Greatest indictment against Ex Family members

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fisherman 1
Reply Sat 22 Oct, 2005 10:46 pm
here's my darlings website, and wait til you read her experiences ...... for they aren't for the weak in heart, but from real experiences

[Moderator: Link removed.]
Reply Sun 23 Oct, 2005 10:20 am
..and that Evanman is why I don't dislike you and I even respect you. Sure I may poke sh!t at you but it's only because your belief is that somehow we (non-Christians, gentiles) are inferiour to you because we don't share opinions. I blastpheme to Christians so they can look down on me and feel superior to me causing them to commit the sin of hypocrisy. I know, I know, I'm evil but that's what happens when you let a screwed up religion create a psycho.

I don't think I'm superior to you.

I'm not quite sure what your last sentence means, Not sure who you are referring to. Which screwed up religion? Which Psycho?

Surely religions don't create psychos, it's usually psychos that create religions.
Jack 2
Reply Mon 24 Oct, 2005 04:32 pm
evanman wrote:
I don't think I'm superior to you.

Do you think your religion is superior to mine?

evanman wrote:
I'm not quite sure what your last sentence means, Not sure who you are referring to. Which screwed up religion? Which Psycho?

Surely religions don't create psychos, it's usually psychos that create religions.

Christianity is the religion and I am the psycho. Yes, religions do create psychos when they are run and created by them. Your last sentence is very powerful but rather confusing coming from an religious individual.
Reply Tue 25 Oct, 2005 11:43 am
Can I agree with Jack, in this case that man made religions can produce pyschos. This irregardless of size, because the validity of a group is not based on merely their size. A cult can be a cult even if it has thousands or millions of members like the Catholic church or be as small as two individuals getting together spiritually under false pretenses and devious motivations.

So what determines what is a true non man made church or group or religion or cult, that in my opinion is based solely on whether its precepts are TRUE, this individuals must decide individually

So even though almost all false cults use names of dead people or dieties to supposedly validate themselves, this does not mean that person such as Jesus, is responsible for the atrocities done in His name by that group, or religion.

I think this exact differentiation with let's say Jesus, and Christianity, from the abuses of a cult using His Name, would help a lot of people who have been offended and abused by these perfidious false devoid abusive cults, such as TF.

TF has become psycho even though their supposed leader originally was not a pyscho.

But that's just my opinion, and it might just be based on a truth.
Reply Wed 26 Oct, 2005 08:05 am
Christianity is the religion and I am the psycho. Yes, religions do create psychos when they are run and created by them. Your last sentence is very powerful but rather confusing coming from an religious individual.

Well, I don't really consider myself to be religious in the normally accepted definition of the word. For me True worship of God is measured by our obedience to the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Apostles as contained in the Bible. I don't believe that buildings are churches, nor that Communal living is what the first Christians engaged in.

I reject the idea that being a Christian should be seen as a means to prosper and succeed, nor that elders/pastors are to dictate everything. I care nothing for statistics as a means of showing zeal.

There are some things I can tolerate, and others i can't--but everybody has that about them--even the biggest atheists!

I reckon that it is more important to belong to Christ than to Christianity!
Jack 2
Reply Wed 26 Oct, 2005 12:36 pm
Evanman, by definition, you are religious:

    1. Having or showing belief in and reverence for God or a deity. 2. Of, concerned with, or teaching religion: a religious text. 3. Extremely scrupulous or conscientious: religious devotion to duty.

However, I can respect and understand your desire to separate yourself from the established religions because of their existing bad reputations.

Are you a follower of the Bible's teachings or are you merely a believer in Christ and by proxy a Christian?
Reply Wed 26 Oct, 2005 02:56 pm
I don't really consider myself to be religious in the normally accepted definition of the word.

I didn't say I wasn't religious, I just said in the normally accepted definition of the word.

Are you a follower of the Bible's teachings or are you merely a believer in Christ and by proxy a Christian?

I believe the Bible.

I don't mind being described as a "Christian".
Monger 1
Reply Wed 26 Oct, 2005 06:44 pm
evanman wrote:
I reckon that it is more important to belong to Christ than to Christianity!

I suppose that would explain why the signature under all your posts. Wink I know what you're getting at, but it still makes little sense to me, given the definition of Christianity.
Reply Thu 27 Oct, 2005 06:24 am
Anybody can be a "Christian"--It is Jesus Christ that is more important.

I see no need for Masses, Priests, confessionals, images, Crucifixes, vast amounts of rituals, Cathedrals, and all the trappings that are deemed "Essential" by this monstrosity falsely called "Christianity"!

All the "Prosperity heresy" Word of Faith (WOF) (WOlF in a sheep's clothing), the extremes of neo-pentecostal/charismania that has people rolling around on the floor screaming and acting out of "Toronto/Pensacola".

