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Day 1
Reply Fri 9 Dec, 2005 03:56 pm
That's wild, what you said about lung tasting like sponge. The word spunk comes from the Latin root spongia or sponge. Never would have known that before now, without the vocabulary lesson. I jest you not. :wink:
Reply Sat 10 Dec, 2005 01:53 pm
Re: The "jet setters"
Joe (formerly Judah Lion wrote:

You cracked me up with the "jet-set" description of Z&P! I couldn't have said it any better. In my humble opinion, I mark that era as the time the work in Brasil and my own life started going to hell on a roller coaster. Do you remember a guy named Zered Wait? I knew him in Ellenville, NY. I heard once that he challenged Zadok in some meeting regarding the RNR; why aren't we electing our leaders all the way up and down the line as required by the RNR letters?

Well - I'm sure that Zadok didn't want to lose his cherished postition. My ex was so enamored with him that he started talking like him. It creeped me out.

I do remember meeting Jerry and Gentleness (did she go by the name Consuelo at one time?); they were real nice. You mentioned Ruth Gordon. Did she use the name Ruth in TF and sing in the band? If so I knew them, too.

I don't remember Gentleness ever being called Consuelo. Gosh, my memory is getting worse. I do believe that Ruth sang in the band, but I could be wrong, Rolling Eyes

After about a year in Bolivia, we came back to Brasil in '78, around Aug. or Sept. and were mostly in Sao Paulo were our third child was born. However, we did spend a few weeks in Rio, possibly in the Grajau house, the name rings a bell. Anyway wherever it was, Joash Crow was there and we used to light up the band equipment for some jam sessions. At the time, we had 2 kids, Elizabeth and Solomon.

We were gone by then, I think. We left in the spring of 78. But I remember meeting Joash Crow. I corresponded with him and his son recently, a couple of years ago. What I remember, though, is they were still pretty partial to TF.

Did you ever know a Brasilian couple named Tiago and Tabita? We spent alot of time with them in Northern Brasil; truly marvelous people. I wish I could get in touch with them.

I remember a young Tiago with blond hair who was always very nice to me, but I'm not sure if that is the same Tiago and Tabitha, but I remember their names too. Dang it. I'm getting mixed up now. That Tiago of Tabita went to Thailand last I heard and also became somewhat of a tyrant judging by posts coming from some SGs. I remember a guy named David the red who was a shepherd at one of the homes in Rio. Well - gee, that year in Brazil was not a happy time for me. I blocked out so much from my memory, it seems.

All for now; got some "honey do's" to tend to. Stay in touch!

Joe formerly Judah Lion
Reply Sat 10 Dec, 2005 07:37 pm

"Jet set"........."with her long hair swishing on her back and her nose in the air." Geez, Acheick; you ought to write professionally--- the mental imagery is still killing me.

Seriously, I'm sorry that your time in Brasil wasn't a happy one. Truthfully, a goodly portion of our time there wasn't either. But, I'm no longer bitter toward the leadership who I hold responsible for most of the bad stuff that went down. Food for thought: you realize that Z&P were appointed by Jethro and alot of their proteges came over to South America at the same time. Ergo, they were close to the Big Kahuna, himself. The farther one went up the food chain in TF the dirtier one got, especially at the Arch-bishop level and higher. Notice that Berg didn't trust the home-grown hierarchy in Latin America, but had to hand-pick those closest to him.

You mentioned "That Tiago of Tabita went to Thailand last I heard and also became somewhat of a tyrant judging by posts coming from some SGs." in your post. Did you mean the blond-haired guy. The Tiago I knew had dark, curly hair and wore glasses. He was also a real cut-up; great sense of humor and a terrific artist. It would be sad, indeed if he were the same one who turned out to be such a tyrant.

Take care, now. Will talk again, later.

Reply Sat 10 Dec, 2005 10:59 pm
Hey Joe - it's refreshing talking to you.

I do believe the Tiago in Thailand is the one who was married to Tabita. I'll check with my son to confirm that. He's got a memory that won't quit.

Writing - yes, I love to write. I write for my own satisfaction. At one time I thought I could write for money, but I don't have what it takes to market myself. I did write out my story of my time in TF and it is posted on ExFamily.org under articles by Exmembers. Look for It's my life - Mercy's story.

