What is life?

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Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 07:42 am
404erased wrote:
I agree with you. That life is a thing to be lived amongst ourselves. I feel like maybe you misunderstood me, like you thought I was saying death is the ultimate goal. But what I was saying is that life shouldn't be questioned in life because we will find the answer in death. Thus leaving more time to live, to witness, to be witnessed, to do good.

The problem is that we do die. Our brains do stop thinking. And we can't help but worry about death. And realizing that death is just the answer to life will put us at peace, and allow us to live uninhibited.

Death waits but we have to make life happen if we hope to have the end we want. When you are young it looks like a pile of different jig saw puzzles strewn all over the place. Making sense of it, finding the meaning in it is just something you have to work at. Kids very often piss life away without any sense of what it takes to make and raise kids. Go to a hospital or nursing home and ask them, or yourself why they are hanging on. The lives the old live never seem to have meaning when viewed from the perspective of youth. Each age has its own meaning. Don't look for death because you fear it. Don't run from death because you fear it. Facing life is the same as facing death. Every improvement in the situation faced by mankind is a defeat for death. Celebrate life first, and then get to work deserving it. Death must be easy because everyone can manage it. A life that is worthy, mythic, or heroic must be carved out of granite. Live that life and be great.
Reply Wed 5 Dec, 2007 01:42 am
Fido wrote:
Death waits but we have to make life happen if we hope to have the end we want. When you are young it looks like a pile of different jig saw puzzles strewn all over the place. Making sense of it, finding the meaning in it is just something you have to work at. Kids very often piss life away without any sense of what it takes to make and raise kids. Go to a hospital or nursing home and ask them, or yourself why they are hanging on. The lives the old live never seem to have meaning when viewed from the perspective of youth. Each age has its own meaning. Don't look for death because you fear it. Don't run from death because you fear it. Facing life is the same as facing death. Every improvement in the situation faced by mankind is a defeat for death. Celebrate life first, and then get to work deserving it. Death must be easy because everyone can manage it. A life that is worthy, mythic, or heroic must be carved out of granite. Live that life and be great.

You're right. Smile

"We only have one form of infinity as people, and it is immortality, and all we can do to have that is to tap into existence in the form of other people."

I agree with that, but this article best explains what I was trying to talk about with my limited vocabulary and poor communication skills: Buddhism and Death

I realize I probably should not have even brought up death in a thread about life.. sorry about that.
Reply Thu 6 Dec, 2007 08:46 pm
404erased wrote:
You're right. Smile

"We only have one form of infinity as people, and it is immortality, and all we can do to have that is to tap into existence in the form of other people."

I agree with that, but this article best explains what I was trying to talk about with my limited vocabulary and poor communication skills: Buddhism and Death

I realize I probably should not have even brought up death in a thread about life.. sorry about that.

Nothing defines death, but death does define life, if we let it.
charles m young
Reply Mon 11 Feb, 2008 11:54 am
Reply Mon 11 Feb, 2008 06:18 pm
@charles m young,
charles m young wrote:

If anyone has to look for purpose they need glasses. You have arms, some one else hasn't. Give them a hand. You have youth. Some one else hasn't. Share yours with them. People don't need a reason to live. Instinct provides that. They need a reason to care since caring won't add a moment to life. I think the reason for caring is that it gives meaning to life, and that should be obvious, as life is the source of all meaning; but it is not always so obvious.
Reply Tue 12 Feb, 2008 08:57 am
Life is what you make it based on how you live and what decision you make and how you allow others to influence you and how you observe and use what others do and try to do directly and indirectly and how much you learn from what you and others do and offer to do upon you! That is my guess!
Reply Tue 12 Feb, 2008 02:06 pm
"Life tortures..
some to Death,
some to Meth,
some to Ecstasy!"
Reply Wed 13 Feb, 2008 06:04 pm
@charles m young,
Should our Brains stop thinking, would we cease to exist?

I have, at a point, stopped my brain from thinking, incurred no thought whatsoever and kind of let myself be.

I remained in existence, but the truth of the self had no verification amongst naught.

If death is our brains ceasing thought, well it isn't very scary then.

The purpose of life is defined through your perception on existence. Should it be based on religious or social origins so long as you are able to express positive emotion in this purpose I believe it is one you should find foundation with.

