Uncle Jim/Solomon

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Reply Thu 29 Sep, 2005 04:34 pm
Uncle Jim/Solomon
I was wondering if you have any info about the famous "Uncle Jim" of Treasure Attic fame? Someone was telling me today that when he gives his "testimony" he mentions that he was once gay.
I remember reading his comments in an FSM or something that "the lord" told him not to get married... something to do with loving jesus...

I better stop writing or I may say things my mind is conjuring up at the moment... Razz
Thorwald 1
Reply Fri 30 Sep, 2005 04:51 am
Question: What does his sexual orientation have to do with anything? I am being serious here. That is really only his business, don't you think?
news snoop
Reply Fri 30 Sep, 2005 06:01 am
Gut feelings
Yes, I may be overstepping my snooping... but since leaving the group I want to see if I can verify those gut feelings I had.
Since we weren't given the freedom to think for ourselves I'm going overboard I guess.

Yes, Solomon's sexual orientation is certainly his business... but in the group sex is EVERYBODY'S business.
Reply Fri 30 Sep, 2005 01:33 pm
Funny mentioning "Uncle Jim"

I found this article of Sam Ajemian's that metions him:
news snoop
Reply Fri 30 Sep, 2005 04:48 pm
about Solomon
Oh I see, it is sort of "documented" already. Interesting. Thanks Evanman.

Is there a term already about sex with Jesus... theosexuality? Rolling Eyes
Monger 1
Reply Fri 30 Sep, 2005 06:30 pm
Re: about Solomon
news snoop wrote:
Yes, Solomon's sexual orientation is certainly his business... but in the group sex is EVERYBODY'S business.

What is that supposed to mean?
news snoop
Reply Fri 30 Sep, 2005 06:40 pm
Hi Monger,
Well, what I mean is that the Family International is a highly sexualized group... and their doctrine has each extreme... from "Be a Eunich", to "Rape", to Flirty Fishing... to Loving Jesus.... and if you aren't sexy enough, then you aren't "revolutionary".... that's what I mean!
Reply Fri 30 Sep, 2005 09:50 pm
I would find it interesting to know how Solomon, if he did have homosexuality tendencies, adjusted to living withing a very male/female only sexual relationship. I lived around him for several years, he was always very nice, polite, kind, gentle, to my recollection I never saw or experienced anything pervy or weird about him. But he also wasn't like a lot of other men around, he didn't usually say things that were come 'ons, he kept a certain sexual distance, I could imagine that being his good friend would be easy, but that he wasn't out to jump your bones as so many other guys were.
I never really thought deeply about 'is he gay or not' until leaving, and the question mark has always been there.

But it is his business ultimately, who he is. I can think of a few other guys though whom I have put a question mark over, wondering the same thing, and how they cope(d) with it.

In the group it would have been hard for him to be who he was, if he was gay, and the group most certainly disapproved and banned gay behavior, how did or would he, or any other guy, have coped with being homosexual in such a situation?

I have a non-TFI related friend who has found out one of her very long-time best friends (male) has come out of the closet. Problem is, he's a very devout Christian, and it's been interesting seeing how she is coping with it (she is very devout as well, solid belief), and what she relates to me about how he is coping with it, since homosexuality goes against God's laws.

I find it an interesting thing to wonder about once in awhile.
Reply Sat 1 Oct, 2005 10:37 am
Actually, Monger, Thorwald, I find this to be a very interesting subject and I'm glad that NewsSnoop brought it up. Just so you know, I am NOT homophobic (whatever that means).

It's interesting because of the mixed messages Berg sent out and now Maria. I'm wondering also how they reconcile all this.

We had a "childcare" worker who helped us in Malaysia. He was very nice but we had no clue he was gay. He used to read to the children at night and we left him alone with them a lot. I never thought anything of it. It finally came out that he was gay when we discovered he was sleeping with a "sheep" we were witnessing to. It all became very confusing then. I think we spent a lot of time praying with him after that. He finally left and we eventually went to visit him in New Jersey and met his family and all. He was in a picture in Time Magazine for some AIDs protest. This was back in the 70s. I'm hoping he didn't die of AIDs.
Thorwald 1
Reply Sun 2 Oct, 2005 08:46 am
Acheick wrote:
He was very nice but we had no clue he was gay. He used to read to the children at night and we left him alone with them a lot. I never thought anything of it.

Am I reading you right here? Are you saying that you can not leave children alone with gay people . . . just because they are gay? Are you assuming that, if they are gay, they will tend to "pervert" the children under their care? What difference does it make if you leave children alone with heterosexual or homosexual people?

Homophobia is, in my opinion, just the fear that the homosexual lifestyle will pervert you and/or your children. However, I find it to be more of antipathy than fear (contrariety or opposition in feeling; settled aversion or dislike; repugnance; distaste.)

I understand you are probably not implying any of the above. However, I want to make my position clear on this.

