Tue 10 Apr, 2007 02:11 am - I will do that then, thank you. :)
I'm actually astonished, and greatly surprised at the fact that you too, like me, am not particularly fond of the analytical school. :p I actually wanted to... (view)
Sun 8 Apr, 2007 01:21 pm - As I've stated elsewhere in this forum, I am currently reading Hegel's "Phenomenology of Mind / Spirit" and as I was reflecting on the uses and usefulness of this forum I... (view)
Sat 7 Apr, 2007 03:09 pm - I guess I should proceed and do what the forum subject says / indicates, and introduce myself to the community. :p
I think most of what and who I am is expound in my profile in a (not-so-)short... (view)