Nevertheless these are all periferal issues because the main issue we all have to face is what happens to us after we die.

I know from my own life, and talking with others, that most people have a sense of justice. We all get upset and offended when we witness others being mistreated--especially children and the elderly. I came to the conclusion long ago that if there is no God then issues of "right and wrong" are purely academic. What's the point of doing good and being concerned about anything other than ourselves if there is no God?

There can be no good or bad, if there is no universal standard.

Then I figured that, as it does matter, then ultimately we will all be brought to book for our lives--yes there will be a day of judgement. God will judge us all by His standards--if we fall short we will pay the price.

God's simple rule has ten degrees on it:

Put God First!
Don't make any image of God and don't kneel down before them.
Don't take the Lord's name in vain.
Don't Murder.
Give God the time due to Him.
Honour your parents.
Don't Lie.
Don't steal.
Don't commit adultery.
Don't desire the things of others.

(Please excuse if I got them in the wrong order).

I know that I have fallen short in most of these areas, I know that I have actually done most most of these things, and the one's I haven't actually done--i've wanted to do.

Yes God is Love and God is Good. He loves truth and what is right and is good enough not to let anyone get away with anything!

Now, what happens to us when we appear before God? What will any of us be counting on when God opens the case against us!

No point throwing out excuses--"The Devil made me do it!", "Yes, But Lord....!" "But Lord I have spoken in tongues and been to church regularly!" "I always did my best!"

The reply is--You told lies--you are a liar!--I don't believe you!

You used My name as a swear word! You Blasphemed me!

The court will find us all guilty! We are all condemned--no place for us in god's kingdom!

Well, couldn't we just say sorry and try harder!

Try telling the judge in any court that-- I'm sorry--I'll try and do better!

Don't think that would wash--you'll still get sent down!
Reply Thu 27 Oct, 2005 06:30 am
The Door
Evanman - have you heard of a Christian parady publication called The Door? I have been meaning to find it online and when I do, I'll tell you. I saw some magazines from a co-worker - quite interesting. I don't agree on everything, but I love the statirical humor. Also, do you know the history of the Pentecostal movement? If I remember right, it was born out of the disaster of the S.F. earthquake - the doomsayers thought it was the end of the world. hehehehehe......
Reply Thu 27 Oct, 2005 09:03 am
You're right Achieck, the world will go along without any disasters or earthquakes or hurricanes or wars or famines, and nothing that the prophets spoke about so specifically and exactly will ever happen, and we will just live nice little lives in our Western worlds and then die... and then nothing will happen.... WHOOPS, sorry about getting into your dream fantasy world for a second just because different religions and different politicians and different economists and different teachers DIFFER on the future with their interpretations and some blame there differences on the Bible, etc etc etc.. it still doesn;t negate the fact there is a Creator and a Designer and Prophecy is true, when we get it right.

[Moderator: Link removed.]

But please feel free to believe what you like, but do understand that others may differ with you in thinking some major changes are ahead.

Now back to the topic of this thread.....
Reply Thu 27 Oct, 2005 10:41 am
I have heard of Ole Anthony's "The Door", and "Balaam's Ass" also.

"The Door" producers also do a section on one of the late night US chat shows I believe.

I think it is called "God Stuff" if I'm not mistaken about it!
Jack 2
Reply Thu 27 Oct, 2005 11:23 am
I wrote a skit when I was kid and got the other kids to act it out. It was called "Balaam's Butt." Man did I get paddled for that one. In hindsight however, it was pure brilliance. I've since modified it into a screenplay I plan to make into a film called "The Ass and The Angel."
Day 1
Reply Thu 27 Oct, 2005 01:03 pm
Balaam's Butt
That's hilarious....Balaam's Butt. Laughing
Reply Thu 27 Oct, 2005 05:02 pm
Unfortunately in England an "Ass" is simply a donkey! It doesn't translate like it does in the US.
Jack 2
Reply Thu 27 Oct, 2005 06:02 pm
Please appreciate the new, abridged commandments which are more applicable to reality:

    [b]1. Thou shalt not kill.[/b]
Ever. Even in the name of your religion. Don't even kill criminals. It brings up too much controversy and it's hard to judge the value of someone's life over their crimes. Besides, killing is rarely a nice thing.
    [b]2. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.[/b]
This one is a new one. An exciting addition. Essentially, don't be a jackass. If everyone treated each other like they wanted to be treated, we'd just put all the sadistic people on one island where they would eventually consume themselves or become stronger and destroy those of us that like to be nice to each other.
    [b]3. Thou shalt not steal.[/b]
Would you want someone to steal from you? No, probably not. So this goes along with the whole "don't be a jackass" thing. Besides, you could always just get a job.
    [b]4. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. [/b]
Now, that would be a pretty jackass thing to do now wouldn't it?
    [b]5. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbor's.[/b]
Seriously Jackass, Get a job!

