@de Silentio,
de Silentio;174426 wrote:Logic certaintly doesn't depend on psychology, and logic serves as a root for much recent philosophy.
Logic has served the root of all philosophy, going back to Socrates (he was the guy who came up with the HD method. Pretty snazzy). it didnt really become a subject matter until Aristotle and the Posterior Analytics; up until that point, Logic was a part of Rhetoric, taught by the Sophists.
Keep in mind ladies and gents that Logic does not deal with matter, but with the FORM of the matter. Give you a simplistic example:
All A are B
All B are C
All A are C
Logically this is a valid syllogism (I reserve the term "valid" for a structure of logic, not whether it's true or false) and the form itself does not concern itself with the matter or "empirical evidence", or what-have-you. I can put anything in for A, B, and C (from experience) and plug it in. Same is true with propositional logic.
Answer to Haxhammer's "Greater Logic" problem: the other garbage man realized that his friend was in a coma on account of the perfume from the vendors. He simply used cause and effect, which is an a priori condition of the understanding, and is also expressed in terms of propositional logic "if p, then q". The garbage man realized that the effect was caused by the perfume, and proceeded to get his friend out. He thought that "if" he got his friend to fresh air, he would "then" come out of his coma (which might I add uses the same form as the conditional proposition mentioned above). This was the case and so this argument can be formed.
1. If I get my friend out of the perfume and into fresh air, then he will recover from his coma, or [if (p and q), then r].
2. I got my friend out of there and into fresh air. (p and q)
3. Therefore, my friend will recover from his coma. (r)
heres the form of the argument:
1. if (p and q), then r
2. (p and q)
3. therefore r
Therewith "Hexhammer's Problem" vanishes.
---------- Post added 06-08-2010 at 10:40 AM ----------
jeeprs;174404 wrote:It is admirable to know one's limits. There are more than a few around here who could benefit from some of that.
I try not to delve into things in which I do not have a proper understanding of or background in. Thats why you will never see me on certain parts of this forum (and if you do, it will be because I am feeling silly).