Hi Acheik,
Speaking of walking down memory lane, it is nice to remember and catch up with some of the people we met during that previous "stroll." It's keeping it between the lines, avoiding potholes and sidestepping the booby traps where the real challenge seems to be.
The bus team stopped in Laredo for a few weeks before heading north to Dallas in the summer of '73. In Oct '74, I went to France and was in Europe til '78. Although we probably didn't meet back then, it's good to have met you through this site, now. (Your postings are always of interest. Your being a mother of 9, and still kicking, impresses me, an admirable legacy, and the insight you bring to this forum is so valuable.)
When Happy and Honey came to EP, which must have been the spring of "73, he still went by Joab. Soon after that was when his name changed to Happy, if memory serves me correctly. Honey was such a beautiful woman. It seems that she told me, that before joining, she had won a beauty contest in California. (She and I must have been doing some of that "vain babbling" at the time.

) Helping care for their children, Zerubabel and Rachel, taught me so much about patience and consideration for others. It must have been difficult for them to have three children on the road, (Noah was a baby then).
Were you all still in EP when the band "Rainbow" came through the colony? I think they were from up in the northwest area. That was quite a musical treat. Yum.