherman, Perhaps you fancy yourself some sort of omniscient entity. (NO human..) Just because people go in a direction other than what fits into your narrow spectrum of "serving the Lord," what gives you any right to condemn? (I didn;t that's their choice, I mentioned that SGA didn;t have that choice, as they were born into a missionary group rather than choosing to be missionaries. And that seldom works, unless they choose while in to stay in. Its all choice. Right ? ) Have you got some monopoly on the truth? (No we all have to choose in life, I believe in choice not force nor intimidation. I believe in reporting crimes which is why they booted us out of the Family. Thank the Lord) I'm not convinced. (To thy ownself be true, and make up your mind on any and every issue you deem important. That's your choice)


who else had his website removed from NDN? (That would be I, as I wouldn;t have gotten anywhere if I wasn;t booted off NDN for opposing the force of Sword of the Lord in persecuting missionaries and didn;t like nationalistic force in Americans waving flags of war, and didn;t like liars who were pretending to be me and others and forging documents. I like openness and honesty and no force.) It was him and there is a very good reason why his website was removed. Jay has been around the exmember boards for quite a few years and has always, always been nothing but a major irritant to all -)No foul no crime...but I am not on trial HERE as I am merely answering questions and opposing TF and FC and its accounting and showing how Mo was for war not love. Is that a crime) doesn't matter if you are christian, atheist, liberal or conservative, he will mess with your mind and cause you nothing but grief. (Not if you are consistent and have worked things through in your mind and heart. Right A ? People don;t get frustrated if they have logically made up their minds over what went right and what went wrong in the F. The frustrated force and persecute. ) ) He will get people fighting with each other. (NOt usually, many times groups gather in opposition or agreement if they agree or disagree objectively. That's what discussions do, the sad part is that the frustrated discern subjectively...such as *****) Trust me, I've watched it over and over again until he was banned from every single site. (Thank the Lord, as that gives me time to make progress, and I can;t be bothered wasting time unless it is important and this is a RESEARCH oBJECTIVE EXers site, worth the time and investment as TRUTHS must come out. Which post should I delete Achieck, my showing how the Family could be brought down easily by demanding an accounting that shows they do not give the required amount to the poor. Would you like me to DELETE that so the Family travesty of justice and the FC stealing can go on. Why the wrath Achieck. Life isn;t a copmpetitionit is supposed to be a cooperation for good) Now he's found a site that doesn't know him. (They do now, and they can visit our site [Moderator: Link removed.] but I don;t think many would want to go to the three discussion boards, I have nor the two newsgroups we have started. But they can if they want, that's their choice Right A, or are you trying to take away choices. Hmmm. I like Ebvermans site. Aren;t we allowed to have them if we come to this research board. I am contributing and being helpful in bringing out Family untruths to bring them down. I did that on NDN but they deleted me, oh well. I even posted about FC and how to see through their financing, but you there werenl;t willing enough to see into it. Oh well)

For a guy who has a million hits on his website, one must wonder how he has all this time to spend tapping out post after lengthy post. (Ha, I am a science type missionary and so my posts are strewn with typos and grammatical errors, couldn;t care less, solving mysteries is my forte... And that's easily done when looking at FC books. I like math and science is that also a sin. I am just not into literary word talk, I like real action and so I wasn;t going to stay long, and already told Everman privately that I would be gone soon, and told him my persecuters would come soon, so Thanks for fulfilling that prophecy Achieck. My problem is that I don;t like tyrants, and finding out FC is still stealing from the poor it makes me mad, and knowing perverted Mo trried to start a war makes me mad. So if this kind of madness should be deleted, thats the moderaters decision HERE. ) I fear this is his new playground. (Nah, I take life seriously rather than flippantly. I hate wasting time. if I liked wasting time I would have stayed on NDN or other Exers sites. This one I like because it seems to be about truths and RESEARCH. and objectivity. But then again I could be wrong. we'll see.)
fisherman 1
Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2005 12:50 pm
The above was by me, a guest, as I hadn;t signed in yet as (Jordan ) Fisherman , my name while in the Family. We got excommunicated for reporting the evil Sam Perfilio rapes and killings, who the Lord has promised we shall bring down....

But onward Christian soldiers, true missionaries go on despite the persecutions of the not so loving and kind and sweet.

And Yes, this thread would aggravate exers, but no one can deny its truth, and therefore if we are to bring out truths about the Family, the finger has to also be pointed back to us and our shortcomings. James can understand this, and surely most of you as well.

For again to understand the Family and indict against them you have to KNOW their weakness, and their weeakness is that they are FULL of non-Christians. James is one of the minority exceptions. God bless him. But to bring down your enemies in truth you can not delete and destory truths, but use them. We can;t pretend we are invinciabl and holier than thou and better than them, onl;y MORE HONEST. So if I get deleted, so beit, the question is answered.

And do notice my abbreviations in earlier posts as I was saying in Letter form that the NDN persecuters would come.. LOOK for consistent letters like NDNP... etc and then figure out the whole sentence. Don;t you just love solving mysteries.

Take care and hope you make the right decisions in life and on this BOARD

David Jay Jordan (Fisherman)
Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2005 01:42 pm
This is my last post to you, Jay.

You are a Johnn-come-lately on the scene as far as FCF goes. They have already been brought to the attention of the authorities, Channel 8 news in San Diego has already done a series of investigative reports on them, they have been pressured so much, they shut down and moved their leadership to other countries. You should read up on this stuff before you pretend to be anyone's savior.

Get a life.
Peter Frouman
Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2005 01:57 pm
fisherman wrote:
The above was by me, a guest, as I hadn;t signed in yet as (Jordan ) Fisherman , my name while in the Family. We got excommunicated for reporting the evil Sam Perfilio rapes and killings, who the Lord has promised we shall bring down....

