The Walter&Lao Russell Digital Archive Linkpage

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Reply Fri 11 Apr, 2008 10:14 am
remember! be sure to buy all of these in physical hardcopy format directly from the shop. if you are still into books that is.


Walter Russell: Genero-Radiative Concept (pdf, full scan)
Glenn Clark/ Walter Russell: The Man Who Tapped The Secrets of The Universe (pdf, full scan)
Lao Russell: God Will Work WITH You But Not FOR You (PDF, Doc, DJVU)
Walter Russell: The Message of The Divine Iliad 1 (doc, physical writeup)
Walter Russell: The Message of The Divine Iliad 2 (doc, physical writeup)
Walter Russell: The Secret of Light (doc, physical writeup, NO IMAGES!!!!)
Glenn Clark/ Walter Russell: The Man Who Tapped The Secrets of The Universe
(HTML on (less images))
Walter Russell: Genero-Radiative Concept (HTML on (no (!) images))
Walter Russell: Space And The Hydrogen Age
(HTML on
Walter Russell: Inspiration as a Business Necessity (HTML on
Walter Russell: Beauty (HTML on
Excerpts from other books
Walter Russell: The Universal One: Chapter VIII: The Sex Principle
(HTML on (no images))
Walter Russell: THINK!: The Philosophy of Enthusiasm (HTML on
Walter Russell: THINK!: Persistence (HTML on
Walter Russell: THINK!: The Power of Two-Way Thinking (HTML on
Walter Russell: THINK!: Power Through Knowledge (HTML on
Walter Russell: THINK!: United Industry for Universal Peace (HTML on
Walter Russell: THINK!: Self-Multiplication Principle Through Thought-Power (HTML on
Walter Russell: The Fallacy of Individuality (HTML on
Walter Russell: THINK!: The Science of Thinking and Action (HTML on (is this IBM/THINK lecture book -excerpt? to verify)
Walter Russell: The Gospel of Beauty (HTML on
Walter Russell: The Secret of Light: Chapter XII: Light (HTML on (no images))
Lao Russell: God Will Work WITH You But Not FOR You: Chapter IX: Application of Universal Oneness
(HTML on (no images))
Videos (Full)
The Inspiring Lives of Walter and Lao Russell
Walter and Lao Russell - Life and Legacy
The Russell Years at Swannanoa
Conical Motion
(from the University of Science and Philosophy archives)
Videos (Excerpts)
Free Energy: Race to Zero Point: Brief Walter Russell Introduction
Clash of the Geniuses: Brief Walter Russell excerpt
Videos (German)
Lebensreformtage 2007, Dagmar Neubronner, Deutschland
Videos (User efforts)
Walter Russell: Message of the Divine Iliad read by a person with a german accent
The Secret of Light, The Message of the Divine Iliad being read by TheDoveLady on YouTube

theres more. if you find more, respond to this thread! lets make this the best thread there is on Russell digital files!
Reply Thu 15 May, 2008 10:47 am
Thanks for this!

Are there any more papers like the WR-GRC? It is said (in GRC) there should be like 15 other papers (booklets).
Reply Wed 2 Jul, 2008 08:03 am
mr4v0 wrote:
Thanks for this!

Are there any more papers like the WR-GRC? It is said (in GRC) there should be like 15 other papers (booklets).

i think what happened was that after that he would lecture (some of which are released but, afaik, not that scientific, except the same scientific as divine iliad), then released "the secret of light"..
which has more. and "the home study course" which has more too.
Peace phil
Reply Mon 4 Aug, 2008 01:11 pm
Hmm, am I the only one who thinks the conical motion movie is completely wrong, as what Dr explained?
Reply Mon 4 Aug, 2008 03:03 pm
@Peace phil,
Peace;20841 wrote:
Hmm, am I the only one who thinks the conical motion movie is completely wrong, as what Dr explained?

It's part of a series and I'll be uploading the rest very soon. However, please feel free to open a thread to discuss why you think it may be wrong. Welcome to the forum by the way! Stop by and introduce yourself to the community.
Peace phil
Reply Mon 4 Aug, 2008 03:31 pm
Well I think there are many things wrong. One for example is, that in the vid the direction of the turning does change. It even stops in between.
But as far as I remember Dr said many times, the direction keeps always the same. I think it actually has to, for the discharging is always happening (as soon as polarization starts), also already during the charging...
Another thing for example would be the throwing off of the rings, which happens, which is also not displayed.
Or the boring through of the spirals, which actually create the rings, ...

