@Ding an Sich,
de Silentio
No offence, but I consider Kirkegaard the absolute most useless philosopher around, relying on empty rethorics and unrealistic ideals. "objective truth" ..eeeeh ..yearh?
Now, I have absolute no formal education, and I have a friend of mine curse and swear at me, for breaking an anecdote of his, that a whole auditorium of doctors in spe, heard and just swallowed raw.
Solve this story please.
Logic does depends both on psycology, intelligence and raw knowledge, else you get logical things like:
- Erasmus Montanus "mum is a rock, because rocks can't fly and mum can't fly, ergo mum is a rock!"
- "if the person floats, the person is guilty, if the person drowns, the person is innocent"
- the world is the center of the universe, as God himself put it there, that's logic.
- the world is flat
- rabbits are fish
- you are a criminal if you got flat forehead, and other suspecious looking traits!
..all ill logic from past history, so yearh ..logic alone doesn't cut it. Often simple minded people will conjour up ill logic, because they can't take any obvious factors into account.