I am sure people find this all "interesting", however, remember that we are discussing very private stuff on a very public forum. I don't care how interesting it is, I still don't think it is any of our business.

We might wish to shift the discussion towards the TFIs stance on homosexuality in general (their history, their homophobia, their Biblical backup, etc). Let's just leave the individuals out of it.
Reply Sun 2 Oct, 2005 09:16 am
you know - Thorwald - in the back of my mind I knew someone would read that into that sentence, and sure enough! OK - I SHOULD have said, and I STILL don't think anything of it - feel better? I will obey your edict and not discuss any individual's sexual orientation. Buh Bye.
Thorwald 1
Reply Sun 2 Oct, 2005 09:23 am
It was not an "edict", just a suggestion.
Reply Sun 2 Oct, 2005 03:56 pm
It's all good - forgive my snippiness - I was in an irritating mood.
Helga 1
Reply Mon 3 Oct, 2005 10:11 am
I've noticed that most Christians and esp. the TFI equates homosexuality with pedophilia. They can't separate the two. If a man or a woman is gay, they are automatically going to go after your kids? Ridiculous.
Reply Mon 3 Oct, 2005 12:13 pm
Helga my dear - your stereotyping is ridiculous. I already explained that was not my intention in that sentence - in fact, it was the opposite, but leave it to people wanting to get on some bandwagon to blow air into nothing. To be quite honest with you - at this point, I'm nervous around old men being with little children. Ever heard the term - dirty old man?EVERYONE is a suspect when one has been through what we've been through. That person I mentioned was a good friend and a great childcare helper - so my comment that I thought nothing of it was as it is - nothing - so quit making something out of nothing just to get on a personal bandwagon. I don't think TF was or is homophobic -(whatever that stupid term means) - I think they are confused because of Berg's flip flopping and that's what I was wanting to talk about, but no, we have to get on personal bandwagons - so forget it. Talk amongst yourselves. And if it's taboo to talk about individual's sexual orientations, then maybe it's taboo to talk about Christians in a bad light as is more often the case then not. We are all individuals on our own individual path. Thank you.
Helga 1
Reply Wed 5 Oct, 2005 10:24 am
Whoa, Achiek, I meant nothing against you. I'm sorry it I came across that way. I just couldn't resist taking a jab at TF. It wasn't meant for you.

Homophobia is the fear or hatred of homosexuals, and I do think TF taught homophobia. I've been gone over 10 years and it took me a while to get over a lot of f*up ideas and mindsets I got from them. They criticized and judged everyone and everything and I decided to just try and start all over with a clean slate. I was very anti-gay/lesbian in the past so maybe I've gone overboard now.

Again, what I said was not meant to be directed at you. I admire you very much. I've read your story and all your postings and I think you are a very strong and brave woman.

Reply Sun 9 Oct, 2005 12:09 pm
I'm truly sorry
Helga - I am sorry. I went over the top didn't I? I really thought it was a personal response I guess because of the post above yours. I don't have much patience with bigotry of any stripe and I've seen soooo much religious bigotry in this country of late, it's quite disconcerting. However, I certainly appreciate justified ciricisms when it comes to cultic mentalities.

I'm sorry again for jumping all over you. Peace to you too! Embarrassed
Helga 1
Reply Mon 10 Oct, 2005 10:53 am
Reply Sun 23 Oct, 2005 01:22 pm
sometimes someone might
I know personally of a gay man who, during his time in TF, did actually play with some little boys and also masturbated together with a little boy in secret. I am not generalizing. I cannot. I only know of this one case. It was kept quiet and no repercussions were ever brought out. So it can happen.
Of course, straight men have also done unthinkably horrible abusive stunts with little girls, so abuse is abuse.
Reply Mon 13 Mar, 2006 01:40 am
Thorwald wrote:

Am I reading you right here? Are you saying that you can not leave children alone with gay people . . . just because they are gay? Are you assuming that, if they are gay, they will tend to "pervert" the children under their care? What difference does it make if you leave children alone with heterosexual or homosexual people?

Here is one theory especially for TF:

In TF male homosexuality is a sin. Therefore a male homosexual must stay in the closet, so to speak. If his hormones get the best of him, who do you think he is most likely to initiate contact with? I'll have to say a child. Why? Because they are innocent. There is less change of them objecting to the homosexual advances than an adult.

Are you following Thor?

If you believe homosexuality is normal thing, then stop reading here.

Same goes for homosexuals teachers in schools. Is it not in their best interests to teach that homosexuality is a normal thing?

A child's mind can be perverted at a young age. If a child is taught to like homosexual contact, it is likely that this child will become an adult homosexual. Is this not a good thing for the gay community?

My personal opinion is that homosexuality is a perversion. This is easily shown by the present fact that homosexuality cannot result in offspring. I will let them do as they please with their own in private, but homosexuals currently have no ability to reproduce. Therefore even by evolutionary logic, this is a destructive mutation.

I would not like any of my children to even know that homosexuality exists. They can find out when they are old enough to decide for themselves.

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