No matter what, everyone's subjective view will define life's purpose. If you have found a purpose for your self that harms no others in the way then this would seemingly be a beneficial, or otherwise, a wise choice in purpose in life. For we live mainly for our own survival, and for the benefit of the survival of our loved ones. Should we harm others in order to achieve a purpose we are rejecting the idea that those we harm aren't as loved as those who we love.
charles m young
Reply Fri 15 Feb, 2008 07:17 pm
Excellent contribution to the conversation, Paxton. As for the portion on the brain ceasing to operate, this would not conclude your demise; people in a coma are alive; their body has a conscious separate from their mental conscious. Both conscious constituents are tied together and can communicate, however the body will survive without the mind, because of the potential to come out of comatose. Unfortunately, they don't always wake up.

As for the purpose and effects of purpose, I totally agree. Believe what you want, but don't hurt anyone in the process. This is a direct attack on the effects of the Muslim religion, (and I don't even need to decapitate anybody to get the point across) their religion has divided, blinded, zombified, and killed thousands of people. I just heard on the news that a school was on fire in Saudi Arabia, and they would not allow the female children to leave or even to be rescued because they were not wearing proper Muslim attire. That is inhumane, morally wrong, and F-in retarded. They are also about to decapitate a woman because she was accused of being a witch. I am currently in Afghanistan, and I have seen the volatile, hate bred, ignorant and mindless violent nature that this ideology drives these people to bear. I have had friends die by the hand of their evil ideology, and I myself have even caught high velocity lead with my elbow. My point is, there is a better way, and we should pursue a better life style that will benefit all mankind.
Reply Fri 15 Feb, 2008 09:19 pm
@charles m young,
charles m young wrote:
Excellent contribution to the conversation, Paxton. As for the portion on the brain ceasing to operate, this would not conclude your demise; people in a coma are alive; their body has a conscious separate from their mental conscious. Both conscious constituents are tied together and can communicate, however the body will survive without the mind, because of the potential to come out of comatose. Unfortunately, they don't always wake up.

As for the purpose and effects of purpose, I totally agree. Believe what you want, but don't hurt anyone in the process. This is a direct attack on the effects of the Muslim religion, (and I don't even need to decapitate anybody to get the point across) their religion has divided, blinded, zombified, and killed thousands of people. I just heard on the news that a school was on fire in Saudi Arabia, and they would not allow the female children to leave or even to be rescued because they were not wearing proper Muslim attire. That is inhumane, morally wrong, and F-in retarded. They are also about to decapitate a woman because she was accused of being a witch. I am currently in Afghanistan, and I have seen the volatile, hate bred, ignorant and mindless violent nature that this ideology drives these people to bear. I have had friends die by the hand of their evil ideology, and I myself have even caught high velocity lead with my elbow. My point is, there is a better way, and we should pursue a better life style that will benefit all mankind.

Before things get too political let me remind you of who is in whose country? Democracy is a defensive form of social organization. It offers the best defense with the least overhead. If we have chosen. No, we have not chosen in light of the facts, but had the decission made for us, to fight an offensive defensive war in Afghanistan which as you may know is hell on invaders; then I would not be crying about their morals, which may be wanting, but has everywhere in Islam served the cause of peace. Unless you choose to kill them all, and this is a heroic solution, then you will have to live in the same world as them. To do that without conflict you will have to limit contact, wall them in, and keep out of their affairs. Their lives may be nothing but shit by our standards, but they find them far superior to what we offer. So, don't get killed being a door to door salesman for a product no one wants. Quit being used by the rich. Quit being used by the imperialist christian ideology. Start thinking about making a deal with those people that will give them their land and their honor and give us our peace.
Reply Fri 15 Feb, 2008 10:33 pm
@charles m young,
charles m young wrote:
This is a direct attack on the effects of the Muslim religion, (and I don't even need to decapitate anybody to get the point across) their religion has divided, blinded, zombified, and killed thousands of people.

1) It's people, not religions who harm one another
2) Would you like a list of atrocities committed by Christians?
charles m young
Reply Fri 15 Feb, 2008 10:49 pm
practically every religion has its downfalls, and i dont agree with christian views either. i have seen many independant fundamental baptist preachers be just as extremist as muslims and terrorists. however, the ideology is what propetuates the violent debaucheries commited by them.
charles m young
Reply Fri 15 Feb, 2008 10:51 pm
I agree that it seems like a lost cause. But I also believe that deep down within the hearts of the persecuted citizens of these Middle Eastern countries, they want change as well. If they see the potential power of their numbers, they will see that their potential savior is unity and individualism. True, they have deep seated beliefs that are hard to change, but if they become knowledgeable of the fact that their very belief system was forced upon them by the edge of the sword, they would probably begin to question the reliability of their religion, and when they see the benefit of unity and how much it contributes to the world as a whole, they would have to be practically retarded to reject it. Although the developing system of unity of all mankind is in total opposition of war, I am by no means ignorant of the fact that these ideas will in fact generate war. It is inevitable, but with the completion of this war, and the world finally embraces peace, tranquility, and unity, war will cease entirely. Once we have achieved world peace we can then pursue world unity. This is a metaphysical blog, and here we find ourselves discussing potentials of politics. If you wish to continue this conversation, we have a blog going in religions under the title 'god is not a solution, but a problem'. We welcome your participation in this discussion.
Reply Sat 16 Feb, 2008 03:46 pm
@charles m young,
charles m young wrote:
however, the ideology is what propetuates the violent debaucheries commited by them.

