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Reply Thu 16 Jul, 2009 06:31 pm
Ok, before anybody starts flaming saying that this has no base in scientific fact, JUST DON'T SAY ANYTHING NEGATIVE PLEASE. This is meant to start a meaningful, peaceful, conversation.

I was sitting around one day, and I decided to move into a heightened mind-frame, (by which means I will not disclose) and I began to ponder certain things. One of the most interesting ideas I came up with was this..

What if the brain is connected to a sort of infrastructure, by means of wavelengths unknown at the moment, in which it can communicate with other brains, sort of the way an internet connection works. Through previous brainstorming, I toyed with the idea that the subconscious is not controlled by our brain, but wavelengths emitted from ourselves in an alternate plane. These waves can travel between the planes and, what if, theoretically, these different planes of existence (which could be of any nature; thought, physical, etc.) are all interconnected, and are not separate.

What if, in these alternate planes, life as we know it is dramatically different, to the point of sheer awesomeness. When we dream, our brain might actually be picking up the brain patterns of our body in another plane, in real-time with the events in that plane.

This thread is open for discussion, and PLEASE, don't flame me. I'm just trying to start a brain-exercising activity.:detective:
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 03:01 am
@Brandon Boyd,
That's a good point as it may explain strange experiences such as, knowing exactly what the person is going to say next, that happened to me once, I was talking to a guy and throughout the whole conversation I knew what he was going to say next several times.
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 05:22 am
I read some where that many of our significant inventions and thoughts appeared simultaneously around the globe.I believe we are only physical mediums for thoughts that are not of this existance.It does on occassions become out of tune and certain humans receive garbled thoughts from others alive and dead.It explains why so many unexplained mysteries appear to be like untuned radio messages.Just my thoughts.
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 08:22 am
Hi Brandon,

Jung suggested the concept of the Collective Unconscious:

"Jung considered the collective unconscious a "reservoir of the experiences of our species." The collective unconscious goes beyond your personal subconscious memories and draws upon a more universal bank of information. In this way, it contains references that predate your own earthly existence and will continue on long after you're gone."

In terms of everyday affairs, most people have experienced some synchronicity at some point in their lives. Often in dreams. I had an extraordinary period filled with synchronistic experiences during the period of my divorce. Nothing like that has happened since or had occurred before that.

Rubert Sheldrake, likened the human nervous system (brain, spine, nerves) to a T.V. set, which does not create images and sound within itself, but instead is receiving (radio waves) and transmitting (sound) all of time.

Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 08:43 am
@Brandon Boyd,
Brandon_Boyd;77796 wrote:

What if the brain is connected to a sort of infrastructure, by means of wavelengths unknown at the moment, in which it can communicate with other brains, sort of the way an internet connection works. Through previous brainstorming, I toyed with the idea that the subconscious is not controlled by our brain, but wavelengths emitted from ourselves in an alternate plane. These waves can travel between the planes and, what if, theoretically, these different planes of existence (which could be of any nature; thought, physical, etc.) are all interconnected, and are not separate.
What if, in these alternate planes, life as we know it is dramatically different, to the point of sheer awesomeness. When we dream, our brain might actually be picking up the brain patterns of our body in another plane, in real-time with the events in that plane.

there are a number of metaphysical and mystical traditions that adhere to this description of life. for instance, the chakras are said to be energy centers that connect the physical body to the other planes. some texts refer to the journey of a soul through various planes until reaching the one we are communicating in now and that since we still exist in them we can access them. on the return journey we leave behind what belongs to each plane becoming lighter until we eventually are reabsorbed into the source.

it is considered to be speculation except by those who claim to have experienced direct contact with those other planes.
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 08:53 am
@Brandon Boyd,
Brandon_Boyd;77796 wrote:
. When we dream, our brain might actually be picking up the brain patterns of our body in another plane, in real-time with the events in that plane.

Jung also felt that dreams presented many symbolic images based upon universal Archetypes. If you have not read about Jung's views on this, you may find him interesting.

I have always found dreams interesting on two counts:

1) How the heck does the mind manage to drop itself into a dream state, and how the heck does it get itself out of it?

2) How is it that the same mind can experience reality in such different ways as it does in the awake state and the dream state. I find this utterly fascinating, and may have some meaning to you in what you are contemplating right now.

Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 09:17 am
I wake from a dream on occassions thinking,did i write that story?did i design those buildings?create those characters? without even trying:perplexed:
Brandon Boyd
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 09:52 am
Caroline;77876 wrote:
That's a good point as it may explain strange experiences such as, knowing exactly what the person is going to say next, that happened to me once, I was talking to a guy and throughout the whole conversation I knew what he was going to say next several times.

Yes, I understand what you mean, I have had different cases in which I have "normal" deja-vu, but there have been instances in which I have experienced and extremely brain-shaking event, where I know what is going to happen next, what that person will say next, EVERYTHING.