I have read very credible and detailed reports of Sam Perfilio raping and sexually abusing women and children. However, you mentioned "killings" which implies that you are accusing him of murder (or at least manslaughter). That is a very serious accusation which I had never heard anyone make against him until I read your post. Can you explain what you meant by that and provide specific details?
Jack 2
Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2005 03:10 pm
Jesus H. Christ! Christians crack me the fxck up.
fisherman 1
Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2005 03:26 pm
Yes you are foolish Jack and disrespectful !!

Are you an EXER, and why did you JOIN the COG or Family, Jack ?

Was it because you wanted to serve the Lord ?

I think with your atitude, you will be having diffcuklties whether In or OUT, for right now, you seem right OUT OF IT.
Jack 2
Reply Fri 21 Oct, 2005 03:39 pm
Hey sh!t-stick. I never joined your bull-fxcked religion okay? I never wanted to serve your crappy god who hasn't helped me, my family or anyone I know in anyway. My parents made the same god damn stupid decision you made and me and my siblings are having to pay for it. I feel they, you and everyone else over 18 who stayed in the family for longer than 5 years should do jail time.

You are right about one thing, I have no respect for you. I do however have respect for Christians that are respectable. You seem far from it. Besides, you at one point, joined a cult which makes you an idiot in my (frequently voiced) opinion.

Before your accuse me of anything I want to clarify that there are even Ex-FGAers (who I hope I'm not always offending) who have earned my complete respect.

Oh, and by the way, I happen to be doing fantastic out with my attitude. Thank you very much. At I learned out to spell after leaving The Family. You haven't even gotten past learning to think.

Eat sh!t.
Reply Sat 22 Oct, 2005 03:45 am
Why are you angry at God, Jack? I was under the impression that he doesn't exist?

How can you bare anger at a none existant being?

I can understand being angry at people.

Shows me that deep down you actually believe.

Why blame and be angry at God? That's like me being angry at you for something your Great grandfather did 80 years ago.

I believe that the worst sins committed are those done in the name of Jesus Christ! I freely admit that I am guilty, I regret those things of my past.

I believe that we reap what we sow. Like they say, "What goes around, comes around!" There is Justice, I've seen it happen time after time. Both in my life and in the lives of others.

The very fact that such evil--and that's exactly what we were involved in (By choice, or not)--evil, is more than proof to me that there is an extremely dark side to human nature. Everyone of us has his/her own Mr Hyde that is always seeking to manifest. Robert Lewis Stevenson was a very intuitive chap.
fisherman 1
Reply Sat 22 Oct, 2005 11:46 am
Actually Jack you make it very clear where you are coming from and you have proved our point and many of our points as you can not have second generation Christians. So blame us if you like for joining the COG and F if you choose, but if that makes you bitter against the Lord, that isn;t a very wise decision..... But make your choices, we all have to live with ours now and in the future. Moving On is an excellent site for you.

I differ with them, but whatever.

As for my spelling, I was a Science graduate not a arts graduate from University, and I type with two fingers and don;t have time to go over what I write, just let her fly.

And well spoken to Jack, Everman...

The decisions are in your court Jack, we all have to keep going on and living out our lives, irregardless of what happenned in our past....and I quarantee you that ours (Trixie and mine) has not been easy. Problems can actually make you stronger than nothingness and a sheltered life, so we all have our advanatages and disadvantages and yet must CHOOSE for ourselves. All the best to you in yours..


Jack 2
Reply Sat 22 Oct, 2005 03:28 pm
Fisherman, you are a flippin' idiot. I'm gonna go ahead an ignore you.

evanman wrote:
Why are you angry at God, Jack? I was under the impression that he doesn't exist?

You are right. If I was angry at you God I would be accepting his existence. I have not problems with God. It's his fan club I've got issues with. I called Fisterman's god "crappy" but I also called Pearl Harbour (the Ben Affleck movie) crappy and I'm not angry at it. I'm angry at Micheal Bay.

evanman wrote:
Shows me that deep down you actually believe.

Nice try. Smile Really though, I do actually believe, I just don't share yours. Besides as far as religion goes, I'm on probation for times served. Dig it?

evanman wrote:
I believe that the worst sins committed are those done in the name of Jesus Christ! I freely admit that I am guilty, I regret those things of my past.

..and that Evanman is why I don't dislike you and I even respect you. Sure I may poke sh!t at you but it's only because your belief is that somehow we (non-Christians, gentiles) are inferiour to you because we don't share opinions. I blastpheme to Christians so they can look down on me and feel superior to me causing them to commit the sin of hypocrisy. I know, I know, I'm evil but that's what happens when you let a screwed up religion create a psycho.
fisherman 1
Reply Sat 22 Oct, 2005 10:44 pm
Actually Jack, if you knew the majority of email respondants I communicate with you might truly be shocked and or impressed. For although I have emailed thousands of Christians in the four years since being kicked off of NDN for fioghting their groupie force and intimidation, I always knew and prepared to start our own website, Ha yesterday I even started my wife's new one... and it doesn;t look very Christian to Christians, WHY because we aren't normal church Christians and I and we can;t stand'em, and have almost nothing in common with them.

I was an outdoorsman and an athlete, besides being a scientist type, so church NO WAY, leave em alone even though I do write them if they respond. As mentioned I donl;t like groupies and those that can;t stand alone and have go courage or balls or ovaries.

So some of the deeper communications I have is with witches, and mathematicians, and pyshics and Templars and others. I like the normal and natural and if you have rejecterd the church, go on ya... There's a lot of hope for ya.... you gotta have balls and know what you are against. And there is a world of problems within the church and the churchies.

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  3. » Greatest indictment against Ex Family members
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