This is really going nowhere. How about we start again.
    [b]1. Thou shalt not kill. 2. Thou shalt not be a jackass.[/b]
I know The Two Commandments doesn't have the same ring as ten but the acronym doesn't have to change and this saves buckets time and really covers all bases.

Think about it. I'm wouldn't put any gods before the Lord my God if I had one. He shouldn't be so insecure. I'll also try not to take his name in vain if he promises to do something special for me everyonce in a while, but we don't have to make it a "commandment." It sounds so cold and formal. As far as bowing down to graven images, you'd have to believe in a book for a really long time before upgrading to a statue.

Getting rid of the Sabbath seem so inefficient. Sure everyone needs rest, some more than others, but why shut down the whole community and waste a day? Why don't we just write up a schedule that works for everyone? Hell, we could even make it a 2 day thing if we plan it right. We don't need to make that a commandment either and calling a day holy is just creepy.

I would agree with honour thy father and mother, but my days are long enough as it is besides, they abandoned their duties as father and mother long ago. If they had my "don't be a jackass" commandment maybe we wouldn't be in this situation.

All the rest can combined in with "don't be a jackass" which rids us of the annoying repetitiveness that "thou shalt" is.

Look at how much I acheived and I didn't even have to fast or spend time up on mount Sinai. Now you'll excuse me while I go covet my neighbor's manservant.
fisherman 1
Reply Fri 28 Oct, 2005 10:18 am
Excellent answers EVERMAN, as surely one of the healing methods I and others might be expanding upon tommorrow is that if any want real healing they will have to differentiate between Christ and Christianity, and between the different types of Christianity. extremists try to label all with the same label because it is so much easier, and that way they think they can rest their minds. But real life shows that real healing takes a much deeper search for truth than superficiallity and mere general labeling.

TF did not represent Christ and so blaming Chrisdt for abuses done by wayward FM's and Mo, is hardly going to help in healing. real healing is really getting at the root of a problem or disease. Topical ointments don;t work when you have to get into our common blood and common faults.

Well spoken Everman.....
Reply Fri 28 Oct, 2005 12:59 pm
The "TWO COMMANDMENTS" merely simplify the Ten.

The law (Tanakh) will be the standard by which Jesus Christ will judge all people.

Obviously the heart of the teachings of Christ is love for your fellow man. This is the toughest thing there is. It means loving your enemies, doing good to them that hate you, praying for those that persecute you. It means blessing them that curse you. It means refraining from doing many things that we feel inclind to do.

Yes, TF manipulates people using these teachings--like the scribes and Pharisees of His day. They place heavy burdons on people and then don't lift a finger to ease the burdon.

It also means approaching others and pointing out to them when they are transgressing the teachings of Christ.
Jack 2
Reply Fri 28 Oct, 2005 01:08 pm
Yes, the Two simplify eight of the Ten but it eliminates the two monotheo-centric, worship and scheduling commandments which are unnecessary in effort of being good to your fellow man and virtually impossibly to justify with straight logic sans faith. Faith being the non-existant evidence of something not seen (or made possibly up).

Evanman wrote:
Obviously the heart of the teachings of Christ is love for your fellow man. This is the toughest thing there is. It means loving your enemies, doing good to them that hate you, praying for those that persecute you. It means blessing them that curse you. It means refraining from doing many things that we feel inclind to do.

Buddha and John Lennon also taught that. If you do your best to abide by these rules, you have my respect. I will always argue the technicalities of your views, but if you truly believe what you are saying, the basis of mine are similar to yours.
Reply Fri 28 Oct, 2005 05:48 pm
Jack wrote:
Yes, the Two simplify eight of the Ten but it eliminates the two monotheo-centric, worship and scheduling commandments which are unnecessary in effort of being good to your fellow man and virtually impossibly to justify with straight logic sans faith. Faith being the non-existant evidence of something not seen (or made possibly up).

Evanman wrote:
Obviously the heart of the teachings of Christ is love for your fellow man. This is the toughest thing there is. It means loving your enemies, doing good to them that hate you, praying for those that persecute you. It means blessing them that curse you. It means refraining from doing many things that we feel inclind to do.

Buddha and John Lennon also taught that. If you do your best to abide by these rules, you have my respect. I will always argue the technicalities of your views, but if you truly believe what you are saying, the basis of mine are similar to yours.

Here here! Though I won't always argue technicalities of views because I get a bit tired of it after awhile, and I figure people can believe what they like as long as they don't push it on me or use their beliefs to hurt others.

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