Sat 5 Mar, 2011 04:40 am - [quote="Alan Masterman"]
"The wise man doubts often, and his views are changeable. The fool is constant in his opinions, and doubts nothing, because he knows everything, except his... (view)
Thu 3 Mar, 2011 08:42 am - "The wise man doubts often, and his views are changeable. The fool is constant in his opinions, and doubts nothing, because he knows everything, except his own ignorance" (Pharaoh... (view)
Thu 3 Mar, 2011 05:54 am - [i]"most of the speculations of western philosophy I find pointless... "[/i]
That may be a disadvantage, in a philosophy forum.
[i]"What is most essential is to support REAL... (view)
Thu 3 Mar, 2011 05:30 am - Mark, the flaw which first springs to mind is that you seem to presuppose that if God is omnipresent, then he must also be corporeal and temporal (he exists in space and time).
But God is... (view)
Thu 3 Mar, 2011 04:14 am - [quote="Platonic Peter"]
What is the Difference between an Idea and Immaterial?
Can you develop your question a little? Do you have any particular philosopher (or theory) in... (view)
Sat 26 Feb, 2011 12:06 am - "Can we develop a logic that includes the theorem that 1+1=3 ? I don't think so, do you?
That is to say, 1+1=2 is true in any logic that is capeable of asserting it."
I'm... (view)
Sat 29 May, 2010 12:53 am - [QUOTE=jeeprs;170180]Welcome aboard, Alan. As it happens, way back in the 1970's, I applied for entry to the Uni of Sydney as a mature-age student (ripe old age of 20-something) and sat an... (view)
Fri 28 May, 2010 10:59 am - thanks for drawing my attention to this thread, Jebediah - it looks fairly sweeping, and I don't have time to formulate a contribution right at this moment, but I hope to do so over the... (view)
Fri 28 May, 2010 10:36 am - Yes walkingaround, as a quick reply to your question - as far as it goes, it is obvious, as a matter of logic, that a god which can choose to exist or not-exist would be 'greater' than... (view)