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So far, there is nothing: something is to become.
The beginning thus contains both, being and nothing
The opposites being and not-being are therefore in immediate union in it: in other words, it is the undifferentiated unity of the two."
Hence in such a representation a beginning is not made with the concrete, but with the simple immediate whence the movement starts.
Herein Hegel takes a position in favour of the thesis of Kant's first antinomy: 'The world has, as to time and space, a limit' ... that is, there was a time in the past (perhaps it would be better to state a non-time) in which the world was not. Therefore, it had a beginning.
I think this is what Hegel attempts in the above. He has it that nothing is not actually nothing ... it is not-being moving away from itself towards Being.
There have been threads elsewhere speaking of something arising from nothing and quantum physics has evidence of what they call quantum vacuum fluctuations (particles or what have you arising out of vacuums), so things do appear to arise out of nothing ... so doesn't this suggest that nothing is something more than just what Webster's dictionary defines it as?
The question here is: "Is Hegel onto something?" Or, "Is Hegel talking gibberish?" What do you think?
In doing this he and we do, as others before us, begin to pick up the scent of this Immediate Truth called Eternity or the Eternal Self. Instead of studying it, we "Be It."
I would be very interested to hear what others think on this.
You're not attempting to find truth/the ultimate truth? Why on earth not? And there was me thinking that you were a spiritual type of guy rich.
I think the problem that we are running into is that we are dealing with our investigation in the land of two (duality or the mind) while trying to understand the land of one or Pure Being. Actually in what I have just said I am already stumbling because even one is a comparative notion that dwells within the mind.
On top of this, I believe that we feel that the mind is our only instrument for dealing with this search. But perhaps this isn't the case, because down through history since the ancient times persons of wisdom have told us repeatedly that there is something going on outside of the mind or rather previously to the mind and perhaps even of a whole other dimension than our slower mind. This instrument being more immediate and all incompassing.
I get the impression that Hegel believed that if we broke this search down into small enough pieces, or details, we could get a handle on it. But if this is something that must be dealt with all at once in order to be witnessed how will breaking it into smaller and smaller pieces help? Perhaps it would only be in giving up on studying this piece meal or even as mental objects that we could even hope to come upon it where it lives.
And again what is no object called nothing or empty without something or full as a backdrop to explain it, or what is beginning in the land of eternal presence? Eternal not requiring time to explain it has no need of beginning or ending to contain it.
I have heard of Pure Being described as "everywhere center and without periphery." How is the mind able to objectify such as this, or "Suchness?"
Is what Hegel saying gibberish? In IMHO, "No."
However what he is doing is what the mind always does. He is dancing around Pure Being like a maypole. In doing this he and we do, as others before us, begin to pick up the scent of this Immediate Truth called Eternity or the Eternal Self. Instead of studying it, we "Be It."
I would be very interested to hear what others think on this.
You're not attempting to find truth/the ultimate truth? Why on earth not? And there was me thinking that you were a spiritual type of guy rich.
You're not going to find any truths in tennis other than that is fun and that's all, that's it. Just because you don't know if you'll ever find it, shoudn't mean you should give up trying to look for it and it's enjoyable not frustrating, it's only frustrating when you don't get anywhere.
I think there is plenty of stuff to learn all over the place, and the more I learn the more clues I pick up. I love the path that I have chosen.
You also have to be open rich, open to change to be able to move forward and progress and grow. And to learn.
The dialectic is all about duality IMO. (1 equaling Thesis, 2 equaling Antithesis.) (A little like yin/yang.) There is your duality. Further what you have is a Synthesis equaling Unity, or simply bringing these two parts back together into one whole. There is actually no flight in this reconstruction, or said differently no raising above itself.
Granted there is some utility in seeing both of these parts together and what they are capable of, much like two legs allowing us to walk rather than to simply hop. But this may be only better use of what we already have.
Some might say that this combination creates a spiral, or something larger than the sum of its parts. But I don't see the spiral as a necessary outcome. It is my impression rather that what we have here, if carried out in a rigorous form of logic, is something more like the heads and tails of a coin being equal to that one coin. Show me if you will that there is movement to a higher truth within this process if you will.
S9: When speaking about the mind, it is not possible to point out some static point, not any static point. The mind is a constantly moving thing, is constantly becoming and never arriving. So no, Hegel being quite astute wouldn't make such an error. Let us remember that beginning and end are concepts within the mind. We have no concrete proof that either of these really exists elsewhere.
B: Stalling on that particular comparison is simply refuting the entire paragraph and saying nothing.
S9: If comparing is simply "stalling," why do you think Hegel made comparison of the Thesis and the Antithesis 2 thirds of his work? Do you believe that the Synthesis (the last third) is the only thing worth regarding, or worthy of our attention? Please bear with me if I am just not getting it. I confess straight-out that "I am no kind of a genus, no how."
B: What is essentially the notion of being, not-being, and being-not need not be contrasted with each other until they are viewed in terms of actual becoming.
S9: Are you suggesting that being, not being and being not are static, perhaps in some Platonic fashion, until we begin to compare them or create with them a becoming and/or motion? Are these three not similar to up and down, with there being no possible up without a down or a up/down, especially on a ladder up/down being this one instrument?
Baal I cannot follow your posts, how can I moderate. Please may I make a suggestion that you check Justin's video out in the video section of this forum. Because I have know idea what you are talking about as it's too difficult to read and I cannot moderate properly. It would help me alot.
---------- Post added 09-18-2009 at 03:46 PM ----------
And i would appreciate it. Thanks.