Sun 23 May, 2010 08:40 pm - Perhaps Quine doesn't consider your rules rules of passage per se in that what you end up with isn't an equivalence with a (possibly different) quantifier that has passed... (view)
Wed 10 Feb, 2010 10:47 am - There is no dramatic tension in my favorite short stories, which many might view as boring. I've noticed I tend to like philosophers to the extent reading them can put me to sleep. (view)
Mon 26 Oct, 2009 10:18 am - I think it useful to think of "there exists an x such that A" as the least general statement more (or equally) general than each statement [t/x]A (i.e., t replaces x in A), where t is a... (view)
Sat 3 Oct, 2009 12:05 pm - [QUOTE=jeeprs;94881] If empiricism means that only data that can be verified in the third person are regarded as real then it is a very powerful way for imposing the reality of consensus on the... (view)
Mon 7 Sep, 2009 10:11 am - I don't think the burqa/veil issue should be considered a religious one. What one should wear is basically not a spiritual question. To decide whether females should be allowed to dress thus,... (view)
Thu 3 Sep, 2009 11:44 pm - [QUOTE=deepthot;87761][SIZE=50]Thereupon "good" then serves as a quantifier -- an axiological quantifier -- in isomorphism with the Universal Quantifier in Logic. It is the... (view)
Wed 2 Sep, 2009 07:49 am - [QUOTE=Pathfinder;85197] And morality, values, integrity etc. are almost always dependent on the individual definition of what a person believes and practices themselves.
I think it is a... (view)
Fri 21 Aug, 2009 09:33 am - I think a better question is how much set theory is necessary to guarantee that number systems exist in that theory. More abstract than trying to define numbers is to define number systems. Then... (view)
Sun 16 Aug, 2009 11:10 pm - Yes, Salima, I tend to be rather scatter-brained about things, jumping from one thing to another. When I am not that way, my writing tends to be forced and not as interesting. Perhaps I shall start... (view)