It just makes me wonder..

---------- Post added 07-17-2009 at 10:53 AM ----------

richrf;77926 wrote:
Jung also felthttp://www.philosophyforum.com/forum/images/PHBlue/buttons/quote.gif that dreams presented many symbolic images based upon universal Archetypes. If you have not read about Jung's views on this, you may find him interesting.

I have not read any of Jung's views, but I HAVE heard of him. Not sure if anybody has heard the song 46 and 2 by the band Tool, but it is about one of Jung's theories.

I will read into him. =D
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 09:56 am
xris;77933 wrote:
I wake from a dream on occassions thinking,did i write that story?did i design those buildings?create those characters? without even trying:perplexed:

Totally amazing, isn't it. It is YOUR MIND at work! Incredible. :bigsmile:

Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 10:08 am
@Brandon Boyd,
Brandon_Boyd;77943 wrote:
Yes, I understand what you mean, I have had different cases in which I have "normal" deja-vu, but there have been instances in which I have experienced and extremely brain-shaking event, where I know what is going to happen next, what that person will say next, EVERYTHING.

It just makes me wonder..

Yes me too. Sometimes I think 'we're on the same wave length....literally'.
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 10:23 am
richrf;77915 wrote:
Hi Brandon,

Jung suggested the concept of the Collective Unconscious:

"Jung considered the collective unconscious a "reservoir of the experiences of our species." The collective unconscious goes beyond your personal subconscious memories and draws upon a more universal bank of information. In this way, it contains references that predate your own earthly existence and will continue on long after you're gone."

In terms of everyday affairs, most people have experienced some synchronicity at some point in their lives. Often in dreams. I had an extraordinary period filled with synchronistic experiences during the period of my divorce. Nothing like that has happened since or had occurred before that.

Rubert Sheldrake, likened the human nervous system (brain, spine, nerves) to a T.V. set, which does not create images and sound within itself, but instead is receiving (radio waves) and transmitting (sound) all of time.


Thanks Rich. I have hightlighted the above words for your consideration in that perhaps we carry those with us in that we continue to "remain" further enhancing those "references" (experiences) though not consciously realizing it yet continually building on them "linking up" with those "like" experiences (references) with others that will be the glue that will combine the collective consciousness together creating a sychronicity of immeasurable proportions never known to humankind, but inevitable as we share in that diversity of those experiences enhancing and vitalizing that continuum. Smile

Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 10:34 am
William;77954 wrote:
Thanks Rich. I have highlighted the above words for your consideration in that perhaps we carry those with us in that we continue to "remain" further enhancing those "references" (experiences) though not consciously realizing it yet continually building on them "linking up" with those "like" experiences (references) with others that will be the glue that will combine the collective consciousness together creating a synchronicity of immeasurable proportions never known to humankind, but inevitable as we share in that diversity of those experiences enhancing and vitalizing that continuum. :)William

Yes, I think it might very well be that we are continually enhancing the collective unconscious. In fact, that may all that we are all doing. :detective:

Some say, that Jung was affected by Darwin, and did not believe that there was a transcendental soul, that carries these learned experiences from one physical life to the next. However, I did watch an interview that he did not long before his death, in which he stated in no uncertain terms that he knew that there was more after death. I can only conjecture that he kept many of his personal beliefs to himself, so as not to cause any more commotion than he already did within his profession.

Anyway, I am reading a book called, A Beginners Guide to Jungian Psychology", by Robin Robertson, that was recommended to me on this forum. It is excellent for anyone who wishes to understand more about his lifelong exploration into the the unconscious.

Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 10:36 am
@Brandon Boyd,
Im not sure about this so dont laugh at me ok, I read somewhere that animals share knowledge,eg, if you feed or harm a bird that knowledge will be shared amongst the whole species. I said dont laugh.
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 10:43 am
Caroline;77957 wrote:
Im not sure about this so dont laugh at me ok, I read somewhere that animals share knowledge,eg, if you feed or harm a bird that knowledge will be shared amongst the whole species. I said dont laugh.

Hi Caroline,

I am in concurrence. One only has to observe ants or bees and there behavior in order to develop some wonder on what might be going on within those colonies.

But even more than this, there is the communication that goes on within human cells themselves!

I see all of life as a spiral going in and going out. The macro is revealed in the micro and the micro reveals itself in the macro. As I learn more, maybe I will understand better how the whole thing ticks.

Thanks for sharing your observations.

Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 10:49 am
richrf;77961 wrote:
Hi Caroline,
I see all of life as a spiral going in and going out. The macro is revealed in the micro and the micro reveals itself in the macro. As I learn more, maybe I will understand better how the whole thing ticks.

Thanks for sharing your observations.