And BTW @Justin: Do you have a complete list of all books ever made by Dr and Lao? For I for example always thought I have a complete list, but as this book about the "Genero-Radiative Concept" surfaced, I recognized it is not complete...
Is this book anywhere available? (Genero-Radiative Concept)
For I couldn't find it on the pages of or anywhere else.
Reply Tue 5 Aug, 2008 04:13 am
@Peace phil,
Peace wrote:
And BTW @Justin: Do you have a complete list of all books ever made by Dr and Lao? For I for example always thought I have a complete list, but as this book about the "Genero-Radiative Concept" surfaced, I recognized it is not complete...
Is this book anywhere available? (Genero-Radiative Concept)
For I couldn't find it on the pages of or anywhere else.

Genero-Radiative Concept has been out of print for a while. a friend bought it up on ebay, at over 100bux. he was nice enough to scan it, and make it available, and interestingly, it coincides with the text-portion of it popping up on
so you might want to look through ebay, or other antique bookstores on the web.

could you point to books that are not on this list:
The Universal One
Russell Genero-Radiative Concept
A New Concept of the Universe
Message of the Divine Iliad 1
Message of the Divine Iliad 2
Book of Early Whisperings
The Home Study Course for Universal Law, Natural Science and Living Philosophy
Atomic Suicide?
Peace phil
Reply Tue 5 Aug, 2008 07:41 am
This is my list so far:

The Secret of Working Knowingly With God-Walter Russell
Genius Inherent In Everyone by Walter Russell
The Message of the Divine Iliad Volume 1 by Walter Russell
The Message of the Divine Iliad Volume 2 by Walter Russell
God Will Work With You but not For You by Lao Russell
Think: The First Principle of Business Ethics Walter Russell
The Secret of Light by Walter Russell
Atomic Suicide? by Walter & Lao Russell
The Universal One by Walter Russell
A New Concept of the Universe by Walter Russell
The Home Study Course by Walter & Lao
The World Crisis: It's Explanation and Solution By Lao & Walter Russell
The Book of Early Whisperings by Walter Russell
The Electrifying Power of Man-Woman Balance By Lao & Walter Russell
The Scientific Answer to Human Relations By Lao & Walter Russell
Where Do I Go When I Die By Lao & Walter Russell
Space and the Hydrogen Age By Walter Russell
The Meaning and Acquisition of Wealth by Walter Russell
The Self-Multiplication Principle by Walter Russell
The Sculptor Searches for Mark Twain's Immortality by Walter Russell
Caring for Your Physical & Spiritual Health by Walter Russell
The Quest of the Grail by Walter Russell
The Electric Nature of the Universe by Walter Russell
The Fifth Kingdom Man by Walter Russell
The Immortality of Man by Walter Russell

And the books, about the Russells, but not from the Russells:
Remembered for Love by JB Yount
The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe By Glenn Clark
In the Wave Lies the Secret of Creation, compiled by Tim Binder

This was the list I had. And these are also all the books I have. (I bought the complete set at for $440 some time ago)
And what was obviously missing is the
Genero-Radiative Concept by Walter Russell

So my question to Justin was, if there is an official list of all the books ever made by the Russells. Not only of the books, which are now available...

Ahh I just saw, that in the meantime there were quite some changes since I last visted So from there you can see a few additional books/booklets:
Love by Lao Russell
Character by Lao (excerpt from God will work with you but not for you)
Love Ye One Another by Lao (excerpt from God will work with you but not for you)
The Dawn of a New Day in Human Relations by Walter
You Create Your Own Destiny by Lao (excerpt from God will work with you but not for you)
Your Day and Night by Walter Russell (excerpt from Divine Illiad)

Non Russell books:
The Book of Balance-Herbert Guenther
The Twilight Manifesto by Yasuhiko Genku Kimura
Think Kosmically, Act Globally by Yasuhiko Genku Kimura
The Law of Balance - Set of 5 by Chief Melford Okilo
Love Creates Balance by Melford Okilo
Reply Tue 5 Aug, 2008 09:29 am
@Peace phil,
do you have any of these yourself?

Peace wrote:

The World Crisis: It's Explanation and Solution By Lao & Walter Russell
The Electrifying Power of Man-Woman Balance By Lao & Walter Russell
The Scientific Answer to Human Relations By Lao & Walter Russell
Where Do I Go When I Die By Lao & Walter Russell
Peace phil
Reply Wed 6 Aug, 2008 01:35 am
As I said before, I have all the books, of the first list I mentioned, so I also have these books.

Well, I just looked around a bit and found somebody selling the book:
The One-World Purpose by Lao & Walter

Anybody knows this book?

Oh, and I also found still another book, its called:
"Aromic suicide?" by Lao & Walter

I think it is about some bad cooking recipes :bigsmile:
Reply Wed 6 Aug, 2008 04:52 pm
@Peace phil,
Age of Innocence is another Russell book. Didn't see that one above.
Reply Thu 7 Aug, 2008 10:27 pm
I hate casual writing...

