@Ding an Sich,
The scope of a QUESTION what it really asks always points to a precise object, a target optimized answer, or a thing, if the question itself is properly done and makes sense...same is to say that such and every question targets an understanding through our needs and for those needs rather then the nature of what is aiming to understand alone, which in itself has a Universal holistic scope of togetherness with everything else, depending on the full interaction with all elements at once as a monad...its nature is therefore crafted from this holistic soup and does not have to my view any particular meaning.
Questioning is at this light a simple matter of conformity between something that wonders and lacks, and something else that is, considering granted that from it, what is to be known, results of such interaction and cannot be on the last mentioned variable alone, once the true final target is in us even if trough it...
Knowledge as a symbol, its a bridge with two linked ends, representing a specific form of union, or an algorithm, on the dynamics of two entity's that relate...
same is to say that knowledge is nothing about any of them alone or in the "thing" in its full related nature to be more precise, being it the questioner or the thing or whatever is to be asked...
Questioning and knowing has therefore a role, an aiming target, that to be true and satisfy, has to be personnel and private to each individual in its search of wisdom...