You raise some very good arguments. Thank you. However,
nameless;22679 wrote:
In the Now moment, the universe is complete, with us and our memories, Here/Now. Whatever memories we have in mind arise synchronously with the moment.
I am not able to agree with your statement that the universe is complete.
The experience of reality is created in the transfer of energy from a field of potential to the manifestation of that potential. Being part of this field of potential, matter is not divisible from it. However in order for matter to exist it must fluctuate between two states: It passes from a unified field of potential into a physical manifestation that we perceive as separate from this field. To state that the Universe is complete would suggest a static state in which this transfer of energy does not happen. This activity of 'Creation' is continual, and not static, otherwise even the illusion of division would not exist.
In order for a 'mystical' perspective to join a mechanical perspective it is essential that we resolve this paradox in our perception, this cannot be done by denying existence* on the part of the 'mystic' or by denying the existence of a unified source for reality on the part of the 'mechanic'.
I would further add that the illusion of movement is the transfer of energy as perceived through physical reality; under such conditions movement, time and memory are synonymous, they are the perception of the same action.
We are masters at inscribing our memories into our physical environment, just as the Universe has 'written' the memory of its own existence into its physical structure. But the seed is only a conscious memory, once the tree has grown. The past exists no more than a seed exists once it has become a tree. We know only that a seed must have once existed because we have the tree as its witness. Likewise the future exists only as a potential just as a seed holds inside a potential tree.
This most elemental form of consciousness, that of the interaction of energy with its potential form of material existence, or expressed in the physical plain: the structured interaction of two or more physical particles which create a third, unique potential, describes, in mechanical terms the state of being. That which exists because its ordered structure, its consciousness, brings it into existence.
Life exists through this perceived separation, and like its antecedent, matter, every particle is continually brought into a state of material being. From this material state of existence energy is re-disbursed into a field of potential. Light on the waves ...
Transpose this same reasoning to material terms, or even in spiritual terms if one is so inclined: Being is that which is.
(*On a personal note, nameless, I suspect, like myself, you have followed the tenant that the ego is an obstacle to achieving the resolution to this paradox. However, the ego needs to exist in order to fulfill a purpose, and it is once we recognise this purpose, and allow it to fulfill its potential that we can begin to release the need for ego. Thus resolving the paradox.)