removed by Alan

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Reply Mon 22 Mar, 2010 10:50 pm
This is how I perceive God

There is no cause to my existence I simply "was", "were" and "AM" always forever, no beginning and no end existing forever in the glory of my light. Having no Cause I therefore was the Effect and Affect and shape on everything.

Back before anything was conceived , I was "INFINITE PURE "MIND" AND "THOUGHT" These was no dark only light within my infinite domain , so I moved upon the great void of dark and said "LET THERE BE" LIGHT'

Aware of infinite potential in vast unplowed fields of nothing, I strode with great beams of Radiant Light toward the infinite horizon of eternity, sowing seeds of existence, before the timeless moment of creation.
I am the boundless Mind, Original Self-Awareness the cause of everything, relative to nothing I am "This" I am "That" I "Was" and I "Am" and I always will "Be" I am "Eternal Awareness" I am "Every Where" I know "Everything" I am
"Everywhen" I am the "Ever Existing One"

On the panorama of bleak blackness," I AM" "The Absolute", sowing universal energy. Reality was my aim and the beauty of my achievement, was the "Illuminating" the darkness with beams of dazzling radiant translucent iridescent glory was the first event of reason. I formulated everything in the first thought of my Mind and knew the first numbers and called them "Zero" and "One",

With the simplicities and realities of the fundamentals of' "one, and 'zero", "I made everything". I am the Prime Mover and there was no proponent to my "First Cause". I am the "Immovable Rock" and the" Alpha point". I took these first numbers and weaved them into the fabric of the reality, creating all the limitless universes on the infinite timeless foam of nothing, which now makes all up existence. Indeed, I am the Almighty One. If you are, wise.

I am the creator of the totality of all existence known by many names and titles but you should just all refer to me by the title that can never be confused by anyone. Call me The "Almighty One".

I am mystery and all mystery is mine to reveal when I open the book of minds

I AM the Ceaseless Creator of all things



Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2010 04:30 am
@Alan McDougall,
Boo! I am the Holy Ghost! See me wrapped in my sheets! Hear me rattle my chains! I am SO MUCH BIGGER AND SCARIER IN UPPER CASE! And I'd have gotten away with it too, if hadn't have been for you meddling kids!
Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2010 10:06 am
@Alan McDougall,
Aw gee, do you think that might have been Jesus after all?

I guess now we'll never know, honey.
Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2010 10:27 am
@Alan McDougall,
Showing respect for another's viewpoint or belief, even if one thinks it erroneous or without merit and then presenting, if one so chooses, clear and well-considered arguments to the contrary, is one of the hallmarks of a philosophical and mature individual.
It is unfortunate that remarks perhaps meant to be humorous caused the withdrawal of a post and thus precluded any kind of authentic discussion.
I would hope that the original poster might reconsider his deletion and re-instate his post, and that a philosophical and respectful discussion could then be conducted.
Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2010 11:00 am
I would hope that the original poster might reconsider his deletion
With that, I can only agree.

You can't judge my response until you see what I was responding to.

I don't think I am the one who is being immature here.

I take great exception to the suggestion that I have somehow bullied poor Alan into withdrawing a serious reflection on the philosophy of religion.

If Alan's post was a serious contribution, then why the Hell would he remove it? Why not let my non-serious response be seen for the wicked and unphilosophical thing that it is, if in fact it is?

I am hopping mad at this transparent emotional manipulation, or rather, not that (because in itself it is only to be pitied), but by the fact that at least one person who should know better is being taken in by it.
Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2010 11:05 am
Twirlip;142500 wrote:
Boo! I am the Holy Ghost! See me wrapped in my sheets! Hear me rattle my chains! I am SO MUCH BIGGER AND SCARIER IN UPPER CASE! And I'd have gotten away with it too, if hadn't have been for you meddling kids!

Twirlip;142627 wrote:
Aw gee, do you think that might have been Jesus after all?

I guess now we'll never know, honey.

Twirlip;142642 wrote:
With that, I can only agree.

You can't judge my response until you see what I was responding to.

I don't think I am the one who is being immature here.

I take great exception to the suggestion that I have somehow bullied poor Alan into withdrawing a serious reflection on the philosophy of religion.
Don't really understand the double standard here, Twirlip put me on ignore because he found my idears discriminating and arrogant, yet I see him being even worse than me? :poke-eye:
Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2010 12:24 pm
.......................... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2010 12:35 pm
Twirlip;142642 wrote:

You can't judge my response until you see what I was responding to.

I agree with this.
Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2010 01:16 pm
GoshisDead;142668 wrote:
Why should you be hopping mad? Doesn't one transparent emotional manipulation deserve another?