Is there any link to his science that is written in formal language such that you could actually build a device to convert nitrogen gas into hydrogen and oxygen.

scanning the internet all I found was that a group repeated his experiment on transmutation of the elements;

In an vacuated glass tube they put a little water... and then heated it in a magnetic field and let it cool in the magnetic field.

I might have found something;

Walter Russell 'Physics' Homepage

MySiddhi wrote:
I might have found something;

Walter Russell 'Physics' Homepage

This shows a few of his diagrams....

But I would like to see the actual text that goes with and explains this science.
Peace phil
Reply Fri 8 Aug, 2008 08:30 am
Is there any link to his science that is written in formal language such that you could actually build a device to convert nitrogen gas into hydrogen and oxygen.

Well except the articles of kovac+binder+grotz, I don't know any. Dr himself never gave an explicit detailed instruction, like: Take AWG 33, make a coil of such and such length, ...

But I would like to see the actual text that goes with and explains this science.

Well then I recommend reading and meditating on the HSC, The Universal One, ... There, everything is explained, but sure hard for the brain to understand as truth does only come from within (this is at least my view).
Reply Fri 8 Aug, 2008 10:58 am
@Peace phil,
Peace wrote:
Well except the articles of kovac+binder+grotz, I don't know any. Dr himself never gave an explicit detailed instruction, like: Take AWG 33, make a coil of such and such length, ...

Well then I recommend reading and meditating on the HSC, The Universal One, ... There, everything is explained, but sure hard for the brain to understand as truth does only come from within (this is at least my view).

Even if truth comes from within the only way to verify an "internal knowing" as truth is through logical necessity and empirical facts.

While Walter may have numerous genius intuitions his work that is in casual rhetoric is just as likely to contain a whole lot of bs.

As you can see these illustrations are clearly from his books. Even one called "Our Eternal Universe".

Here is a quote from his essay "Space and the Hydrogen Age";

In order that it may not be lost to the world, I have put all this knowledge of space and the electric octave wave from which all things come into a book called The Cosmic Plan. Any scientist who comprehends the principles laid down in that book can produce hydrogen the way the sun produces it, or the way space enfolds our planet with it.
The point is... his casual rhetoric is quite useless to a scientist. Thus, I need his actual scientific work which he claims to have.... but unfortunately I cannot find it.

I don't need directions on how to build a specific embodiment of his ideas... I merely need his explicit scientific expressions and equations.

If you find this for me... I will teach you how to use his knowledge.
Peace phil
Reply Sat 9 Aug, 2008 03:05 am
Even if truth comes from within the only way to verify an "internal knowing" as truth is through logical necessity and empirical facts.

Well, this I see completely different from my experience!
But as everybody has his own path to truth, I think it doesn't make much sense in discussing about this...

While Walter may have numerous genius intuitions his work that is in casual rhetoric is just as likely to contain a whole lot of bs.

Well, this I also don't see like that. If ones brain is not able do understand, what Dr is saying, doesn't mean it's bs. For the brain will never be able to understand the truth. The truth is beyond time and space.
I for myself have a very easy way, to know, what someone writes is the truth or not, just listen deep within, and you will immediately know.
I get somehow the impression you're a bit impatient. And from this impatience, maybe some frustration is surfacing. Some years ago, I also had this problem.
I for myself, just take "life" as it is, everything comes at it's time. There's no need for expectations, they will only lead to frustration. Just love the world and be happy, the rest will come along as it is insigned from the universal one.
But don't understand me wrong, it's good to be enthusiastic, but if something doesn't work out, as "expected" from the brain, you shouldn't take it as negative, it's just an experience.
There's only one, who decides, if you're happy or not, and that is yourself!
Only the brain is always telling that outer conditions hinder oneself from beeing happy, this is just not true. (and also not logical :bigsmile:)

If you find this for me... I will teach you how to use his knowledge.

LOL, I don't want to offend you, but I think you're far from teaching others in this realm...
First, know thyself. I know, ego is always trying to make oneself either extremely big, or small. We all have this problem, as we're not yet god realized. So, you see, we're all brothers and sisters in one boat.

If you are looking for some formulas, then maybe you should take a look at Schappeller's work. It's about the same as Dr's, but not as complete. And Schappeller delivers some formulas for this "new" science.

Well, sure all this is just MHO, got mainly from my experiences during meditation. Maybe it is of service to you, maybe not.
Reply Sat 9 Aug, 2008 07:20 am
@Peace phil,
Peace wrote:
Hmm, am I the only one who thinks the conical motion movie is completely wrong, as what Dr explained?

