Anonymous wrote:Hi ! I m living in Croatia and heare no1didnt know about Family like you talk about(sexual obuse).I meet Family members last yeare ,and i have bible classes with Family members 12 Fondation stones and Bredges.I didnt know anything ,and I desperately need thees to know.Its unbealievable.I just cant imagine how any human bing could do what Angela(Sara) did to Ricky.But still dont undarstand how thay have much love for oders , and help pepol arond them,,and do stuff like sexual obus children.It made me physically sick to my stomach.Its incredible to me.
Most of the sexual abuses that happened, took place almost 20 years ago. While I doubt that the Family members you are in contact with are abusing their children sexually, if they joined the Family in the 70s or 80s, then they were certainly around when the
Story of Davidito was published and they continued to support Family leaders even though they knew what was going on.
Family members don't talk about all their doctrines to people who are not in The Family or long-time friends. Many of their basic beliefs are (debatably) of a Christian nature, so to someone who has only met them a few times, they will seem like regular Christians.
While they don't officially condone adult-child sex, when pressed for answers, it appears they still believe that it is not a crime (as the above dialogue with Eman shows).
It's up to you if you want to continue to stay in contact with them, but if you do, I would recommend that you ask them if they think that what was done to Rick was sexual abuse or not.
If they say they think it was abusive, you can ask them why they still give their money to the people who photographed, published and promoted these things.
If they say it wasn't abuse, then I guess you have your answer.