longknowledge;95081 wrote:
So what? "Joe" is the name of a man in Tennessee, and "Joe" is the name of a man in Oklahoma, and "Joe" is the name of a man in Alaska. But the three Joes went no where. Names are not the things they name. There is one name, "Joe", but there are at least three things named, "Joe", and a lot more! You are confusing the name with the thing. Why can't the same city have different names? The author of,
Huckleberry Finn,
Tom Sawyer, and,
Puddinhead Wilson, was one and the same person, namely, Mark Twain (or Samuel L. Clemens). So why cannot the author of the same book have different names? Just as the same person may have three or more different names, so different persons may have the same name. What is the problem?
The city of Constantinople went nowhere. It is now, Istanbul. But the name, "Constantinople" is just no longer used. Just as the country, Ceylon, went no where. Although it is not called, "Sri Lanka". So what? Again, the confusion of names with things.