Fri 15 Jan, 2010 01:01 pm - [QUOTE=Pyrrho;119529]Either I do not understand your question, or I think it is obvious why most moral realists would not be internalists. Moral realists are often apt to suppose that morality is... (view)
Sat 9 Jan, 2010 01:56 am - [QUOTE=Jebediah;118696]
I see, the externalist position is that there must be some feature in the outside world to provide the motivation?[/QUOTE]
That's exactly right and exactly how it... (view)
Fri 8 Jan, 2010 07:49 pm - [QUOTE=kennethamy;118692]It isn't. But I think I am just missing your point. What exactly do you consider his definition of causation? Isn't it just constant conjunction? And the rest is... (view)
Fri 8 Jan, 2010 07:00 pm - [QUOTE=Jebediah;118533]Internalism doesn't seem very intuitive, though I'm not sure how exactly it's defined. There are many people who profess sincere beliefs but don't follow... (view)
Fri 8 Jan, 2010 08:20 am - [QUOTE=Fido;118466]I don't think moral beliefs play any part in what people do when morals are demanded...[/QUOTE]
If something suitably like the belief-desire model of action is correct and... (view)
Fri 8 Jan, 2010 03:27 am - [QUOTE=Fido;118427]Yep;... All talk about talk...You can play with it, but when I need it for serious business all the pieces better be there...[/QUOTE]
You don't think that the question of... (view)
Thu 7 Jan, 2010 10:02 pm - [QUOTE=Fido;118391]You have done what few have done; convinced me of my ignorance... I could guess at moral realism, but I cannot imagine internalism... Are these real terms or computer... (view)
Thu 7 Jan, 2010 02:56 am - Some of you might find this to be a very dense post so if you have any questions please feel free to ask them. I'm starting a new thread because the few other threads on moral realism... (view)
Tue 5 Jan, 2010 02:53 am - I'd be interested in hearing what anyone thinks or knows about a trail of influence that leads roughly from Parmenides and the Eleatics, through both Socrates and the Megaran school (Euclid,... (view)
Tue 5 Jan, 2010 02:30 am - What, if any, are the main intellectual, belief, moral, or character changes that tend to occur among people who intensively study philosophy?
I'm especially interested in any changes that... (view)