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In his 'Science of Logic' Hegel tackles Kant's first antinomy (although there are more direct references to Kant's first antinomy elsewhere) ... and he postulates that the universe, before it existed, began with the following for a science --in answer to Kant's call for a science of metaphysics:
When you say, "Sentences are virus," do you mean that a sentence is dependent upon its host, Being, in order to exist, and that this is much like a virus depends upon a living cell in order to exist? Therefore a sentence is in no way autonomous, or independent.
The word "Being" is representational. It is also instrumental as Zen says, "A finger pointing," at actual 'Being.' This 'Being' is a more deeply intimate and directly experienced, than our more conceptual self is.
To me that is what Ultimate Reality "IS", "Isness" right there in your face every given moment, and calls for no memory or reasoning. "Isness" is that obvious. (Once you know where to look.) But we constantly clothe "Isness" in concept and opinion to the point where we can no longer see "Isness" directly. So we feel lost in a forest of words.
1 (ONE) would only be lonely if there was any possibility of separation, and then you could long for that part/person/place that you were separated from. But, if 1 (ONE) was the same thing as 'non-separation,' than you would have all of everything, all of the time, or rather BE everything. You would finally find a satisfaction, which is not possible in a dualistic world of separate thinks/persons.