@Didymos Thomas,
To say that X exists means:
To use language to express the idea that X
To "use language" presumes that there is a speaker, and language is a tool.
But obviously this is wrong, because if there was no language, there could be no speaker.
So language is a form... a pattern. The engagement of the pattern results in sounds that have meaning.
But this isn't true, because a parrot, sitting outside of the earshot of a human, can spout obscenities that don't mean anything to the parrot.
So is the parrot using language? Do we require a listener in order to
say something?
To me, these matters are basic to your question. And we haven't even gotten to issues such as: what is a question... what is meaning?
If we don't address these issues, we're building a structure on top of an uninvestigated heap of assumptions. So we could look at these assumptions to see if they'll support our structure before we keep building.