Fri 30 Apr, 2010 05:33 am - The Problem with Greece is that the governments have been so corupt ever sence the dictatorship the greeks dont trust the government. thus dont pay their taxes.
But the truth is nothing has... (view)
Sun 25 Apr, 2010 01:26 am - [QUOTE=sometime sun;156181]Excellent question.
May i just say welcome to the forum.
Mine would be sound or sight, but came out on the side of sound would be my biggest loss because if i were to... (view)
Sat 24 Apr, 2010 01:18 am - Tutch is love.
The feeling of another hand.
The feeling of a hug.
The feeling of a kiss.
The feeling of skin.
The feeling of a lovers warmth.
etc (view)
Fri 23 Apr, 2010 11:30 pm - Loving what?
Loving whom?
Do we ever love?
Do we ever stop?
Perhaps loving nature as the power poll is made of wood, the person who wrote this may have been refering to loving the earth and by... (view)
Fri 23 Apr, 2010 05:22 pm - [QUOTE=kennethamy;155207]The trouble with that is that with democratic socialism in operation, there will soon be no wealth to distribute, and all that will be distributed will be poverty and... (view)
Wed 21 Apr, 2010 04:35 am - All throughout history we have had the beggers and the choosers, do you think this will ever change or is it too embedded in human nature? (view)