Looking for friends

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Reply Thu 5 Oct, 2006 06:24 pm
Does anyone know where Joab "Happy" is, and what he is doing. I was under his teachings @ TSC, for awhile and also in Woodland Park, Colorado. I left officially in 1973. My name was Flagon. I know he could be hard, but he helped me through tough times. I'm still in contact with a few ex-members from that era.
Day 1
Reply Fri 6 Oct, 2006 06:07 pm
Happy was very influential. The last time I saw him, in the fall of ’73, he and Honey, their children and a brother James were leaving Chicago, to places unknown to me. There was an uneasy air about the situation, something sad and burdensome. Naturally, no one talked about any specifics. The time that we had spent together on the Green Bus Team had given me a particular love and closeness to them, especially their children. I read an article a little while back that mentioned a woman called Vashti and wondered if that could have been Honey. I hope that they are all right. Maybe they’ll chime in... who knows?
Reply Tue 17 Oct, 2006 03:44 pm
Where is Happy?
I saw a photo posted of Happy on New Day News site about two years ago. He was with a gathering or conferance, that picture may not still be posted. Joel and Happy were both excoummunicated around 75 or 76' however Happy didn't follow or believed in Joel's teachings, I believed he justed didn't agree with the way things where going with TF and left. A bother named James (River),who traveled with him was last heard being in St Louis, around 77' staying with Brother Ed, a farmer. Happy was with another couple around Dallas at that time. Joel may know more, however his teachings are quiet a bend to the mind and be suspious of any inquiries.
Reply Sun 12 Nov, 2006 05:38 pm
Procurando ex-amigos de Porto Alegre - Brasil (1976)
Meu nome é Mário, eu era Tiago nos Meninos de Deus. Morei com a família em 1976, em Porto Alegre, de janeiro a julho apenas. Há pouco conheci esse site. Gostaria de saber notícias de Jetro Silvestre, Salomé Brisa, Chuva Amor, Elias, Felipe e Meriba, Raquel, Jeremai - convivi com todos eles durante o tempo em que estive na comunidade. Queria muito ter contato com eles.

Abraços. Mário
Reply Thu 23 Nov, 2006 05:26 pm
Paris 1974-75
I don't know if you remember me but if your the Day that was playing the violin and with the Show Group in Paris both in the middle of Paris and at the little chateau in Bois de Colomb just out side of Paris.. I was there also. I did all the sound recordings, help to built the studios, mixing on the Europe One Tour & etc...
Anyway I was just looking around and found this forum... Sounds like you OK..
Richard (Michaiah)
PS I was the one who married Sharon Rose and we left in the sumer of 76 when she was pregant with our second child.
Day 1
Reply Sat 25 Nov, 2006 12:15 am

I don't think I'm the person you're thinking of. The violin is only a recent ambition of mine, ... the guitar was all I tried playing during my years in TF. I was at the Paris colony on rue Montmartre though, (near the Bourse) in '74-'75, during part of the Show Group era, and later at the Sarcelles colony, outside Paris in early '76, before going to Caen.
The name Sharon Rose does sound familiar, as does your name, but I can't seem to place you, right off. Did you spend any time at the Paris colony (on rue Montmartre)?
Whether our paths crossed long ago, or not, I hope that life has been kind to you and your loved ones.
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 11:45 am
Hi, my name is Patrick Miller. I met the CoG in Daytona, Fl. in 1972 and stayed with them for 3 days. A man held my hands and I said "Dear Jesus please come into my heart and save me." I haven't been the same since. My doubts drove me away. I haven't known what to do with myself since. I tried to find them several times, but after reading some of the articles on this site and the moving-on site I'm glad that I did not find them. I hope you reply to me. I still don't know what's going on. I drink too much, I'm still wandering around, battles are still being fought in my brain. My e-mail is [email protected] If I can keep the truth on my lips maybe I have a chance. Patrick
Mary Jane Henry
Reply Sat 2 Dec, 2006 11:28 am
Hi Patrick! Welcome! Someone did the same for me winter of '71 in Toronto. I ended up joining and stayed for 5 years but had a wonderful experience (it was before things got too creepy) overall, in spite of the flat out robbery and all the rest that went on, and for me I would suggest that you go out and get a copy of the King James Bible and have a little read. If you are so uncomfortable, it could be that the Lord is looking for you to come on in from the cold! Another good read would be Pilgrim's Progress. Try to stay away from the current trendy trash. Now, you might not be a reader and in that case maybe you could try out some churches, but being aware that we are living in perilous times in which *most* of the churches are seriously fallen away - so beware! (I personally wish that there was another group out there living by faith in which it was possible to serve God full time as we used to do - I'd be very interested!!!) I'll be praying for you Patrick!
All the very best,
Reply Sun 3 Dec, 2006 01:55 am
(I personally wish that there was another group out there living by faith in which it was possible to serve God full time as we used to do - I'd be very interested!!!)

This doctrine of "Living by faith" as taught by Berg, and others, is not trully Biblical. All Christian believers live by faith, it doesn't mean giving up jobs, careers, whatever, in order to be an itinerant preacher. Nowhere does the Bible even suggest such an idea.

Read the New Testament--especially that Acts of the Apostles, and you will see that the vast majority of disciples were working people who were either employed or self-employed.

To live by faith means to live one's life as a follower of the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Apostles. Whatever we do is supposed to be to God's glory--right? Remember the old song based on 1Cor 10: 31?