Well, it was a rough draft which I was supposed to work on and polish up, but I never have. Writing it was emotional enough without going back and working out the kinks and bad grammar. Mostly, I wrote it because I saw how TF was trying to change history and saying things that just weren't true and I wanted my children to know the truth. Some of them were so young when we left. I just hate the way TF is trying to change things and denying certain things happened.

Back to Brazil and Z&P - I have no sympathy for them. They are no longer together and both are in high positions and very close to Maria. A very sad thing happened with their daughter Cherish. If you go to MovingOn.Org you can find the eulogy for her. She died because of an infection or something she had when she was young which had not been treated properly. She was very much against TF and was going to college and had no one by her side except for her college friends and other SGs. I believe she was working on something about her time in TF and when she died her mom came and took her computer before anyone could get it. It's so tragic, really. Cherish wrote a letter to her mother and it's posted on MovingOn.Org. It's so incredibly sad. I can't give Z&P a pass when they treated their children the way they did. Remember the verse, "if you can't take care of your own, you are worse than an infidel" - I'm inclined to feel that way too. I guess that's why I appear rather unhappy about that couple. I can't stop thinking about Cherish. I remember her real well as a darling little girl. Her parents made her suffer for no good reason except their allegience to Maria and Berg and that is horrific, IMO. Gee, I didn't mean to get onto my soap box like this. Sorry.
Day 1
Reply Mon 12 Dec, 2005 01:05 pm

How heart-wrenching, what happened to Cherish. Chances are, her parents soothe any misgivings they might have of their treatment of her with the "all purpose" forsaking fathers, mothers, children passage, or something similiar.
Joe formerly Judah Lion
Reply Mon 12 Dec, 2005 11:23 pm

I read your story on Exfamily.org as well as the items relating to Cherish on the MovingOn site. I must say it was a lot to digest. Yes, I must agree with you-- no sympathy for those two; "worse than infidels" is the proper description. Was that eulogy given by Z and/or P? If so, it's too bad they didn't seem to care as much about their own daughter while she was alive. Too many chickens come home to roost, so to speak.

I PMed you the other day. Don't know if you got it; it's stuck in my outbox and doesn't show up in the sentbox. I'm not as computer literate as I'd like to be.

It's refreshing to talk to you, too.

Reply Mon 12 Dec, 2005 11:59 pm
Hi Joe - I sent you a message back. I always forget to look at the top where it says if I have a message or not, so when you said that you sent me a PM, I saw the message notice. Anyway, I emailed you and gave you my regular email address too.

As far as your question about the eulogy, I believe it was from Palestina if I am not mistaken. Yes - this is what makes me angriest about TF, how their great experiment with their children failed in so many cases and they refuse to take responsibility when they should. I hate that so much.

Well - it's late and I'm tired. Still trying to get out my Christmas newsletters and then there's work tomorrow. I always stop and take a break because I get bored doing repetitive stuff, plus my carpal tunnel wrist hurts when I write even little notes. For some reason, I can type and it doesn't hurt, go figure.
Reply Tue 13 Dec, 2005 12:09 am
Day wrote:

How heart-wrenching, what happened to Cherish. Chances are, her parents soothe any misgivings they might have of their treatment of her with the "all purpose" forsaking fathers, mothers, children passage, or something similiar.

You are so right, Day. IMO, they are no different than terrorists who blow themselves up and kill people thinking they are doing God service. They have become crazy with their fanaticism. TF may not blow themselves up, but they neglect their children and we know how God feels about that. In a way, I think people in TF have to eventually give up their souls because they have to ignore their conscience that is telling them something is not right.
Reply Tue 13 Dec, 2005 07:23 am
1Ti 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

1Ti 4:2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

1Ti 4:3 Forbidding to marry, [and commanding] to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

These verses are so true about CoG/Family.

Berg was always being seduced by succubi (sexual female spirits), evil doctrines of demonic influences; speaking lies "We are helping kids on drugs" or "We have a school for children" in hypocricy, having the consciences hardened. Marriage is forbidden except where it is for PR and the benefit of the group.--and "sugar is sin", "don't eat fruit and drink milk"
Jack 2
Reply Tue 13 Dec, 2005 04:59 pm
The Tiago I knew had dark, curly hair and wore glasses. He was also a real cut-up; great sense of humor and a terrific artist.