Hey Rich,
Me too.
You're welcome. Smile
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 11:12 am
Caroline;77963 wrote:
Hey Rich,
Me too.
You're welcome. Smile

Gee, maybe I would like to think that way too. That spiral stuff sounds nifty. Could you tell me what it means?
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 11:40 am
I believe ants communicate by chemical trails and ant to ant chemical messages.The touch each other for certain information,a highly developed language.
I have read about animals who appear to know their masters are returning home,their actions appear telepathic and the idea that its just acute hearing has been ruled out.Even my lone lovebird advices me my wife is returning home long before i hear her car.we have so much more to learn.
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 11:40 am
@Brandon Boyd,
Brandon_Boyd;77796 wrote:
What if, in these alternate planes, life as we know it is dramatically different, to the point of sheer awesomeness. When we dream, our brain might actually be picking up the brain patterns of our body in another plane, in real-time with the events in that plane.:detective:

Hello Brandon,

Thank you for the thread and welcome to the forum. First let me say your are on target in you thinking IMO. But we must also realize we are venturing into a discourse that will be immensely difficult to explain which tells me not to venture long in that it is taboo territory. The television series "Sliders" is a depiction of that you are referring to. These planes do exist and I am only aware of that in that I have "physically" been there.

It is truly an uncanny experience in that those times I did venture, it seemed everyone knew me, but had no idea who they were in that they were all strangers to me. Even my family was different somehow. So I just mentally played along and enjoyed the attention. Ha. It was as if they were in a "way-station" so to speak. I will not venture as to why I say that, it just came out.

It was identical to this plane, but different, and so were the people in it. It was indeed non-threatening nor uncomfortable very friendly even, except from my immediate family in that they were afraid?, as at the time it only struck me as odd for a the time I thought is was the plane I had always existed in. Now how many times I have visited this plane is unknown to me. In retrospect what I can surmise is these planes are slowly converging in that whatever established that plane and for whatever reason those in that plane are going through some kind of "re-vitalizing or a re-vamping" that will enhance their existence in this one. IMO?

All I do know is I visited that plane for a reason of which I don't have the foggiest idea? Ha. Inexplicable, esoteric, you bet. Now it is my feeling that this was a very close plane to our own about to merge, on the same token there are those planes that are more distant and more alien and hostile. Those are only accessable due to a phsychotic break and that is the reason why I mention: "taboo". You don't want to go there as it is the origin of fear itself or hell itself. I've been there too, but with a guiding hand that allowed me not to be afraid. Nevertheless I made it back from that journey. Whew!!!!!! I will someday, maybe, elaborate a little more on that one, though I hope not.

Now what plane is it that we will merge with? That depends on which one we are the most compatible with; the one that is re-vitalizing or the one in which fear dominates? Hmmm? Good question. I vote for the former.

As it relates to our dreams, it is those other dimensions we are venturing into sub-consciously dependent on how afraid we are in this plane. That's where nightmares come from, IMO as all dreams. I don't know about others but when I am dreaming, I know I am dreaming though I don't know how I know that. I just do. Now as far as nightmares, I've had those too in a dreamstate, but to me they were nothing more than an adventure as I have been stabbed, blown up, fallen off clifts, drowned, shot, you name it and woke up bright eyed and bushy taled. Now in the good ones, I fly and those are great.

Now having said all that I could use a good cup of coffee, Ha. In all seriousness it is this plane I am worried about for it is the only one that matters to me and how we can eliiminate fear in this plane to keep that farthest plane from merging with this one. Every post I have ever written has been to offer ways to eliminate that fear that is so invasive in this world.

I could go on, but I will leave it at that for now. IMMHO. Smile


---------- Post added 07-17-2009 at 01:25 PM ----------

richrf;77956 wrote:
Yes, I think it might very well be that we are continually enhancing the collective unconscious. In fact, that may all that we are all doing. :detective:

I can only conjecture that he kept many of his personal beliefs to himself, so as not to cause any more commotion than he already did within his profession.....................


Yeah, I kinda know what your are surmising for I do indeed feel the same way. My last post is just an smidigen of what I have yet divulged. Ha. :a-ok:

Easy does it.

Thanks Rich.
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 12:25 pm
@Brandon Boyd,
Bridging metaphysics to epistemology, or, sustaining the pliable Flux of the metaphysics~physics range...

Communication, the math of sequitur between data points in Matrix Theory, the oscillating flux and flow of Rationed expansions and contractions...

Here's a powerful speculation: why is being left behind such a powerful motivator, and are there critical tipping points, in natural cycles, that cause us to seek the highest and best, so we can become such? Like the major religions of the past, will there be one person who brings powerfully diversified belief systems together, under one physics cause?

And who would qualify as such a person, and could it only be a person that equally brings out the best in everyone else, without killing this king that we justly raise?
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 12:30 pm
kennethamy;77966 wrote:
Gee, maybe I would like to think that way too. That spiral stuff sounds nifty. Could you tell me what it means?

No. Im interested in the macro and micro, I have no idea what it all means. Why, are you interested in it too?

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