Refus wrote:Well, what do you think, is it logic that you do not want to not want, as it is logic to want to want to want....?
I thought you might be able to get into this,
We start, then, with nothing, pure zero. But this is not the nothing of negation. For
not means
other than, and
other is merely a synonym of the ordinal numeral
second. As such it implies a first; while the present pure zero is prior to every first. The nothing of negation is the nothing of death, which comes
second to, or after, everything. But this pure zero is the nothing of not having been born. There is no individual thing, no compulsion, outward nor inward, no law. It is the germinal nothing, in which the whole universe is involved or foreshadowed. As such, it is absolutely undefined and unlimited possibility -- boundless possibility. There is no compulsion and no law. It is boundless freedom.
Charles S. Peirce, "Logic of Events" (1898)[/CENTER]
[CENTER]No need to thank me,it was nothing! Boagie
Seriously, this sounds like material you might get your teeth into,also don't forget Heraclitus! See you on the boards!!!!