with time... there is only a right now... past and future are concepts for conveniance...
there THANKFULLY will be no way to ever travel back in time... as any changes made could snowball the world into unpleasant conditions... and the grandfather effect... what if you go invent the time machine... you go back and interfere and accidentally kill your grandpa before he mates with your grandma and then you were never born to have never invented the time machine...
or what if you meet yourself? or just the fact there is now 2 yous even if you dont meet... this means there is no such thing as a soul... as you dont get a new one every second of your life, it cannot exist twice at once... but who says there is a soul anyway but still......
i totally came to talk about fate though.... with 20 pages im not even gonna make an attempt so its prolly all been said...
but i still maintain that there cannot be fate AND freewill at once... if you believe one thing happened for a reason, then everything had to happen in a specific order, and even with the ability to go back to any moment along your life span, the choice you make could not be any other choice because your brain would always make the same decision at that moment no matter how many times you tried. am i expressin this right? cause if you truly went back, you still wouldnt know the future... right?
i dont think everything is a designed plan type of fate
its all an intertwined infinite causes and effects... not necessarily adding up to something in particular... but that it couldnt operate any other way. As a mustard seed HAS to become a mustard seed and could not hope for anything else, its place of germination and growth and survival all determined by circumstance and intertwined events.
as Alan Watts puts it... the wake of a boat is not what pushes the boat forward, (we are not driven by the events of our life alone) but the wake is evidence of
how/why we went forward as we did.
and to stick with the parable, to imagine you could do any amount of steering, is illusion... you might steer to avoid something, or cause the river curves... but you only steered CAUSE of something... if you come to a split in the river, the side you choose will be based on something you pick out, like looks calmer, looks more beautiful, or some other individual preference... and if you choose to stop the boat to try to prove the whole system wrong... then you wouldnt of tried to prove the whole system wrong if you werent introduced to the concept, putting the motivation into you....
i wrote so much it wont be read huh... time for bed... i write too much fluff