I refer you to the many posts, including my introductory post to these forums, in which I have opened myself to the risk of attack and ridicule by making religious statements, even being so brassy as to mention Jesus (if only in passing) in a thread about schizophrenia.
I do not think I am perfect (unlike Alan, apparently, because his message was literally written as if it came from the mouth of the Son of God), but I do not need lessons in religious toleration or respect for points of view differing from my own. As an atheist, I married a Christian. My daughter went through a Wicca phase. I'm sort of hovering on the edge of Christianity myself at the moment.
I could refer you to where I was verbally skinned alive by two aggressive atheists on another philosophical forum because I mentioned God.
What Alan wrote was many paragraphs of high-flown prophetic religious speech, much of it in capital letters, and all of it written as if it came from the mouth of the Son of God Himself. To a non-religious person, it was a pompous and pretentious form of religious evangelism. To a Christian, it might well be blasphemous. (I've no idea.) It was certainly presumptuous, to put it mildly. And to anyone with a grain of sense, it was out of place in the Philosophy of Religion forum. It almost certainly broke the rules on "evangelising".
I am not saying it was total rubbish (who can say? - certainly not me), but it was certainly a ripe target for some gentle mockery.
I was not in the least bit angry about it. I
was contemptuous of Alan for withdrawing it. And I
am angry at those who presume to criticise me for my response without even knowing what I was responding to.