nameless wrote:Are you saying that we, as people, in your opinion, never actually (honestly) 'act', but are completely 'limited' to 'reacting'? Buy "dishonesty of full autonomy" (if we have partial 'autonomy'... autonomous of/from what?... wouldn't 'partial' allow for 'some' acts?) are you refering to an individual, (believing the illusion that he is) seperate and disconnected from all that is, autonomous? Why the qualifier "full"? And how is it 'dishonesty' if the 'actor/reactor' honestly thinks/believes he is autonomous?
Sooo, nothing in the universes 'acts', everything 'reacts', implying that 'free-will/choice/deliberate behavior' is not actually possible, from your perspective?
Yes you are completely limited to reaction, it is your function as the subject object relation, there is no such thing as autonomy, there is no such thing as freewill, there are but choices in the way you might react, for as stated earlier, even inacton/non-reaction to an object or situtation is by defination a reaction. Reality is relational, reaction is the engine that drives the relational nature of all reality. It is dishonest, or perhaps ignorant, for anyone to claim autonomy, autonomy from what it is fair to ask, autonomy from the context of nature, the context of reality, it can be nothing but wishful thinking, though as I stated earlier, it is not even desirable nonsense, it is simply nonsense. Trying to touch on all your points, deliberate behaviour, yes, there is deliberate behaviour in deciding upon the choice between reactions, but even action is a reaction to intent, which is a reaction to a condition or situtation. There is no cause and effect, it is all reaction. That we can dwell on a little more as the thread develops. Did I miss anything, let me know if I have.