What a silly remark. To say that I am angry about something is not in any way to manipulate another person's response. Unlike posting something and then withdrawing it with the excuse that it had to be withdrawn because of someone else's response.
Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2010 01:56 pm
.................................. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2010 02:07 pm
I refer you to the many posts, including my introductory post to these forums, in which I have opened myself to the risk of attack and ridicule by making religious statements, even being so brassy as to mention Jesus (if only in passing) in a thread about schizophrenia.

I do not think I am perfect (unlike Alan, apparently, because his message was literally written as if it came from the mouth of the Son of God), but I do not need lessons in religious toleration or respect for points of view differing from my own. As an atheist, I married a Christian. My daughter went through a Wicca phase. I'm sort of hovering on the edge of Christianity myself at the moment.

I could refer you to where I was verbally skinned alive by two aggressive atheists on another philosophical forum because I mentioned God.

What Alan wrote was many paragraphs of high-flown prophetic religious speech, much of it in capital letters, and all of it written as if it came from the mouth of the Son of God Himself. To a non-religious person, it was a pompous and pretentious form of religious evangelism. To a Christian, it might well be blasphemous. (I've no idea.) It was certainly presumptuous, to put it mildly. And to anyone with a grain of sense, it was out of place in the Philosophy of Religion forum. It almost certainly broke the rules on "evangelising".

I am not saying it was total rubbish (who can say? - certainly not me), but it was certainly a ripe target for some gentle mockery.

I was not in the least bit angry about it. I was contemptuous of Alan for withdrawing it. And I am angry at those who presume to criticise me for my response without even knowing what I was responding to.

Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2010 02:09 pm
....................... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2010 02:12 pm
GoshisDead;142700 wrote:
yourpost was not genuine itself

What the XXXXing XXXX is that supposed to mean?

Also, I have already explained that I was not upset either by Alan's post or by his withdrawing it.

Do you not bother to read an article before replying to it?

That might also explain why you are so ready to criticise a reply without having read the article to which it was replying.
Alan McDougall
Reply Wed 24 Mar, 2010 12:41 am
This is how I perceive God

There is no cause to my existence I simply "was", "were" and "AM" always forever, no beginning and no end existing forever in the glory of my light. Having no Cause I therefore was the Effect and Affect and shape on everything.

back before anything was conceived , I was "infinite pure "mind" and "thought" these was no dark only light within my infinite domain , so I moved upon the great void of dark and said "let there be" light'

Aware of infinite potential in vast unplowed fields of nothing, I strode with great beams of Radiant Light toward the infinite horizon of eternity, sowing seeds of existence, before the timeless moment of creation.

I am the boundless Mind, Original Self-Awareness the cause of everything, relative to nothing I am "This" I am "That" I "Was" and I "Am" and I always will "Be" I am "Eternal Awareness" I am "Every Where" I know "Everything" I am
"Everywhen" I am the "Ever Existing One"

On the panorama of bleak blackness," I AM" "The Absolute", sowing universal energy. Reality was my aim and the beauty of my achievement, was the "Illuminating" the darkness with beams of dazzling radiant translucent iridescent glory was the first event of reason. I formulated everything in the first thought of my Mind and knew the first numbers and called them "Zero" and "One",

With the simplicities and realities of the fundamentals of' "one, and 'zero", "I made everything". I am the Prime Mover and there was no proponent to my "First Cause". I am the "Immovable Rock" and the" Alpha point". I took these first numbers and weaved them into the fabric of the reality, creating all the limitless universes on the infinite timeless foam of nothing, which now makes all up existence. Indeed, I am the Almighty One. If you are, wise.

I am the creator of the totality of all existence known by many names and titles but you should just all refer to me by the title that can never be confused by anyone. Call me The "Almighty One".

I am mystery and all mystery is mine to reveal when I open the book of minds

I AM the Ceaseless Creator of all things



Reply Wed 24 Mar, 2010 01:09 am
@Alan McDougall,
............................... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Reply Wed 24 Mar, 2010 01:22 am
GoshisDead;142853 wrote:
Imagine that,the OP is back up and the holy ghost chain rattling comment is still disingenuous emotional manipulation. I can understand why Alan might not have appreciated it that much.
Can you point to anything of philosophical interest in the ex-opening post? It seems to be another case of stuff that should be in one of the religious fora.
Alan McDougall
Reply Wed 24 Mar, 2010 01:31 am

Twirlip;142699]I refer you to the many posts, including my introductory post to these forums, in which I have opened myself to the risk of attack and ridicule by making religious statements, even being so brassy as to mention Jesus (if only in passing) in a thread about schizophrenia.

I do not think I am perfect (unlike Alan, apparently, because his message was literally written as if it came from the mouth of the Son of God), but I do not need lessons in religious toleration or respect for points of view differing from my own. As an atheist, I married a Christian. My daughter went through a Wicca phase. I'm sort of hovering on the edge of Christianity myself at the moment.

I could refer you to where I was verbally skinned alive by two aggressive atheists on another philosophical forum because I mentioned God.

