Wed 5 Dec, 2007 01:42 am - [quote=Fido]Death waits but we have to make life happen if we hope to have the end we want. When you are young it looks like a pile of different jig saw puzzles strewn all over the place. Making... (view)
Mon 3 Dec, 2007 12:19 am - [quote=Fido]When I was Eighteen and the highschool informed me that they wouldn't press charges if I didn't come back I laid around for about a week starring at the tile ceiling above my... (view)
Thu 29 Nov, 2007 03:35 am - Life is a question that cannot and will never be fully answered by living organisms in other ways than death, when life becomes nothing but it's nonliving building blocks. Questioning is of... (view)
Thu 29 Nov, 2007 02:01 am - I'm just wondering if there is any one book I should read before I dive into philosophy. I'm actually reading Ken Wilber's "A Brief History of Everything" and it has... (view)
Mon 19 Nov, 2007 02:13 am - I'm Nathan. Smoking marijuana is initially what pointed me to this forum. I want to just leave you with that, but I guess I shouldn't.
Contemplating reasoning and rationalizing takes up... (view)