filosofired;89970 wrote:Hi Alan, i am troubled and quite frankly disturbed by your statement that says God and nature are one. according to my understanding he created nature and exists (his works can be seen) in nature, but he is not nature.
by you saying God is nature gives "pagans" the right to bow down to and praise the sun, animals, the moon and all the others things that people serve. according to the bible, this is wrong hence the first and most important commandment: DO NOT SERVE ANY OTHER GOD.
There is a difference between appreciating nature and praising nature. your statement to me seems as if giving grounds on which to defy the first commandment by not appreciating nature but praising it
Of course you cannot worship nature as if it were sentient. Before the creation of our universe what existed other than GOD? (leave out alternate universes please).
All existence emanated from the essence of the most high God because in him all things were created. The heavens declare the glory of God.
In 1 Corr verse 26 The last enemy that shall be destroyed is DEATH
In 1 Corr verse 28And when all things subdued unto him, then shall the Son(Jesus) also himself be subject him that put all things under (Jesus) that God may be ALL IN ALL
"Is your concept of God some supreme being sitting on a huge throne somewhere in Orion's belt? "
Science tells us that the universe consists of only five fundamentals, Electrons, protons, neutrons and photons (light or energy). Lets leave out quantum particles for the moment
If these three fundamentals are not part of God then we must think of two externals , 1) the Universe and 2)God as some separate mighty supreme being, like us but just greater?
To me God is the great living equation that formulated and created everything in existence even altering his own being to make space for us exist
A great astronomer James Jeans said when he first looked out at the vastness of the universe he contemplated what it really was, A colossal well oiled machine, after thinking about it he said no not a machine but a beautiful thought
The above is my idea why God and nature are really ONE becuase nature and we humans are the outcome of his thinking possesses