Tue 18 May, 2010 06:37 pm - [QUOTE=sometime sun;165885]
What author has irrevocably changed your life?
thanks all you !
Melvilles "Moby DIck" has changed my life. Sounds boring to you us-citizens? Well,... (view)
Tue 18 May, 2010 11:50 am - well, he's not fascinating to [B]all[/B] philosophers, but to some. I think he is interesting(i am not a philosopher), because I read him as a poet, and frankly, I dont care what he called... (view)
Tue 18 May, 2010 11:09 am - Your argument does not really get to my question, I think.
Of course its not nice for humans to be self contradictory, but for an omnipotent being? I think we cannot say anything about its likes... (view)
Tue 18 May, 2010 10:19 am - Hello people,
I am not trained in logic. Could somebody help me out on something?
Its about Anselm's argument for god's existence. I had a thought about it.
He says that
"Being... (view)
Mon 17 May, 2010 09:15 pm - Nietzsche is so fascinating for philosophres because he wrote philosophical poetry and stated he wrote philosophy.
He just crossed a border. And all those who insist on borders (e.g. between... (view)
Mon 17 May, 2010 12:59 pm - I stumbled onto this side because, after being dissapointed by the way discussions are being held in other forums (unfriendly, trolls, dogmatic), Ihope to find a more relaxed and serious atmosphere... (view)