What Alan wrote was many paragraphs of high-flown prophetic religious speech, much of it in capital letters, and all of it written as if it came from the mouth of the Son of God Himself. To a non-religious person, it was a pompous and pretentious form of religious evangelism. To a Christian, it might well be blasphemous. (I've no idea.) It was certainly presumptuous, to put it mildly. And to anyone with a grain of sense, it was out of place in the Philosophy of Religion forum. It almost certainly broke the rules on "evangelising".

I am not saying it was total rubbish (who can say? - certainly not me), but it was certainly a ripe target for some gentle mockery.

I was not in the least bit angry about it. I was contemptuous of Alan for withdrawing it. And I am angry at those who presume to criticize me for my response without even knowing what I was responding to.

Cant you read?? The origial title of this thread was WAS GOD AS "I" PERCEIVE HIM I clearly said it was my perception of god, not a dialog with God

I challenge you to write something similar instead of exchanging insults, I have no gripe with you disagreeing with me, but do not try to equate me to a silly child and try to repect another ones views even if you disagree in the strongest way
Reply Wed 24 Mar, 2010 09:11 am
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall;142840 wrote:
This is how I perceive God

There is no cause to my existence I simply "was", "were" and "AM" always forever, no beginning and no end existing forever in the glory of my light. Having no Cause I therefore was the Effect and Affect and shape on everything.

back before anything was conceived , I was "infinite pure "mind" and "thought" these was no dark only light within my infinite domain , so I moved upon the great void of dark and said "let there be" light'

Aware of infinite potential in vast unplowed fields of nothing, I strode with great beams of Radiant Light toward the infinite horizon of eternity, sowing seeds of existence, before the timeless moment of creation.

I am the boundless Mind, Original Self-Awareness the cause of everything, relative to nothing I am "This" I am "That" I "Was" and I "Am" and I always will "Be" I am "Eternal Awareness" I am "Every Where" I know "Everything" I am
"Everywhen" I am the "Ever Existing One"

On the panorama of bleak blackness," I AM" "The Absolute", sowing universal energy. Reality was my aim and the beauty of my achievement, was the "Illuminating" the darkness with beams of dazzling radiant translucent iridescent glory was the first event of reason. I formulated everything in the first thought of my Mind and knew the first numbers and called them "Zero" and "One",

With the simplicities and realities of the fundamentals of' "one, and 'zero", "I made everything". I am the Prime Mover and there was no proponent to my "First Cause". I am the "Immovable Rock" and the" Alpha point". I took these first numbers and weaved them into the fabric of the reality, creating all the limitless universes on the infinite timeless foam of nothing, which now makes all up existence. Indeed, I am the Almighty One. If you are, wise.

I am the creator of the totality of all existence known by many names and titles but you should just all refer to me by the title that can never be confused by anyone. Call me The "Almighty One".

I am mystery and all mystery is mine to reveal when I open the book of minds

I AM the Ceaseless Creator of all things



Alan is your view of god open to scrutiny, with respect? It appears to be a statement of facts rather than an open debate on possibilities.Your friend Xris..
Reply Wed 24 Mar, 2010 09:31 am
@Alan McDougall,
I don't really understand why some people, the minute you mention God, run screaming around carrying a sign proclaiming all the evils that religious peoples have perpetrated. It seems foolish to allow my fears and prejudices to take precidence over my courtesy toward others views and beliefs. I would never learn anything that way. Not very philosophical.
Reply Wed 24 Mar, 2010 09:36 am
GoshisDead;142853 wrote:
Imagine that,the OP is back up

No, it isn't. This is not the original post. It has been, as the editing note says, "replaced" by Alan.

It is roughly half the length of the original, perhaps less, maybe a third of the length; it is now prefaced by the title "This is how I perceive God", which I don't think was there before; Alan has removed all the purple passages written in the first person as if in the voice of the Son of God, claiming to have been with the Creator since the dawn of Creation, and to have taken part in the dance or game of creation, or some such (obviously I didn't make a written note of the exact words, having no reason to anticipate that the article would be withdrawn); and there are fewer passages in upper case.

I call on the administrator of the forum to retrieve the original article, to censure Alan for his dishonesty in replacing it with a different article, and to consider changing the rules of the forum to prevent any similar dishonesty being perpetrated in future.

If I was hopping mad before, I am practically shaking with fury now.

---------- Post added 03-24-2010 at 03:42 PM ----------

wayne;143028 wrote:
I don't really understand why some people, the minute you mention God, run screaming around carrying a sign proclaiming all the evils that religious peoples have perpetrated. It seems foolish to allow my fears and prejudices to take precidence over my courtesy toward others views and beliefs. I would never learn anything that way. Not very philosophical.

This whole thread just gets sillier and sillier. Who has said even a word about the evils perpetrated by religion?

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