Sartre says existence precedes essence, Descartes says I think therefore I am, Nietzsche says I am therefore I think! Nietzsche,the great life affirmer, says "life is the will to power and nothing more". Deleuze says " desiring machines that is all there is". Homer has Thetis say "the most tragic thing on earth is man, his life is but a day".
Nietzsche was pissed at Socrates because he let the cat out of the bag. The dying words of that great "pied piper" of Athens: "O Crito we owe a rooster to Asclepius",in other words, life is a disease. Nietzsche wished Socrates would of kept this terrifying secret to himself. In the words of Bertram, "Was his (Nietzsche) extreme, Dionysiac paen to life, and to life alone, only a kind of silence, beneath which a great educator for life did not believe in life?". And so the saga goes from Hamlet to Unamuno: life sucks and then you die! So what will it be guys and girls, The red pill or the blue pill?
Or shall we take our artist brush and paint our own picture of the "House of Being"?