Tue 20 Oct, 2009 08:27 am - [QUOTE=Fil. Albuquerque;98663]A interesting metaphor not an argument, because somehow is self contradictory,for the impossibility of Creating anything truly new would be something like drawing a... (view)
Tue 20 Oct, 2009 08:24 am - [QUOTE=Justin;98731]Nice speaking with you Rich on the domain name. Interesting ideas are fine and dandy however, this domain should have been producing $5000 or more per month for the last 36... (view)
Mon 19 Oct, 2009 05:46 pm - [QUOTE=wholethinker;98427]The ability to choose, in my opinion, implies the necessity to create new information (not just transform the old one, because in this case we are not choosing but... (view)
Mon 19 Oct, 2009 05:41 pm - [QUOTE=Justin;98482] What are you waiting for?[/QUOTE]
Nice speaking with you Justing. Actually, I was talking to a buddy of mine today and he came up with a pretty good idea. We are researching... (view)
Sun 18 Oct, 2009 09:23 pm - [QUOTE=wholethinker;98403] My concerns about free will came from the following:
In my understanding the free will means that information can be created from nothing. If free will is acting, the... (view)
Sun 18 Oct, 2009 03:14 pm - Hi Krill,
[QUOTE=wholethinker;98195]This "creative Mind" is the only one that has free will, and we don't? And where is it, in our space-time?[/QUOTE]
I would say that learning... (view)
Sun 18 Oct, 2009 07:36 am - [QUOTE=Pangloss;98172] I just can't really think of any other sites that attract visitors with the polls alone, polls are usually something extra that people look at while browsing the main... (view)
Sat 17 Oct, 2009 02:53 pm - [QUOTE=Pangloss;98168]Hey Rich, I'm not really sure which theme on that page you're linking to...both links just take me to the top of that list of 60 themes. I'd say the hybrid... (view)
Sat 17 Oct, 2009 02:27 pm - [QUOTE=Pangloss;98161]Ok, well, in short, I think it looks like a decent idea/concept, but the execution of it can be improved (which you seem to have said in your last post).
The polls and layout... (view)
Sat 17 Oct, 2009 02:23 pm - [QUOTE=Shlomo;98162]Rich, You can witness it in three cases:
1) You are the one who pre-determines;
2) The one who pre-determines shares his plans with you;
3) You by your own efforts or... (view)