I know this Tiago. I believe he was Brazilian. He had a great sense of humour and was an intelligent man. From all I know he was far from a tyrant. He treated me with respect regardless of what he had heard of me. He did however inappropriately touch a girl I was seeing at the time. She was a minor. Sad.

My older brother was sheparded by Tiago in the Thailand TC for many years.
Reply Tue 13 Dec, 2005 08:00 pm
some more information
Jack wrote:
The Tiago I knew had dark, curly hair and wore glasses. He was also a real cut-up; great sense of humor and a terrific artist.

I know this Tiago. I believe he was Brazilian.

Yes, he is from Brazil, His legal name is Sergio Luis Costa Drumond. He was born on May 6, 1950 In San Salvador, Brazil. He and his wife Leticia Moraes Dias joined the COG in Amsterdam in December 1971 during a very bad acid trip. He currently lives in Thailand with his second wife, Leah.
Joe formerly Judah Lion
Reply Tue 13 Dec, 2005 08:51 pm
Tiago Bahiano
Thanks everyone. That's the same Tiago I was inquiring about. We spent alot of time with him in Brasil.

"Guest" must know him and Tabita quite well; right down to the precise "system" names.

Reply Wed 14 Dec, 2005 12:58 am
As far as I know, Cherish's death was unrelated to the untreated meningitis she had as a child. Rather it was a freak infection that followed from a series of unfortunate events.

I am sure that untreated meningitis was likely to be unfavorable to her developing brain, as real neurological damage can result from such infections or accidents (she also used to recall being violently "disciplined" by Jethro). Further tolls can result from the severe treatment meted out to the early Family "teens". Like others I am sure these events did not help in the tenuous life that some of the first SG's to leave had to deal with. But it was not the cause of her death.

Rest in peace Cherish.

Day wrote:

How heart-wrenching, what happened to Cherish. Chances are, her parents soothe any misgivings they might have of their treatment of her with the "all purpose" forsaking fathers, mothers, children passage, or something similiar.
Day 1
Reply Wed 14 Dec, 2005 05:36 am
Most physicians and mental health providers agree that stress and depression exact heavy tolls on our immune systems, negatively affecting one's ability to fight off infection and disease, often resulting in a downward spiral in overall general health.

As parents, we are charged with a very important responsibility, that of providing for and protecting our children. Evanman's reference to "having their conscience seared with a hot iron" is so appropriate and just another shameful indictment of TF and their sympathizers.
Reply Wed 14 Dec, 2005 12:38 pm
A very important study has been published in the US on the relationship between adverse childhood experience (ACES) and adult health issues, which include such health risks as smoking, substance abuse, obesity, and unprotected sex with multiple partners. Individuals with three or more adverse childhood experiences show a significant statisical difference in shortened life span over those without so many indicators of childhood trauma & neglect. Information on this study is located at: http://www.acestudy.org/aboutacestudy.php
Mary Jane Henry
Reply Wed 4 Jan, 2006 06:05 pm
Re: The "jet setters"
Do you remember a guy named Zered Wait? I knew him in Ellenville, NY. I heard once that he challenged Zadok in some meeting regarding the RNR; why aren't we electing our leaders all the way up and down the line as required by the RNR letters? The rest of the story goes that Zered was shortly thereafter sent out "pioneering" (more like exiled). That's some tale. Zered was a good guy, too. Once, in Ellenville he and I were on greeting duty and managed to break up a Ted Patrick attempted kidnapping of one of the gals. Zered got roughed up in the skirmish and we wound up with police there and all.