It would help if you defined what you mean by 'conical motion movie'. Without our, or my, understanding of what you mean, it's hard to comment on your question.

Perhaps you mean how GOD projects the visable universe from stillness, into which idea is registered into the illusionary universe of matter.

Peace phil
Reply Sat 9 Aug, 2008 08:30 am
I mean the movie in the first post, which is named "conical motion".
Yes it should show, how the oscillatory motion of light creates the illusion of matter.
But either this video is completely wrong, or I didn't get the concept as Dr explained.
Reply Sat 9 Aug, 2008 08:49 am
rwalker338 wrote:
It would help if you defined what you mean by 'conical motion movie'. Without our, or my, understanding of what you mean, it's hard to comment on your question. Perhaps you mean how GOD projects the visable universe from stillness, into which idea is registered into the illusionary universe of matter.

its a very simple question. he wanted to know, what is it that this conical motion movie on youtube is supposed to voice, and is it 100% russell accurate either.

the video is in the first post. this is the video:
YouTube - Conical Motion
Reply Sat 9 Aug, 2008 09:02 am
@Peace phil,
Peace wrote:
Well, this I see completely different from my experience!
But as everybody has his own path to truth, I think it doesn't make much sense in discussing about this...

I am speaking about directly communicated said knowledge to other humans.... without appealing to authority.

Well, this I also don't see like that. If ones brain is not able do understand, what Dr is saying, doesn't mean it's bs. For the brain will never be able to understand the truth. The truth is beyond time and space.
I for myself have a very easy way, to know, what someone writes is the truth or not, just listen deep within, and you will immediately know.
I get somehow the impression you're a bit impatient. And from this impatience, maybe some frustration is surfacing. Some years ago, I also had this problem.
I for myself, just take "life" as it is, everything comes at it's time. There's no need for expectations, they will only lead to frustration. Just love the world and be happy, the rest will come along as it is insigned from the universal one.
But don't understand me wrong, it's good to be enthusiastic, but if something doesn't work out, as "expected" from the brain, you shouldn't take it as negative, it's just an experience.
There's only one, who decides, if you're happy or not, and that is yourself!
Only the brain is always telling that outer conditions hinder oneself from beeing happy, this is just not true. (and also not logical :bigsmile:)
Here is your appeal to authority; First you presume that "Dr" has it all perfectly figured out and that anyone that cannot hear the "voice of God" (truth) obviously is at fault for not comprehending.

LOL, I don't want to offend you, but I think you're far from teaching others in this realm...
First, know thyself. I know, ego is always trying to make oneself either extremely big, or small. We all have this problem, as we're not yet god realized. So, you see, we're all brothers and sisters in one boat.

If you are looking for some formulas, then maybe you should take a look at Schappeller's work. It's about the same as Dr's, but not as complete. And Schappeller delivers some formulas for this "new" science.

Well, sure all this is just MHO, got mainly from my experiences during meditation. Maybe it is of service to you, maybe not.
I am obviously referring to science, not some silly mystic philosophy.

If you think you actually understand his science please explain to me how to transmute elements.

If you do not know how to transmute the elements than you obviously do not understand his science. Savvy?

Does Schappeller's work cover the transmutation of the elements (which "Dr" claims to do in his book the Cosmic Plan)?
Reply Sat 9 Aug, 2008 11:33 am
My error about conical motion, I did not see the video. I am new to these forums. As I watched the video I must agree, it is not in agreement with what Dr. Russell understood from his illumination. The wave of creation does not funtion in this way. However, it is true that both lights, male and female, are born at the same instant from the void of magnetic mind, but the male side is always dominate until maximum resistance is achieved and then the female half of the wave becomes dominate to return the energy back to stillness to be reborn again. This is why both halves of the wave are positive, travel in the same direction and return to the magnetic stillness of mind which is negative.

The road of energy towards maximum resistance and its return is always curved because of resistance to become something it is not, the seeming creation of separateness.

In regard to transmutation, Lao told me Dr. Russell wanted to write a book about each chapter of the universal one. However, there was just not time to produce everything he wanted to do. He gave us the foundation upon which we are to build, using the proper principles of creation and not what science has gained from using his senses as the foundation. Dr. Russell told the scientists of his day to forget and discard what they thought they knew and start all over again using the proper principles as God uses them. Then and only then would we be able to progress and know how to apply them to do things such as transmutation. God does it, we can as well! Within each element are all the elements that preceed it, the same is true for each octave. The inert gases record and register the sum of all octives before them.

I'm sorry if I seem to be rambling but the point is he could not do everything, even though he may have wanted to. The rest is up to us!

I pray this may help.

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