The idea that somehow real "disciples" give up absolutely everything in order to live in communes is elitist nonsense. It comes from spiritual pride and engenders division.

In fact, CoG/TF is, and was, a business that proffits from the "goodwill" of its members. Its financial empire was built on the backs (no pun intended) of its members who were willing to sacrifice themselves, often going hungry, sleeping rough, being mal-nourished, whilst those at the top went from "Rags to Riches". The Bible teaches that the "workman is worthy of his hire", somehow this concept, though often quoted by Berg, was overlooked. To paraphrase an Orwellian novel--"Some seemed to be more worthy than others".

I remember as the ordinary members were spending hours trudging the streets litnessing, being made to stay out until the quota was reached, the leaders would be living in luxury, going out of an evening to the bars and clubs spending huge amounts of the money that was brought in in order to catch some "Big Fish"!
Mary Jane Henry
Reply Sun 3 Dec, 2006 07:48 am
All too true, sadly! I have to agree - but there are times when I do miss the high sense of committment and the fellowship both of which are hard to find elsewhere! It made up for a lot of the chicanery and theiving and lies! I guess, in effect they offered it *in exchange* for the money.
Reply Mon 4 Dec, 2006 01:11 pm
A lot of people swap drug/alcohol dependence for group dependence.
Peter John
Reply Sat 14 Jul, 2007 02:46 pm
Re: Paris 1974-75
Michaiah wrote:
I don't know if you remember me but if your the Day that was playing the violin and with the Show Group in Paris both in the middle of Paris and at the little chateau in Bois de Colomb just out side of Paris.. I was there also. I did all the sound recordings, help to built the studios, mixing on the Europe One Tour & etc...
Anyway I was just looking around and found this forum... Sounds like you OK..
Richard (Michaiah)
PS I was the one who married Sharon Rose and we left in the sumer of 76 when she was pregant with our second child.

That was not Day that was Square with the violin and my yamaha guitar.
She has also been performing on the French TV shows and for Gadafi in Libia.
Reply Mon 22 Dec, 2008 08:55 pm
Re: Looking for friends
Hi, this is Lasha from Texas, I knew Happy and Honey too, where are they? I joined TSC in 1970, isn't it fuuny how much we were affected by the family, I have good memories too. I feel connected to you guys because we were in the family, we know alot of the same people, we prayed together...Im spiritual not religous, Obed and I left in 76 from PuetoRico, 2 kids and had 2 more divorced after 27 yrs. I live in Eugene, Oregon, there are alot of free spirited people here. I would love to talk to any of you who remember me, I was only 15yrs old. I knew Jacob, Joshua, Martha, Deb(I have talked to her since I left) Jerusha, Eli..Hope, Jeremiah Singer. I am not ashamed I was in the family, I learned alot, I am glad we left when we did, it was getting pretty weird. Looking forward to hearing from You!!! Namaste Rhonda
[email protected]
Reply Mon 22 Dec, 2008 08:58 pm
Re: Looking for friends
Yes Vashti is Honey!!!!
Reply Mon 22 Dec, 2008 09:06 pm
Re: Looking for friends
Cherub, Are you like 5ft? I think I remember you, didn't you go and live with Mo? I think we were in the tribe of Asher together, with SyriaIs this You? Lasha (Rhonda [email protected])
Reply Mon 9 Feb, 2009 06:25 pm
Re: Looking for friends
i was in chicago in 1974 with keros and raamah (i believe it was the old 6 story spanish embassy on astor street - or something like that...) also, i believe i know sharon rose - if it's the same person - i believe she use to live in the home in houston texas (9000 polk street or ave - if i'm not mistaken...) i use to live there as well - many moons ago...
Reply Sat 17 Jul, 2010 10:27 pm
Re: Looking for friends
Hi Day. I do not know you, but I know your name and I know the names of many of the people you talked about including my parents, "Keros" and "Raamah" and my brother Isaac. I stumbled onto this website quite by accident and just thought I'd look around and then I saw this post. Very surreal! My parents left or you could say, were kicked out, in '91 as they had opinions that those in power did not agree with. Shocking, right? Best thing that ever happened, in my opinion. Anyway, we lived in many places throughout the years including Ecuador and India. They have a total of nine children, and I am #4. They must of had my sister Lydia when you lived with them in Chicago as she was born in Feb of '74 in Chicago. My mom might have even been pregnant with #3 at that point. Sadly, my mom died twelve years ago, but my dad is still doing well. I will let him know that you are looking for him, though I'm not sure if he will want to reconnect with anyone. It is so weird to be browsing around on one's BlackBerry and come across names and places that are so distant and yet somehow still so present.
Reply Mon 8 Nov, 2010 06:41 pm
Re: Looking for friends
Joseph - I'm not sure but I think I might know you. I was at Polk St. but I was only there for less than a year - I'm not sure of the exact year but it was sometime between 71 and 73. Then I shipped out to Kansas City, then later to Brazil. Do you remember a guy named Jacob Jew (me)?
Reply Mon 8 Nov, 2010 07:28 pm
Re: Memory Lane

We were sent to stay in some little row house in a part of town called Graujauau - or something like that - can't get the spelling. Jerry and Gentleness were running the place. That's where my daughter was born. We went to Sao Paulo after that with some people named Paolo and Dove. I used to be married to a guy named Gibeah and my name was Mercy.

Hey, Mercy! I think remember you!! I don't remember that you were married at the time or that you had any children... but how many people named Mercy could have lived in Grajau! I was there too and I played base in the band. I was Jacob Jew (Jaco), remember?

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