I remember a guy in Cincinnatti by the name of "Sea-red" - an ex biker - could they be the same person? He was one the real originals and I can well imagine him speaking out as described above!
Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 04:20 pm
I'm spinning
You may or not remember me. I spent a short amount of time with you in a Chicago colony. I joined in '73. I was in several locations there and it is all a little blurry. My name at that time was Tamar. I am 4'11, Italian, and a Chicago native. I am also interested in knowing what happened to Helah and Rodent. I was her baby Dominic's nanny, or whatever term was used. Yes, child care worker. Naomi was caring for Hopey, as we called her. This service was in Troy NY. I was married to Ezekiel Farmer who worked in the print shop there. I eventually ended up in the show group in the Philippines. I didn't read all the replys to your original post but in scanning them I noticed a comment about how we were all so isolated, not only from the world, but from each other as well. In the past couple of days as I become more familiar with this site, I am realizing that. After all the years and what they have wrought in my life I can't say the revelation is shocking, but certainly very inrteresting.
I recognized a couple of the names you mentioned, forgot them now. A married couple that were shepherds of one of the Chicago colonies.
I remembered sharing the bathroom with you once when I was a babe and you were very nice to me. That was a long, long time ago. What a ride. Shocked
Day 1
Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 06:15 am
Hi Gracemarie,
You mentioned so many people from Chicago and Troy that I remember, but I'm having trouble placing you. Late autumn of '73 was when I arrived in Chicago with the Green Bus team. During the year I was in Chicago, the colony moved three times, if my memory serves me correctly. Ezekial Farmer was working in the basement print shop there when I first came to Chicago, maybe til early in '74. Keros and Raamah were the shepherds/district shepherds during that time. I helped care for their son Isaac. Hopey, Rodent and Helah's daughter, was the cutest little cracker jack, so lively and confident, much like her mom. Helah was pregnant with Dominic when they came to visit the Chicago colony in the spring of '74. They had a secretary named Joy (?), who married a brother Gael. He had been the undershepherd in Chicago during this time frame. Sometime after going to Europe, my ex and I received a postcard from Rodent and Helah. I think that they were in Spain, at least that's where the postcard originated from.
Do you remember Topaz from Chicago? She joined some time late in '73, maybe early '74. Soon after joining, she went to Paris to be in the show group. We met again later that year when I went to Paris. She married Peter and was pregnant with their first child the last time I saw her in '75.
Wow... there are so many people I would love to reconnect with, people who were devoted to good. I hope they were able to get away from TF and make a satisfying life for themselves.
Reply Thu 6 Apr, 2006 10:40 am
I was in the colony with Keros and Raamah for awhile. Yes, Joy was their secretary and she did marry Gael. I was in Troy NY with all of them. Before NY I was in an associate colony because I was not submissive enough. HA! You're probably remembering Ezekiel correctly. He was still there while I was in the associate on a farm in Kentucky. We wrote letters and during that time he moved to Troy Ny.. Helah, gotta love her, caught wind of it and sent for me to be her childcare worker for Dominic. I took care of him for the first year of his precious little life.
Do you remember those calanders we did for awhile? If so, I was on the cover of one of them and I was wearing a top I put together by tying two bandanas together. There wouldn't be any reason to remember me really. I think we were together in that castle like building. Remember that? And there was a young guy who joined then who was exceptionally quick at catching on to everything. Everyone loved him. I want to say his name started with a J.
How about Romans? When I left Chicago for the farm, I left him my little Gibson acoustic guitar, a black one. Which he gave back to me in NY.
Yes I remebmer Topaz. We talked about dance as we both loved it.
I would love to get in touch with Helah again. We were very close. I remember visiting her mother with her in NY city. It felt like visiting my mother. That Italian thing I guess.
You brought up some names that helped ring a bell or two. I appreciate that. Maybe we should use private messages to dig a little deeper down.
If you haven't already, read my other posts. It would be interesting to get your feed back.
Reply Thu 29 Jun, 2006 11:50 am
Re: some more information
Anonymous wrote:
Jack wrote:
The Tiago I knew had dark, curly hair and wore glasses. He was also a real cut-up; great sense of humor and a terrific artist.

I know this Tiago. I believe he was Brazilian.

Yes, he is from Brazil, His legal name is Sergio Luis Costa Drumond. He was born on May 6, 1950 In San Salvador, Brazil. He and his wife Leticia Moraes Dias joined the COG in Amsterdam in December 1971 during a very bad acid trip. He currently lives in Thailand with his second wife, Leah.

Dude, who the hell are you and how the hell do you get off talking about people you don't even know, posting people's names on the internet and stuff, honestly...get a life!!!!

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