The ideology is the excuse that people use to justify their violence. Irrespective of the ideology's particulars, the common thread of violence is disaffected, disenfranchised adolescent boys who follow leaders. True among the Christian genocidaires in Rwanda, the atheistic revolutionaries in China, the whatever-the-hell-they-were Khmer Rouge, the Hindu Tamil Tigers, and many examples of Buddhist violence in southeast Asia and Sri Lanka.
Reply Wed 23 Apr, 2008 03:23 pm
I agree it is the ideology and belief system that is harmful. I have recently been trying to suspend my thought process. Live life in a state of "no mind." I've found that I am more compassionate and caring in this state than usual. It is as if my morality follows me like a shadow. Also in this state of mind, from a religious stand point, it is hard to be offended because you aren't identified with any particular religion. To act moral and ethical is to act in accordance with your human nature. I don't buy into orginal sin. Everybody is born with a clean slate. It is social conditioning that makes people act unnatural and deviant.
Reply Thu 24 Apr, 2008 08:21 am
andykelly wrote:
I'd like to start a thread asking members to open metaphysic related discussions.

Metaphysics (Greek words μετα [meta] = after/beyond and Φυσις [phusis] = nature) is a branch of philosophy concerned with giving a general and fundamental account of the way the world is. Metaphysics is thus like the sciences in that it tries to describe the world, but it differs from these disciplines in its scope and fundamentality. Whereas the biologist is concerned with the nature of organisms and the physicist with the nature of bodies, the metaphysician is concerned with the nature of all reality. A central branch of metaphysics is ontology, the investigation into what categories of things are in the world and what relations these things bear to one another. The metaphysician also attempts to clarify the notions that figure fundamentally in our understanding of the world; these notions include existence, objecthood, property, space, time, causality, and possibility.

'Life' appears to encompass everything in existence - atoms display signs of life as does a star; they both move of their own accord and require energy in doing so.

I'd say that 'life' is simply a series of deviations, deviant from a state of rest, and relative to the capacity and capability of x object is a deviation from what it once was to what it is now.
Reply Thu 24 Apr, 2008 02:19 pm
Well I have allready made a comment on the question of (what life is) view post's at

Reply Fri 25 Apr, 2008 04:03 pm
Doobah47 wrote:
'Life' appears to encompass everything in existence - atoms display signs of life as does a star; they both move of their own accord and require energy in doing so.

I'd say that 'life' is simply a series of deviations, deviant from a state of rest, and relative to the capacity and capability of x object is a deviation from what it once was to what it is now.

If this is true then wouldn't all of 'life' that which is known and unknown be in a constant state of becoming?
de Silentio
Reply Fri 25 Apr, 2008 06:46 pm

If this is true then wouldn't all of 'life' that which is known and unknown be in a constant state of becoming?

This by no means answers your question, and frankly I am out of line with this comment because it has nothing to do with either the post or your question, but it sparked a thought:

We live in a 4 dimensional world, the 3 dimensions of space and time. At any given time, looked at by itself and not in relation to other time, is not everything in a state of being, since it is completely and utterly static?
Reply Sat 26 Apr, 2008 02:20 pm
@de Silentio,
That's pretty interesting, but a reality which is conscious becoming self-conscious, and creating a 4th dimension, is this idea of duality possible? However, I will say that time is in a state of being. It isn't really becoming, moving, or passing at all. Time always exists in the present moment. Time is where it is, in reality there isn't any future or past with time. Time is always manifested, the future and past are always unmanifested. So to say that your killing time is technically incorrect. Time is actaully killing you. We are going to pass but time will still be here. But we usually think it in a lopsided way, as if time is going to pass but we will remain. I think reality has an element of pure consciouness, I don't think it can look upon itself. How can it be self-conscious? How can it look upon itself?

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